Brownlee Centre
Earlier this week, a group of upper Key Stage 2 children had the opportunity to attend the schools Tour de Yorkshire celebration event at the Brownlee Centre.
The structured coaching session involved different cycling skills activities and was a great chance for the pupils to test out the cycle circuit.
As a result of the positive feedback from the children, we hope to participate in future events at the circuit.
The next pop-up ride at the centre is this weekend, Sunday 08 July 12:00pm – register to take part using the Let’s Ride website.
Sports day 2018
Yesterday, the whole school enjoyed a sun soaked sports day at Roundhegians. Well done to all the children who took part and demonstrated School Games values of passion, self-belief, respect, honesty, teamwork and determination. We believe that sports day is an ideal context for children to explore these values. For example, learning how to handle success and defeat, believing in their abilities, respecting others and working with others to achieve success.
Special thanks go to:
- Roundhegians for providing excellent facilities and hosting our sports day
- Excellent sports leaders from Allerton Grange who ran the field events for Key Stage 2 and supported the younger children with their races in the afternoon
- PTA for providing refreshments for spectators
- parents who supplied and assembled gazebos to keep the children in shade at the event
- Year 5 sports leaders and Year 2 helpers too
- All staff who helped out on the day
Health fair
Thank you to all parents, carers and pupils who came along to our first health fair at the start of our Being Healthy themed week. Our goal was to promote the many great organisations that are in our community and to raise awareness amongst parents, carers and children about the range of activities and health opportunities available to them locally.
We hope that parents, carers and children will build on the contacts made at the fair.
A big thank you to all the organisations who attended.
- Yoga Kula
- Chapel Allerton Pilates
- Leeds Gymnastics
- David Lloyd
- Scott Hall Leisure Centre
- ARM cluster
- Park Run
- The Little Gym
- Herd Farm and West Leeds outdoor activity centre
- City of Leeds basketball club
- Old Leos cricket club
- Roundhegians rugby club
- PE Partner
- Brownlee Centre
- Living Streets
It was great to see more children buying skipping ropes -hopefully to practise their skipping challenge at home.
Skipping ropes will be available for sale next Monday and Tuesday after school, outside the Year 2 classroom, for a subsidised price of £2.
Look out for a guide to local physical activity opportunities coming home in book bags soon.
Keepy Uppy
‘Being Healthy’ themed week continues today as we welcome Tutti Frutti and their football themed production, ‘Keepy Uppy’ – perfectly timed after England’s World Cup win last night.

Sports day access
Roundhegians have confirmed we will be using their main pitch, closest to the club house, for our sports day next Tuesday. Access is via Chelwood Drive, off Street Lane.
As in previous years, we would be grateful to any parents who are able to lend and assemble gazebos for the children to sit under during the day.
Make-A-Wish skipping challenge day
We will conclude our Being Healthy themed week with an opportunity to raise money for our school charity, Make-A-Wish, and a chance for all children to try to beat their own personal skipping challenge set at the start of the week.
Being healthy themed week
Do you want to find out more about what your child is taught in our drug education lessons? This learning forms part of our Living and Learning curriculum but is supplemented by visitors, in particular d:side, during our themed week.
Being healthy themed week
We’re gearing up for a busy, active Being Healthy themed week, next week.
With lots of activities and visitors planned for the children, there are also some ways for you to get involved. Firstly we have our health fair on Monday after school, open to all children and parent/carers.
Ocean Awareness Day
The whole school took to the seas on Wednesday 20 June, exploring the world’s oceans for the day and what is currently happening to them.
Reception created some fantastic art using plastic bags and some of them chose to do some writing set in the ocean. Here’s a taster of Freya’s story for you:
Once upon a time there was a whale called Shamoo. She loved being in the water especially in the sea and making friends. She loved going on adventures around the whole sea…
Year 1 and 2 investigated how salty our seas are working with our Polar Ambassador, Terry Kirk.
They also created some fantastic wave art using watercolour and wrote some lovely ocean shape poems.
Year 3 and 4 also wrote shape poems and they learnt about what lives in the deepest parts of our ocean, even creating their own weird and wonderful deep ocean creatures.
Year 3 and 4 thought about the effect of plastic on our oceans and use the bottle tops we’d collected from the milk we have every day to create their own plastic ocean art in order to raise awareness of just how much plastic we get through as a school.
In Year 5 and 6, they investigated how we explore under the sea and debugged some coding in order to make a submarine automatically photograph underwater creatures. They also learnt about what plastic does to our ocean and the creatures that live in it. Over two days, Mr Catherall and Miss Rushbrooke collected an alarming amount of plastic from school and the adult who work here. Using this, Year 5 and 6 created a collage of an ocean creature, again to raise awareness of just how much plastic we use everyday.
Year 6 also worked together to write a letter to Kirkstall market asking them to stop using plastic bags as it’s a great place for people to shop without plastic but the bags they provide make this difficult.
It was a great day which taught us a lot and got us thinking about what we could do to help look after our planet and the other creatures that live here.
Roundhegians Open Day
Roundhegians Rugby Club, who kindly host our annual sports day and other sporting fixtures, are having an open day on Saturday 7th July.