Being Healthy themed week 2 July
Our next whole school themed week, based around Being Healthy, will be taking place from Monday 2 July 2018. Our key message will be how to be healthy; both physically and emotionally. A variety of events and visitors are planned to help us deliver this key aspect of education. We are looking forward to a very busy, healthy week!
Our School Council have been considering ways to support our school charity, Make-A-Wish, and as skipping has been taking off at school, we will be running a beat your personal best skipping challenge. On Friday 6 July, this will culminate in a Make-A-Wish day with all children invited to wear blue and bring a £1 donation to support our charity while trying to beat our personal bests.
There are also some opportunities for parents and carers to get involved in the week.
Monday 02 July 3:15pm – 4:15pm Health fair
Our Health and Sports Fair in the hall is to promote health and sport opportunities and services in the local area.
Come along with your child/children after-school to find out more.
Tuesday 03 July Sports day Key Stage 2 9:30am Reception/Key Stage 2 1:30pm
You are welcome to come along to support our annual sports day at Roundhegians RUFC. We require adults to help walk the children to Roundhegians so please contact the office if you can help with this.
Thursday 05 July 2:30pm – 3:15pm d:side drug education parent information session
Dave Hill from d:side, a health education provider, will be running an information session about drug education following his sessions with all classes during our themed week. Parents and carers from all year groups are welcome to attend. Please contact the office if you would like to reserve a place.
Following our recent walk to school week and the Big Pedal scooter and bike week, this themed week is a good opportunity to continue to think about healthy, active ways to travel to school. We will be encouraging children to use a sustainable method of transport, maybe parking further away from school, scooting, biking or walking to school.
Finally, can you help? Does your job involve an aspect of health? If you are able to support our Being Healthy themed week by coming into school, please contact your child’s class teacher directly or the office to arrange this.
Thank you for your support to keep Moortown a happy and healthy school.
World Cup rocks
Today, having been inspired by a recent Year 2 homework (Moortown rocks), we used our orienteering skills to try to find rocks around school hidden with answers to World Cup questions.
Living and learning and maths
Our weekly Living and learning statement this week is…
As well as specific Living and learning lessons, we make reference to our statement in other lessons to promote use of these skills across the curriculum and also outside of the classroom.
Today in maths, while working in table groups, the children were encouraged to share and include others while completing a units of time sorting activity.
How to be a better reader?
Over the last few months, we’ve had a reading challenge in Year 2. Children who read at home, and have a note from an adult in their reading record book, are rewarded on our challenge chart.
We have some children who have made great efforts to achieve this and improve their reading at home and have therefore received lots of rewards.
Well done to Amrit M, Christina, Edris, Eessa, Harman, Harpreet, Leah, Sam and Saahir.
Just 15 minutes of daily reading can support your child to improve their reading fluency and understanding. Don’t forget to ask some questions about what they have read too.
We hope over the last few weeks in Year 2 that more children can achieve these reading goals by reading at home. Remember any reading counts, not just the home reader sent home from school.
Light and shadows
In a science lesson this week we investigated light and shadows. First, we used DT skills to create a footballer out of foil. This required problem solving and resilience!
We then used torches to explore what happened to the shadows when we moved the light source closer and then further away from the model.
Finally, we went outside to see create footballing shadows using with the sun as the light source.
World Cup fever
This half term, our topic is the World Cup and we’ve included some geography, maths and reading learning so far.
The children have told us what they want to learn about so we will be guiding the topic to their interests.
- What does the World Cup look like?
- How many players are there on a team?
- Can we do some art from the different countries?
- What are the different flags?
- Who has won before?
- What countries are playing?
- How does football work?
- Who is going to win?
- How heavy is the World Cup?
Each child has their own country (selected at random) and we will be watching the results carefully to see who progresses through the competition. Ask your child what country they selected and what continent it is in. They could show you how to search for this information if they need to check.
New Super Movers
It’s great to hear that some of the class have been using the Super Movers videos at home.
Here’s a new video to try all about telling the time, perfectly timed as this is our current maths learning.
Taken from the end of Year 2 expectations, here are the time related objectives we are learning.
- compare and sequence intervals of time
- tell the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour
- write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times
- know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day
To support this at home, encourage your child to have a go at telling the time at different points in the day.
Sports day 2018
This year’s sports day will take place, during our Being Healthy themed week, on Tuesday 03 July 2018, at Roundhegians Rugby Club.
Key Stage 2 events will take place at 9.30am and Reception and Key Stage 1 at 1.30pm. Children will be walking to the field, escorted by adults. We will require additional adult helpers so please let the office know if you can help with this.
If weather conditions mean we have to change the date, the reserve date is Tuesday 17 July.
The format of this year’s event will be competitive races and field events with children having the opportunity to compete for medals. However, all children will be rewarded for taking part.
Our teams will be: green, blue, white and red. If possible, please could your child wear a t-shirt to wear to match their team colour. Pupils may wear PE kit for the whole day.
As we are off site, please could you provide your child with a carrier bag to sit on. If you are coming to spectate, you are welcome to bring rugs or chairs to sit on.
Please could you ensure your child has their water bottle and a cap/hat at school; it would also be useful if you could apply sun cream before your child comes to school.
Normal lunch time and end of school collection arrangements will still apply on this day.
In the event of bad weather, updates will be sent via Twitter and posted on the website.
Your support is valued to make the event memorable and we hope you are able to come and cheer your child on at sports day.
Train like a ninja
Change4Life and Star Wars have joined forces to help get more children active with an exciting new Train Like A Jedi programme. The video, featuring double Olympic gold taekwondo champion, Jade Jones, will demonstrate a series of 12 moves that will help children master the ways of the Jedi.
This resource is a great way for children to get active and to contribute to the recommended daily 60 minutes of physical activity (30 minutes during the school day). We can’t wait to try out this video as one of our daily brain breaks.
Why not have a go at home to try and master some of the Jedi moves?
Tennis for free
A community sports charity is offering free tennis coaching every Saturday at Cross Flats Park. These are fun sessions for all abilities.