Year 2 Class News

Supermovers times tables

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

We love the Supermovers maths videos to get us active while we’re learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Why not watch the videos to support maths learning at home, too.

Living and Learning – body image

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

The focus for our first body image Living and Learning lesson was to learn about our own identity and what makes us unique.

We started by thinking about different facial features and how you might describe a face.

Using a mirror, the children were asked to look at their own face and notice their own features.  Can you recognise some of these class members?

We then worked in pairs to think of things about our appearance that are the same and different.

‘We’ve both got black hair and red tops and we’ve both got different length of hair.’

‘We are both boys and have got white tops but we don’t both have glasses.’

Finally, we discussed what it would be like if everyone looked exactly the same.  We’re lucky to have a wide variety of different children in our class and school.

Living and Learning – a body image guide for parents and carers

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This term, our Living and Learning theme is Being me.  Part of this learning is all about body image.  This parent and carer guide has been designed to give practical ideas to support your child in building their emotional resilience in this area.

Year 2 skipping festival

Posted on Thursday 08 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

We’ve had confirmation of the date for our rearranged skipping festival, Friday 11 May, so there is plenty more practise time before the event.

The children all know now what they will be taking part in on the day. As well as their own event, there will also be whole class skipping to join in with alongside the other schools.

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Posted on Monday 05 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

To support our Life Forces big topic, Year 1 and 2 spent a great day in the sunshine at Yorkshire Wildlife Park.   We were lucky enough to see many animals including lions, tigers, polar bears, giraffes, zebras, lemurs, giant otters, wallabies, baboons, meerkats and painted dogs.  Our classroom session, all about food chains and diet, allowed the children to consolidate their learning from the topic and show off some of their great knowledge.

All the children demonstrated excellent behaviour throughout the visit – a credit to the school!

Here are some photos from the day.

KS1 trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Here are a few reminders about our trip on Monday.

  • Children should come to school in their uniform
  • Warm, waterproof clothes with a hat and gloves should be worn as it is an outdoor attraction
  • Come in suitable footwear for walking
  • A packed lunch, including a water bottle, should be brought in a bag/rucksack that the children can carry while we are there
  • No money is needed
  • Please arrive at school promptly as we will leaving at 9am

Have a look at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park website to find out some of the animals we will see.

It’s been perfect weather for some of the animals at the park this week.

Year 2 skipping festival

Posted on Wednesday 28 February 2018 by Mrs Taylor

UPDATE Thursday 01 March – due to the weather, the event has been cancelled for tomorrow and will be rearranged.  Therefore we’ve more time to practise skipping – maybe tricky in the snow though!

We’re all gearing up for the skipping festival organised by Skipping School on Friday morning.  The children have all been assigned a skipping skill for the event and have amazed us with how they’ve improved their skills since the start of the project.

On Friday, we need to leave school at 9:00am prompt so please ensure your child is at school for registration at 8:50am.  Children can come into class from 8:45am.

Here are some other reminders:

  • Children should come to school in PE kit (long sleeved top and bottoms would be preferable as the event is in a sports hall).  Remember: no earrings.
  • Uniform should be brought to school for children to change into when we return to school
  • All children need to bring a packed lunch to have as we return to school
  • Ensure your child has their water bottle at school that day
  • We will be taking a fruit snack with us to have during the morning

World Book Day themed menu

Posted on Wednesday 21 February 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Thursday 01 March.

Living and Learning – Vampire cough and sneeze

Posted on Monday 19 February 2018 by Mrs Taylor

You’re just about to sneeze or cough but you don’t have a tissue. What should you do?
Year 2 have been discussing why we don’t cover your mouth and nose with our hands.  If you sneeze or cough into your hands (and then fail to wash your hands straight away), you’ll only be spreading colds and flu germs on everything you touch.
So what is the better option?  Use your sleeve.
Cover your nose and mouth with the material near your elbow and do the vampire sneeze and cough.  The germs will soon dry out and die.

Well done to Saahir who we spotted using this technique this morning without prompting.

Getting close to the creatures

Posted on Monday 19 February 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Today, we met a variety of unusual creatures in our Meet a Creature workshop.  These included a tortoise, a snake, a tarantula, bearded-dragons, a gecko and a chinchilla.  Some children, and adults, were brave enough to hold or just touch the creatures.  We learnt lots of facts about the animal’s habitat and how they adapt to their environment.

Did you know that bearded dragons can drink through their skin?