Creative Homeworks
Here are our favourite creative homeworks from this week.
Year 2 and Year 6 assessments
The STA has published an information leaflet and two videos for parents/carers of children in Year 2 and Year 6 about national curriculum assessments. The purpose of these materials is to help you understand more about the end of key stage assessments that will be administered in primary schools in May. (The end of Key Stage 1 is Year 2; the end of Key Stage 2 is Year 6.)
The materials provide basic information about the purpose and format of the tests, how parents can best support their children and how results will be reported.
2D shapes!
This morning, we’ve been making 2D shapes on geo-boards. Not only is this a good way of exploring shapes, it also helps with children’s fine motor skills.
First of all, we made some different quadrilaterals:
Next, we focussed on pentagons. Look at all the different types of pentagons we made:
After that, we made some hexagons:
Finally, we used rulers to draw our own quadrilaterals:
Our best sporting achievement to date
Today, at the West Yorkshire School Games, our Year 6 orienteering team have successfully won bronze medals competing against over 20 of the best teams from across West Yorkshire. A fantastic achievement! Well done to the whole team.
Moortown Park consultation
Thank you to those parents and carers who came to view the proposed plans for Moortown Park.
As part of the pupil consultation, Helen Forman, Senior Design Officer at Leeds City Council, met with our School Council and spoke to all children in a whole school assembly. She commented the children had lots of intelligent questions and comments.
The feedback will be considered and they feel hopeful to incorporate the changes that were suggested including the monkey bars that quite a few children asked for.
The equipment will be ordered soon, ready for installation at the play park so thank you for your input.
Living and Learning – feeling relaxed
Today, our Living and Learning lesson focused on how to make our bodies (drop the y for an i – body) feel relaxed. We thought of some ways we can become relaxed and the children shared some great ideas.
We focused on yoga, in particular, as a way of stretching and relaxing our bodies.
Here’s the mountain pose – standing tall and straight.
Next, here’s the star pose – stretching into our hands and feet to keep our arms and legs straight.
Breathing is very important in yoga. When we become excited, angry or upset, our breathing can become very fast. Trying to slow it down by taking deep breaths can sometimes be a helpful way for us to feel calmer.
We learnt different breathing techniques as part of our mindfulness learning earlier in the year and today we tried back to back breathing.
‘It was relaxing to feel your partner breathing at the same time as you.’
Ask your child to show you two other poses we tried – the flower pose and child’s pose.
Living and Learning – proud but not showing off
In our Living and Learning lesson today, we had a good discussion about this week’s statement. Here’s a summary of the some of the differences the children thought of.
Art Attack
Today, we have started our new mini topic, Art Attack, and our first lesson was all about exploring colour. As well as using different art techniques, we’ll learn about some famous artists too.
Here are some of the Year 2 art objectives we will be covering.
- Can your child respond to and explore ideas?
- Can your child investigate and use materials and processes (eg drawing, painting, 3D work, collage, printing, e-art, textiles) to communicate ideas and make images / artefacts?
- Can your child investigate and use a variety of visual and tactile elements (eg when using colour, shade, pattern, line, texture, form, shape, composition, scale, proportion and tone) to communicate ideas and make images / artefacts?
- Can your child describe what they think or feel about their own and others’ work (including that of significant artists), making suggestions to improve?
- Can your child comment on differences between pieces of art?
- Can your child name the primary and secondary colours?
- Is your child aware of different grades of pencil for drawing?
After reading about the life of Vincent Van Gogh in our guided reading lesson, we compared his work with the work of Wassily Kandinsky. It was interesting to hear the children’s differing views when talking about some of their famous pieces of art. We respected each others’ opinions.
Based on our Living and Learning statement this week, I know the difference between being proud and showing off, we considered how these artists would have felt about their paintings.
Here we are creating secondary colours from primary colours.
We looked at the way Kandinsky had used colours, warm and cold, to create his painting, Squares with concentric circles, and then began to create our own versions. We’ll be back to our paintings later in the week.
School Savings Club
The next School Saving Club paying in date is Thursday 22 March 2018 at 3.15-3.45pm.
If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.
The paying in dates are the penultimate Thursday of each half term and for the summer term, these dates are Thursday 17 May and Thursday 12 July at 3.15-3.45pm.
Finally, if your child would like to open account, please ask at the office.
West Yorkshire Cross Country Championship
This week, Grace, one of our Year 6 pupils, took part in the West Yorkshire Cross Country Championships, competing against pupils from Calderdale, Bradford, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield.
Grace qualified for the finals by coming 14th in the Leeds championships.
She faced the finest runners in the county and out of a field of nearly 150 runners, Grace came a fantastic 32nd place – the 12th Leeds finisher.
Well done to Grace on her great performance!