Year 2 Class News

Courgette Muffin Making!

Posted on Sunday 04 February 2018 by Mr Wilks

Last week, the children used their DT skills to prepare and bake healthy courgette muffins. They had to chop, weigh and mix the ingredients before baking. A copy of the recipe also went home with the children so you can make them again at home!


Posted on Saturday 03 February 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Funded through our PE and Sport Premium, Year 2 and Year 4 have recently taken part in a skipping workshop led by ‘Skipping School’; both classes will then be part of a Leeds wide skipping competition.

  • ‘I learnt a lot!  It was fun and I learnt new skills.’
  • ‘I think it is a good idea to skip because we are a happy and healthy school.’
  • ‘I liked the skipping because I got to learn new things.’
  • ‘I loved the skipping and the new skills because skipping makes you fit.’
  • ‘First, I was really bad at skipping but when Jodi came I got better.  Now I like skipping.’

We are offering all children the opportunity to learn these new skills, from their peers, by introducing skipping as a physical activity at lunchtimes.  This is one way we are promoting physical activity during the school day for children to get their active 30 minutes.

The Government’s Childhood Obesity: A Plan for Action, shares the expectation for all primary schools to provide a minimum of 30 active minutes every day for all pupils.  The Chief Medical Officers recommend a minimum of 60 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous activity for children aged 5-18.  Schools are expected to provide 30 of these minutes and families to achieve the other 30.

‘Skipping School’ also sell their ropes and we would like to offer all children the chance to buy a rope at a heavily subsided price (funded by our PE Premium) to continue learning these fundamental movement skills at home.

Ropes will be on sale at a price of £2 (normal price £5) before and after school during the week of 05 February.  Starting with a stall at the PTA cake sale, Year 6 children will be selling the ropes in the playground subject to the weather.  Please bring exact change wherever possible.

Digital homeworks

Posted on Friday 02 February 2018 by Mr Wilks

If your child creates any digital homeworks, they can be emailed straight to the Year 2 teachers using the following email address:

This email address should only be used for homework. Any other email correspondence should go through the office or head of school email address.

02 February 2018

Posted on Friday 02 February 2018 by Mr Wilks

The homework this week is creative.

I know some of the different plants and animals which live in my locality.

Spend time in your locality. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a green space or a concrete jungle, a garden or a park. Look out for the different plants and animals that have their homes there.

It’s up to you how you communicate this back to me!

d:side esafety

Posted on Friday 02 February 2018 by Mr Wilks

This morning, Dave from d:side joined us to discuss how we can stay safe when we’re using the internet.

We talked about lots of things:

  • how we need to be careful when looking for pictures online
  • how we can make a Google search safe by adding ‘for children’ into our searches
  • the types of games we should and shouldn’t be playing
  • how and why we need to be careful before opening emails or clicking on links in websites
  • why we need to be careful of posting things online like photos and videos
  • how we need to stick to websites which are just right for us

After-school clubs

Posted on Tuesday 30 January 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Our after-school clubs have begun this week with Code Club, Wake Up Shake Up and art club taking place last night.
We do have some spaces available on the following clubs if your child would like to sign up.
WUSU Y4, Y5, Y6 *Now open to Y3*
Code Club Y4, Y5, Y6
Gymnastics Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4
PE Partner Multi-sports Y4, Y5, Y6 *Now open to Y3*
Hockey Y4, Y5, Y6 *Now open to Y3*
Sing-a-long Y1, Y2, Y3
Please contact the office to request a place.


Posted on Sunday 28 January 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Have you looked at Mathletics recently?

This is a great online resource that supports maths learning at home.  You child has work assigned according to our learning in class so take a look with your child when you can.

Well done to Christina who continues to complete her assignments and regularly achieves a Mathletics certificate.

Please ask for login details if needed.

New school dinner menu

Posted on Wednesday 24 January 2018 by Mrs Taylor

After half term, our school dinner menu will be changing.  This menu, provided by our school meals provider Catering Leeds, will be served until the end of the summer term.

Our School Council have recently repeated a vegetable survey to find out children’s favourite choices.  These preferences have now been incorporated into the new menu.

As well as on our website, the three week cyclical menu is also displayed on our dining room window for you to discuss with your child.   If you would like a printed copy, please ask at the office.

Have a look for the days ahead to make your child aware of what the daily meals are.  Following pupil and parent feedback, children now make their main meal choice at the start of the day.  This ensures they get their first choice of meal.

School meals continue to be free for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. If your child is in Key Stage 2, please check for eligibility for free school meals. (It’s important to check for eligibility for younger children, too, because school receives additional funding for each child who is eligible for a free meal, even when they’re free in Reception and Year 1 and Year 2!)

If your child would like to start having school dinners, please inform the office. A combination of packed lunches and school dinners is also available.

Children are consulted on school meals through our regular School Council meetings.  Feedback may also be given by speaking to an adult in school or completing a suggestions/comments slip and posting it in their class I want to say box.  We have a few new dishes on the menu which we encourage the children to try.

Thank you to parents who also raise questions and give feedback.  We can then ensure this is passed on to the kitchen staff.

Safer Internet Day 2018

Posted on Wednesday 24 January 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Pupils will be taking part in different activities to support their learning of this important subject. As well as in class learning, children will have the opportunity to work with the following external visitors.

We welcome ‘Splats Entertainment’ who will be delivering e-safety drama workshops for pupils from Year 3 to 6. Children will be learning and performing a show in a day. Please see your child’s letter to request tickets to watch this show at 2:30pm on 06 February.

D:side, an online safety charity, will be visiting classes Y1-Y6 on 01 and 02 February to deliver internet safety sessions with the following focus:

  • What we use the Internet for (KS1)
  • What is / is not safe to share online (KS1)
  • What to do if we are not sure about the internet (KS1)
  • Using emails safely (KS2)
  • Social networking and safe profiling – including use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, Oovoo, etc. (KS2)
  • ‘Chatting’ with care (KS2)
  • Responsible and safe use of the internet (logins, email, photography, password protection, personal information and self-protection). (KS2)
  • Using text and picture messaging (KS2)
  • Behaving responsibly (KS2)

Dave Hill, from d:side, will also be delivering an online safety workshop for parents/carers on Thursday 01 February at 2:30pm-3:15pm.  There will be chance to find out what your child has been learning in this area, to give you some skills and knowledge to keep your child safe online and to ask questions on this subject. There will be limited places for this workshop so please complete and return the response slip, on your child’s letter, if you would like to attend.

If you are unable to attend the workshop, please refer to the guidance that will be sent home with your child published by the NSPCC/O2. Further guidance can be found on our website.  There will also be a workshop for parents of older children later in the term, specifically looking at the use of social media.


Posted on Monday 22 January 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This year, we’re supporting Make-a-wish as our school charity, chosen by the School Council.

Today, we welcomed John Russo, a volunteer from Make-a-wish, who told us about the charity, the kind of wishes they make happen and how the money we raise might be spent.

Children were asked to consider how we can support the charity over this year.  They could either write a suggestion for their ‘I want to say’ box or pass on their ideas to their class school councillors.