Chickwatch 2014
Miss Valentine arrived at school early this morning to find that we had our first chick! The chick has been very patient waiting for the other chicks to hatch. Unfortunately, they’re still not quite ready so it’s still waiting!
More updates will follow!
Come and try new sports
As part of a local sporting partnership, Roundhay School are organising two free ‘come and try’ sports sessions that your child (KS2) is invited to attend. Please note that no member of staff from Moortown Primary will be attending these sessions. It will be the responsibility of parents to take and collect their child to and from Roundhay School at the specified times. You’re welcome to stay and watch.
This taster session will allow your child to experience the sport of trampolining as a recreational activity. Your child must wear suitable sports clothing, tracksuit trousers and socks. This will be held in the Gym at Roundhay School on Monday 10 Feburary 2014 from 3.30pm to 5.00pm.
This will a very informal session and a chance for your child to play some matches in a friendly environment and receive coaching from Carnegie Basketball. This will be held in the Sports Hall at Roundhay School on Tuesday 25 February 2014 from 3.30pm to 5.30pm.
Please note that places on these two sessions are limited so please register your interest as soon as possible with the school office.
Animals visit Year 3!
This morning, we had a surprise visit from some animals. Mags from Animals In-tuition brought in a variety of animals – both familiar and unfamiliar – for us to learn about. We even got to hold some of them!
It wasn’t just the children who it to hold them. Look at these pictures of me and Mrs Sherriff:
After school-club availability Spring term
We have the following spaces available on the upcoming after-school clubs:
- Shuffles KS2 FREE 8 places available
- Art KS1 £20 Full
- Sports multi-fit KS1 FREE 3 places available
- Dance and Drama KS2 FREE 5 places available
- Cookery KS1 £20 Full
- Dodgeball KS2 FREE Full
- French KS1 £20 10 places available
- Scratch Code Club £20 Full
- TSC football places available
To book your child a place on one of these clubs, please complete the booking form and return to the office by Thursday 09 January 2014.
To book your child onto the TSC Football club, visit TSC direct and follow their booking process.
The TSC Football club starts on 24 January. All other clubs start week commencing 13 January 2014.
Wow! This term has absolutely flown by. I’ve been so impressed by the progress that the children have made this term and by their enthusiasm for learning.
We’ve been so busy this term. Our big topic was great fun and the highlight, for me, were the brilliant houses we created in DT lessons! In literacy we’ve been writing stories, promotions, recounts and poetry. Within this, we’ve explored how authors create mood. In maths, we’ve developed our calculations strategies, learnt about shape and measures, fractions and practised telling the time.
There are some children who have really stood out this term and deserve a special mention:
• Isabelle and Kostas have both made fabulous progress in their writing this term.
• Naran and Dominic have really impressed me with their mental maths skills.
• Ava and Luke have really impressed me with their expressive reading.
• Mia has made super progress in all subjects.
Finally, thanks to Mrs Sherriff and Mrs Smithells for all their hard work this term.
Have a super holiday and a happy new year!
Tuck shop pre-payment
Here is a reminder for our regular customers at tuck shop and for any children who would like to start pre-paying for their fruit.
Please return the recent letter with your money to ensure that you continue to get your weekly fruit at the tuckshop.
The cost for one portion of fruit or veg from 14 January to 01 April 2014 inclusive (11 weeks) is £2.20 and the cost for two portions is £4.40.
Thank you for your support with our tuck shop – 63 customers today!
13 December 2013
This week’s homework is creative.
I can respond, creatively, to a piece of art.
Each child has one of three pieces of art in their homework book that have been the focus of three art afternoons this week. We would like them to respond to this art in any way they choose but make it creative.
Here are some ideas to start you off:
- Create your own version of the artwork eg create your own triptych, landscape scene or portrait.
- Write a description.
- Write a story thinking about what might happen in your piece of art, or who it is of.
- Tell us what you think about it.
- Think about whether you can do any maths, writing or reading connected to it.
Fun fit
The Shuffles Fun Fit after-school club has been running this half-term including a different energetic activity every week.
There has been a mix of street dance, breakdance, multi-sports, short tennis, football coaching, relays & fun games with the main aim to keep the children active and to have fun.
We will continue to offer the club in the Spring and Summer terms and we intend to use some of our PE and school sports government funding to fully subsidise this and other physical activity after-school clubs. Look out for more details when the Spring after-school clubs information is sent out.
‘I like going to Shuffles fun fit club because we do a different fun thing every week.’