Year 3 Class News

Hanging in there…

Posted on Friday 12 July 2013 by Mr Wilks



Posted on Thursday 04 July 2013 by Mr Wilks

This week, we’ve been talking and learning about what a family is and what is important in a family. We’ve learnt that there are many different types of families and that who is in the family is not important but what a family does and how they love and support each other is really important.


Community links

Posted on Thursday 04 July 2013 by Mr Wilks

This week is Community Week. In one lesson, we talked about the different communities that we belong to. We talked about how other children in the class might belong to the same community. At the end of the lesson, we talked about how we can make links between the communities. One child held a ball of wool and threw it to a person who was in the same community as them whilst keeping hold of the start of the ball of wool. This person then said the name of another community they belong to and threw it to someone else who belongs to that community. Soon enough, everyone was holding the wool and we’d created a spiders web of linked communities and children.


Professional footballer visits Moortown!

Posted on Thursday 04 July 2013 by Mr Wilks

On Monday, we were privileged to welcome an actual, real life professional footballer into our classroom! Carla Cantrell currently plays for Lincoln and has previously played for Leeds United. She has even played for England! Carla talked to us about what it is like being a professional footballer and the challenges and sacrifices she has to make.

It was really interesting to find out how different it is being a female professional footballer compared to a male professional footballer. For example, Carla has to work all day and then go to training for three hours after work! Wayne Rooney doesn’t know how lucky he is!


Water Aid

Posted on Thursday 04 July 2013 by Mr Wilks

This morning, we had a visit from Gary who works for one of our school charities, Water Aid. We learnt that Water Aid is an international charity which helps people from many different countries who don’t have easy access to clean, fresh drinking water. We also learnt about how we have been helping Water Aid help our global community.




Water Aid

Posted on Thursday 04 July 2013 by Mr Wilks

This morning, we had a visit from Gary who works for one of our school charities, Water Aid. We learnt that Water Aid is an international charity which helps people from many different countries who don’t have easy access to clean, fresh drinking water. We also learnt about how we have been helping Water Aid help our global community.


Fair Trade and Healthy Eating

Posted on Friday 21 June 2013 by Mr Wilks

Yesterday afternoon, we were lucky enough to have two speakers come into the class to discuss Fair Trade and Healthy Eating. Barry talked to us about what Fair Trade foods are, how we can spot them, and why we should buy them. Siobhan, a dietician, who works with lots of schools in Leeds, talked to us about the many ways we could improve our diet.



Masterchef hummus

Posted on Thursday 20 June 2013 by Mr Wilks

Last week, children were told that they would be making hummus and were given a basic hummus recipe. They had to decide what they were going to add to their hummus to make it more exciting or interesting. We went to Marks and Spencers to do a bit of research about what flavours of hummus are popular. Once back, the groups finalised their recipes. On Monday, they made their hummus with the extra ingredients they had brought from home. There were some interesting combinations: raspberry ice-cream, rhubarb and chocolate sprinkles were some of the more unusual ingredients which were added.

As it was a competition, the children had to not only make a tasty hummus but had to think about presentation too. Masterchef judges, Mr Wilks and Isabella Deyes, tasted the hummus and judged the presentation. The winner was a sweet chilli flavoured hummus made by Pavan, Ahmed and Roshan.










Posted on Thursday 20 June 2013 by Mr Wilks

Last week, Yogabugs helped us to exercise our bodies and minds. The session was great and was linked to our food topic. During the session, we even tasted some fruit and thought carefully about how it tasted.





Tennis competition

Posted on Sunday 09 June 2013 by

Well done to the Year 3/4 tennis team who fought off all the local opposition and got through to the Leeds City Finals.

The finals took place last Wednesday, at John Charles Sports Centre, where the Moortown team did us proud and took fourth place overall.

Well done to the whole team – you played some fabulous tennis!