Punctuating sentences with the iPads
This afternoon, we’ve been correcting sentences which had missing punctuation using the Smart Notebook app. The children then had to email their completed sentences to me to check.
Friday literacy
On Friday afternoons, we practise grammar, punctuation and spelling. The lessons are short, snappy and fun with lots of games and quick activities.
The Rs for learning
The 7Rs for learning is an additional theme to our SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning) coverage across the year. Throughout this theme children will explore seven key aspects of learning behaviour:
- Responsibility – know that you are in charge of your learning
- Risk – taking – having a go
- Resilience – keep trying, stay positive and persevere
- Resourcefulness – try a different way and find and use resources independently
- Responsive – respond in the right way to peers and adults
- Remembering – apply your learning in other lessons
- Reflection – think about what and how you’ve learnt and learn from your mistakes
Each of these aspects that help us to learn will be explored over this half term.
Try this tasty dip
Year 6 have been developing their food technology skills by making hummus:
Have a try at making hummus! It is a great source of protein and fibre and makes a healthy alternative to meat if you’re a vegetarian. To make this tasty dip even more delicious, spread it in pitta bread for a light lunch or dip veg into it for a scrumptious snack. Try it in your lunchbox – you won’t be disappointed!
Here’s the recipe:
- 410g can of chickpeas
- juice of one lemon
- 1 clove of garlic, crushed
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
Whizz the chickpeas, lemon juice and garlic in a food processor or using a hand blender until just smooth.
Loosen with a little warm water if needed.
Space Dance
This half-term, we’re very lucky to have a dance teacher coming into school to teach us dance in PE lessons. We’ll create and learn a dance which links with our Big Topic about space. We’ll even perform our dance in an assembly in front of the whole school!
A chance to perform
This term sees the return of the annual dance showcase event held at Allerton Grange. Alongside Talbot, Moor Allerton Hall and Hillcrest Primary Schools, we’ll be taking part once again.
To prepare for the event we are running an eight week after-school club led by dance leaders from Allerton Grange to master the routine for the showcase.
No dance experience is necessary and it’s a great opportunity to learn a fun routine and take part in a fantastic dance event.
The club, open to boys and girls, starts next Tuesday 15 January, 3.15 – 4.30pm and will run until Tuesday 19 March. The dance showcase will be on Thursday 24 March.
There are still a few places left so call in at the office if you’d like to sign up.
Big Write!
Here are some pictures of the class getting ready for a big write this afternoon (the last day of term).
Surprisingly, they didn’t complain at all and actually seemed quite happy to do it. What a group of super learners!
I was only joking about the big write! Instead, we had a fun afternoon of playing games and singing carols.