Today, we’ve made the frames for our vehicles. We’ve also glued on our axle mounts and most groups have constructed their axles and wheels.
We are currently in the middle of a DT project. The children are working in groups to design and make a prototype of a moving vehicle. In the pictures below, the children are measuring and then sawing the wood for the frame of the vehicle.
Learning about mood in literacy
In literacy, we’ve been learning about how authors create mood by describing how a character is feeling. We’ve been focussing on the things that a character’s body and face do which show their emotion.
In the pictures, the children are building a phrase bank of these things to use in their writing next week.
New SEAL theme – Getting on
The SEAL theme Getting On covers four main aspects:
- developing the social skills of friendship
- working well together in a group
- managing anger
- resolving conflict
Group work takes place across all lessons and even at lunchtime and playtimes. Some questions for children to consider are:
- Did everyone take turns?
- Did everyone listen to what other people thought?
- Did each person have chance to tell the group what they thought?
- If people had different ideas could the group reach a compromise?
The key areas of learning throughout this theme are empathy, managing feelings and social skills.
Within this theme is Antibullying Week, 19 November – 23 November.
Hobby Half Day
What a great way to finish a very long half term. All the children from Year 1 to Year 6 were mixed up into new groups and they went off to do one of many activities for the afternoon on Friday. There were all sorts going on: iJamming, drumming, candle making and glass painting to name just a few. As I went round, there was a great atmosphere and all the children were chatting and learning together. Thanks to Mrs Maver for organising it and thanks to all the staff who led a workshop.
Have a great half term!
Pieces of Art
Year 3 and Year 4 have been piecing together different sections of art. There are five paintings of art to put together and each child gets one piece of one painting.
They now have to find someone else who has a piece of their painting. However, they are not allowed to show it to anyone else. They must use their knowledge of colour, shape and other art techniques to describe what they see. After that, they have to assemble the pieces into the correct place.
Finally, we discuss the paintings and say how artists create subtle effects.
- “You can tell the motorbike is moving because of the blurry lines and the scarf is in the air.” (Sam, Year 3)
- “This painting has lots of action in. You can tell because the black lines show movement.” (Isra, Year 4)
Talking about transport…
…this afternoon we split into groups to talk about the many things the children have learned from their talk time discussions at home.