Pirate Raft Building
In our DT lessons, the children have been working as a group to design, build, test and evaluate a pirate raft.
They had to design a raft to escape on because their pirate ship was sinking. The raft had to be strong enough to carry their treasure and the children could only use materials and tools that would likely be on a pirate ship.
Eating Hardtack
Hardtack was a typical biscuit eaten by pirates. Whilst it didn’t taste too good, pirates chose to stock up because it lasted for months and months. Our Y3 friends baked some recently – here’s their reactions…
Abandon Ship
A few days ago, Year 3 and Year 4 received this letter:
Dear Year 3 & 4,
I be writing this here diary whilst I be gettin’ attacked from the east by those scallywags, employed by the ‘onourable Queen Elizabeth to do away with us. I don’t ‘ave much time left and I be worrying ’bout me treasure y’see. I thinks I can swim ashore but I won’t be able to carry me treasure which weighs a massive 1kg. I as got sum wood, stone and other bits and pieces but don’t have a clue what to do. ‘Elp us if ye can and make me something that help float me treasure back to shore.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be coming up with some ideas and building a device that can float the treasure back to shore. Hopefully, this pirate will let us share some of his booty if we manage to help him!
Ahoy, me hearties! Shiver me timbers, thar be an action-packed final term awaiting ye scallywags of Year 3 and 4 this term.
To get into the spirit of the topic, every child will be able to choose their own pirate moniker (nickname). During the topic…
- we’re going to build life rafts and test their effectiveness
- we’re going to research real pirates from the past and present as well as some mythical pirates
- there’s going to be lots of drama this term as we unravel history in exciting and fun ways!
- we’ll be looking at the pirates’ grub, and whether their diet matches that of a healthy child at Moortown
- last, but not least, there will be (of course) a treasure hunt – but non’ like ye’ve ever done before!
Fair winds, matey!
Magnificent Magnets
Today, we’ve been learning about magnets. We’ve been testing what type of materials are magnetic, what happens when we put two magnets together and whether magnets work underwater!
Easter Excitement!
Thanks to everyone who entered the Easter cake competition. There were some fantastic entries and it was great to see that the children had done lots of the hard work. It was “eggstremely” hard to decide on the winners but we got there in the end.
Thank you for supporting your children in the competition and also thanks to everyone who helped at the bun sale and to those of you who spent lots of money!
Have a great holiday. See you on Monday 16 April.
Hobby Half Day
On the last day of the half-term, children enjoyed another successful Hobby Half Day with all sorts of activities going on! From i-jamming on iPads to fitness circuits, all of the children had a very busy afternoon. All ages of children were working together and learning from each other and every classroom was a hive of activity. Here are just a few photos to show you what was going on.