Year 3 Class News

NSPCC Buddy’s Big Workout

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by Mr Wilks

In PE this morning we took on Buddy’s Big Workout!

To fit in with our PE topic, we had decided to try and complete 100 throws and catches. It wasn’t easy. There were a few missed catches. There were a few erratic throws.

But we did manage to make the 100 target! The last throw was a bit tense, but Pamela’s throw was straight and Loraine’s catch was perfect!

It’s now time to get the sponsorship envelopes back in to school. All envelopes need to be in before Thursday 21 October.

Thank you.

Finding right angles in the playground!

Posted on Tuesday 12 October 2010 by Mr Wilks

Finding right angles in the playground
Finding right angles in the playground

Sequencing Playscripts

Posted on Friday 08 October 2010 by Mr Wilks

Working hard to sequence events in a playscript.
Working hard to sequence events in a playscript.