Year 3 Class News

Living and Learning – I know some drugs that are harmful and how to stay safe.

Posted on Thursday 25 January 2024 by Miss Birch

Over the last 2 weeks, we have had a focus on drugs, how they can be harmful and how we can be safe around them.

Drugs can come in all different shapes and sizes but they all do change the way the body or mind works.

We had a focus on medicines like Calpol and household items like cleaning products. We discussed when we might need to take or use medicines and how we might use these items.

We decided that:

  • We should only take medicine if we are unwell and need it.
  • We should always ask an adult before we go near a medicine or cleaning product as they can be dangerous if not used correctly.
  • Even adults need to read the instructions on the medicine or cleaning product.
  • These items should be kept out of reach of young children.

For example, dishwasher tablets could look really like a sweet to a baby and they might put it in their mouth! Help at home by asking your child to help you keep these products in a safe place.

Spring term after-school clubs

Posted on Sunday 21 January 2024 by Mrs Taylor


We do have the following availability for clubs should your child wish to sign up.

Football Y4-6
Netball Y3-6
Drama Y3-5
Dodgeball Y4-6
Basketball KS1 Y1-3
Basketball KS2 Y4-Y6
Reading Reception – Y2


The after-school clubs for this term are available for booking. We hope your child/children can get involved with our extra-curricular activities.

Please contact the office if you have any queries about the after-school clubs.






Science – fossils!

Posted on Thursday 18 January 2024 by Miss Birch


Our new science topic is Fossils!

Last week, we learnt about what a fossil is and what different fossils there are in the world.

A fossil is the remains or trace of a living thing that lived a very long time ago. They can be fossils of animals, plants or even animal poo!

We decided that fossils are important because they tell us a lot about the past. For example, we know a lot about dinosaurs, what they looked like and even what they ate because of fossils that we have found.

Mary Anning is our key scientist as she is known as one of the greatest fossil hunters to have ever lived. She found fossils in Lyme-Regis and she made amazing discoveries just from observing and studying them! We’ve been reading about her during our reading fluency sessions.

If you have a fossil at home that you are happy to bring into school, please do! We would love to have a look at different fossils in real life.

Help at home when you are travelling somewhere, quiz each other on whether an object is living or not living and whether it could be made into a fossil! Is this pen living? No! Is this rock living? No! Is this apple living?

Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

Posted on Wednesday 17 January 2024 by Mrs Taylor

This week, Lauren from Children’s Heart Surgery Fund came to visit.

Children’s Heart Surgery Fund is our new school charity, voted for by the Junior Leadership Team, and we learnt all about their work and how our donations will support the charity over the next year.

Here are some of our Junior Leaders with Lauren.


Non-fiction reading!

Posted on Friday 12 January 2024 by Miss Birch

This week in our Reading lessons, we have focused on a non-fiction book called ‘A Street Through Time’. This book shows us how life has changed throughout history. We used the page about Romans because that’s our new topic!

We first spent a lesson reading through the text and picking apart the language and features. Non-fiction texts have headings, sub-headings, labels and pictures to help the reader.

We then summarised each part of the text by matching it up to its correct sub-heading. Summarising means finding the main parts and describing it in a clear and concise way. 

Here’s how we got on:

Summarising a text and deciding what the main, important parts are can be tricky! Help at home by practising summarising. Can you summarise your day in 20 words? 10 words? 5? 1?

New year, new topic!

Posted on Thursday 11 January 2024 by Miss Birch

Happy New Year! We hope you had a great break from school and are feeling refreshed.

With a new year, comes a new term and a new topic. This half term, we are being historians and learning about the Romans and Anglo-Saxons.

Before we spend time learning about how the Romans came to invade Britain and how the Anglo-Saxons lived after the Romans had left, we needed to know what the timeline of British history looks like.

A timeline shows us the chronological order of events.

Here is what we came up with:

From the longest ago to the most recent, we had Stone Age Britain to the Coronavirus. Before the Romans, was the Iron Age Britain so this is where we begun our learning.

The Celts:

  • lived in tribes
  • were farmers
  • lived in wooden, thatched huts
  • had no rulers but did have chiefs
  • made tools and weapons out of bronze and iron

Help at home by comparing the Celts lives to our lives. What do you think the children did in the Iron Age? Is there anything that we have in common with them?

Final art sculptures!

Posted on Thursday 21 December 2023 by Miss Birch

After a few lessons of hard work, Year 3 have finished their sculptures and they look amazing! Here’s just some of them:

As you can see, they all look so different which is so lovely to see their imaginations coming to life. We set up a mini art gallery and walked around to observe each others sculptures. We did this silently as that’s what they’re usually like! After, we made positive comments about each other’s work using our art vocabulary.  For example:

  • I like this because they have used complementary colours.
  • This one reminds me of the planets as it’s made out of big circles.
  • I like this one because it’s so different and looks more figurative (the shape of a person) than abstract.
  • They have used warm colours on one side and cool colours on the other.

A big well done to Year 3!

Basketball new year camp

Posted on Friday 15 December 2023 by Mrs Taylor

City of Leeds Basketball Club, who run our basketball after-school clubs, are running a new year camp. Details can be found below.


Art, art and more art!

Posted on Thursday 14 December 2023 by Miss Birch

After many weeks of learning and discussing the artwork of Kandinsky and Napaltjarri, Year 3 have designed and begun creating sculptures that are inspired by them!

First, they sketched and drew rough designs of the shapes, colours and patterns that they wanted to use.

Then, they began cutting their shapes. As you can see, lots of the children have chosen to have a mix of shapes. Kandinsky is well known for his concentric circles so we have been inspired to use circles too.

The next step was then to start decorating these shapes using oil pastels, chalks and eventually, wax resist! Some have chosen warm colours, complementary or cool colours. Napaltjarri uses a lot of warm colours while Kandinsky uses complementary.

Some of us are ready to start slotting these shapes together to make our sculpture three-dimensional. Come back next week to see our final pieces…

Help at home by identifying colours of everyday objects. What kind of colour is your blue wallpaper? How does that blue make me feel? What does it remind me?

Living and Learning: What is a feeling?

Posted on Thursday 07 December 2023 by Miss Birch

This week during Living and Learning, we talked about feelings.

What are feelings?

‘A feeling is our emotional state, or our reaction to something. Feelings are important because they help us to manage different situations and look after ourselves. Feelings and emotions are about our minds but we might
also experience them in our bodies.’

What feelings might we have?

We drew ourselves and thought about the different feelings that we might have during the day. For example, feeling sleepy in the morning, overjoyed at break time and determined during a test! Our feelings change throughout the day depending on our experiences.

How can we manage our feelings?

We decided what some good and not so good feelings might be and how we can manage these. Sometimes bad things happen and we need to have some self-care techniques to look after ourselves. Here’s some things that we thought would make ourselves feel good:

  • talk to someone
  • read a book
  • have some quiet time
  • get into bed
  • take some deep breaths
  • hug our teddies
  • do some colouring
  • go cycling

Feelings are normal and part of life but as long as we have these strategies in place, we will feel much better overall! Help at home by encouraging your child to practise some of these techniques when they are not feeling so good. Take some deep breaths, get some fresh or talk to someone!