Geography: I can investigate land use in my locality.
This week, during Geography, we’ve planned a walk in our locality so that we can investigate what the land is used for.
There are five main types of land-use:
- agriculture – land used for farming
- residential – land used for housing
- commercial – land used for businesses e.g. shops and restaurants
- recreational – land used for recreational activities e.g. swimming pools and golf courses
- transport – land used for roads, railways and airports
We used a map of Moortown to decide what route we’ll take. We thought about trying to create a loop and to try and pass as many different areas as possible. Have a look at what we decided on:
We’ll hopefully pass areas of residential, recreational and commercial land-use while walking along land used for transport! We’ll take pictures of each and label these in our books.
We look forward to showing you the pictures!
Leeds Diving opportunities
Recently, Year 2 and 3 welcomed Leeds Diving as part of their talent in diving programme.
If your child is interested in learning to dive, please see the information and requirements below.
Performance Poetry
During Reading this week, we have been reading poems by Paul Cookson. The first, The King of All the Dinosaurs and the second, Mr Shadow’s Shoes.
We watched Paul Cookson perform one of these and had a think about what made his performance so good! These are the R2s that we took from him:
- read with prosody
- well-rehearsed
- add actions
- change tone of voice
- change volume of voice
- involve the audience
We then used these R2s to do our performances! We worked in small groups to add actions, rehearse and practise reading with prosody. The performances were fantastic with some even memorising the words after 20 minutes!
Help at home by reading another poem by Paul Cookson. There are plenty to choose from here:
Greater than, less than and equal to!
Year 3 have been comparing numbers! We began by comparing 1 digit and 2 digit numbers using the <, > and = symbols.
Once we felt confident with this, we moved onto comparing 3 digit numbers! It can be slightly trickier when the numbers are larger so here is a few ways to help:
364 ___ 362
- Begin comparing the largest value column. This is the hundreds column!
- If these are the same value, such as 3 hundreds, then move onto the next column.
- Compare the value of your tens column. If these are the same, then… you guessed it! Move onto the ones column.
- The ones value is greater in 364 than 362.
364 > 362
“364 is greater than 362.”
“362 is less than 364.”
Help at home by comparing amounts of objects at home. For example, “6 apples is less than 30 grapes.”
Leeds Diving Training Scheme
Living and Learning
Last week, our Living and Learning statement was ‘I can use good manners’. During our lesson about this, we discussed what manners are and some good examples of good ones!
Manners are words and actions that we can do to help us be kind and respectful to others. Good manners help us to get on well with others.
Here are some of our examples;
- Saying hello to someone and asking how they are.
- Using our ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when needed.
- Holding the door open for someone.
- Helping someone if their hands are full.
- Using kind words when talking to others.
This week, our statement is ‘I know that rights come with responsibilities’. A right a is moral or legal entitlement to have or do something. A responsibility is having a duty to deal with something.
We have lots of rights such as; a right to vote, a right to feel happy, a right to be heard and a right to learn. With these rights, come responsibilities such as, a responsibility to listen to others, to be kind to others and to help others learn.
Help at home: reinforce these messages about using good manners and being responsible at home as well as at school. Encourage your child to greet the adults on the gate as they arrive at school.
Autumn term after-school clubs
*Availability update*
Our after-school clubs are available for booking on schoolcomms. Please contact the office if you need any further information or help with booking places. Clubs will begin next week.
Topic and Science!
Year 3 have had a great second week where we have really got stuck into our new learning.
Topic – Geography – Where in the world am I?
Year 3 have become geographers for this half term (a scientist who studies the Earth). We began by using an atlas to help us plot the capital cities, rivers and mountains in the United Kingdom on our own maps. Have a look at one of our maps!
We then began to answer our question: Where in the world am I? We realised there are a lot of answers to this question; Leeds, Europe, Moortown, Moortown Primary School, UK, England and the Earth!
Help at home: visit Google Earth and zoom all the way out from Moortown Primary School! What else can you see?
Science – Skeletons!
We began by trying to build the human skeleton out of different pieces. Once we had successfully done this, we tried to name as many of the bones as possible. We focused on these 5:
We imagined what we would look like if we didn’t have a skeleton or bones… it would be quite strange! Skeletons help to protect our organs and supports our body and movement.
Blue Peter Book Badges – apply now!
Do you like reading? Do you fancy getting your hands on an exclusive Blue Peter Badge? Now is your chance!
Blue Peter are introducing their exciting new Book badge, designed by one of the UK’s best known illustrators, Sir Quentin Blake, who you might know from bringing to life characters such as Roald Dahl’s BFG and Matilda! To earn your badge, just share your love of books with Blue Peter by answering the questions on the website! You can apply using the online form or by post.
Make sure you get an adult to help you!
Please read this information before applying.
Good luck!
Reading Records!
Reading Records
This week, Year 3 will be sent home with their new and exciting reading records! These records are to help me (Miss Birch) keep track of the children’s reading progress.
The new reading records key info:
- Each time one of the children signs out a new book to read from the library, they can make note of these in the book and rate them out of 5 stars.
- I’ll choose an activity for the whole class to complete on their chosen book each Friday. More information on these activities are inside the record.
- The children will need to bring in these reading records every Friday for our Book Club lesson where we’ll discuss their books and develop their love of reading.
- The children’s grown-ups will also need to write a short comment sharing with us the lovely reading their child has been doing at home.
- It gives the children ownership and responsibility of their reading!
I hope this is all clear and I’m really looking forward to seeing their progress.
Any questions, please ask!