Year 3 Class News

Living and learning: body image

Posted on Tuesday 04 July 2023 by Mr Roundtree

In Living and Learning we are learning about body image.

Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin, colour, and our appearance and attractiveness more broadly.

We started our session by looking at adverts and discussing whether what we saw in the adverts was real or fake. We then talked about the implications that adverts/media can have on our self esteem and body image.

We talked about the fact that we are all different and therefore all look different. Year 3 discussed how we should be confident in who we are – love ourselves and our bodies and not comment on other peoples.

Year 3 also shared how although we can sometimes be aware of what we look like – it’s what’s on the inside that counts!

Help at home by asking your child what they like about themselves. This links to last week’s Living and Learning statement – I can say something good about myself.

We are biologists!

Posted on Tuesday 27 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

This half term in Science, we are biologists. 

We are learning about teeth and eating.

Last week, we conducted a comparative test to see the impact of different liquids on our teeth. We used an egg as the ‘tooth’ as egg shells are similar to teeth enamel.

We placed eggs in orange juice, Coca-Cola and vinegar. A further egg we covered in toothpaste and placed in Coca-Cola to see if it protected the egg.

We left the eggs over the weekend and observed and recorded our results when we came back to school on Monday.

We found that the Coca-Cola had discoloured the first egg but the toothpaste had protected the other egg.

The orange juice had caused the shell of the egg to start cracking and decaying!

Help at home by asking your child what could happen to their teeth if they drink sugary drinks and forget to brush their teeth!

Living and learning: RSE

Posted on Monday 19 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Last week in Living and Learning, Year 3 were learning all about pants from Pantosaurus!

While we had a lot of fun singing along, the lesson carried a very important message. We had a very mature conversation about how what is in our pants is private and what to do if someone makes us feel uncomfortable.

Help at home by reading the NSPCC guidance on how to speak to your child about pants.


Circle time

Posted on Saturday 10 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

This week, Year 3 took advantage of the sunshine and had our circle time outside on the new grass.

Our circle time this week revolved around speaking about people we trust. The class offered examples of people in their lives that they trust and explained why.

We then talked about keeping secrets and how we should always tell a trusted adult if we are worried about someone, even if they have asked us to keep it a secret.

Spellings 3.2

Posted on Saturday 10 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Welcome back!

I can’t believe it is already the last half term of Year 3 – the year has flown!

This half term, we are continuing to practise the 40 spellings from half term 2.2. There were a few tricky words in the list that I feel the class will benefit from some extra practise with.

Instead of learning eight different words each week, we’d like your child to learn these 40 words over the whole half-term. Lots of research suggests that learning more spellings over a longer time leads to better remembering how to spell them in the long term.









































Any questions please ask!

Living and Learning: physical health

Posted on Sunday 04 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

During the last two weeks of half term, Year 3 focussed on the importance of physical health in our Living and Learning lessons.

We learnt about the benefits of being active for 60 minutes every day. Some examples are:

  • exercise warms you up
  • your heart gets stronger
  • improves your attention span
  • helps you learn
  • improves your memory
  • helps you sleep better
  • makes you feel happier

Help at home by asking your child how much physical activity they have done that day!

We are physicists!

Posted on Thursday 25 May 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Today, Year 3 continued their learning about magnets.

We learnt that magnets are a non-contact force. We also learnt that magnets having a north pole and a south pole .

We then conducted an experiment to see which poles attract (pull together) and which repel (push apart).

Help at home by asking your child if they can remember which poles attract and which repel!


Posted on Sunday 21 May 2023 by Mrs Taylor

City of Leeds Basketball, who provide our after-school basketball clubs, have a range of sessions for children of all ages.

Visit their website to book.

Living and Learning: healthy eating

Posted on Tuesday 16 May 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Over the past few weeks, Year 3 have been learning about healthy eating and how to make healthy choices regarding food.

As a school, we promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. Eating and drinking healthily doesn’t necessarily mean only eating fruit, broccoli and peas but it means having a balanced diet.

As part of our lesson, we discussed this pie chart called the Eatwell Guide. It shows us how much of eat food group we should aim to be eating in a day.

Aiming to have at least five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day means that our body is getting the important nutrients and vitamins that it needs.

Help at home by challenging your child and see how many different fruit and vegetables they can name!

We are physicists!

Posted on Tuesday 16 May 2023 by Mr Roundtree

This half term, we are physicists. Our topic is all about forces and magnets.

Last week, Year 3 explored which objects were/were not magnetic using magnets.

After careful observation, we concluded that some metal objects were magnetic.

We then recorded this information in a table in our books.

Help at home by asking your child what a metal needs to contain for it to be magnetic.