Coronation Day!
Yesterday, we celebrated the King’s coronation!
We came to school dressed in the colours of the Union Jack: red, white and blue. At lunchtime, we came to the hall to have an indoor picnic. We then spent the afternoon making crowns, decorating bookmarks and making coronation collages!
Living and learning: Sun safety
This half term in Living and Learning, our topic is ‘healthy me’. We are learning about the different ways we can keep our bodies healthy.
Last week, Year 3 learnt about sun safety and the positives and negatives of being out in the sun.
Have a look at some of Year 3’s suggestions for how to stay safe in the sun!
Help at home by asking your child how they can stay safe in the sun this summer.
This week in PE, Year 3 welcomed in the summer term with their first PE lesson playing rounders!
We practised our batting and fielding skills whilst getting to grips with the rules of the game.
Year 3 loved the PE lesson and we look forward to developing our rounders skills as the summer term progresses!
History: Carnival
Welcome back Year 3!
This half term, we are historians. In this topic, we will be learning about some different carnivals around the world, including Leeds West Indian carnival. We’ll find out about its links to The West Indies and slavery in the past.
Here is our vocabulary for our topic this half term:
Help at home by asking your child what vocabulary they have learnt in class during the week. See if they can remember what word vocabulary means!
Coronation celebration – Themed Menu 05 May 2023
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu for the Coronation Celebration on Friday 05 May 2023. See the menu here.
Please contact the office, in the next few days, if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).
Big Walk and Wheel final results
After the two week Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel walking, scooting and cycling challenge, we now have the final results.
In our category of small primary schools, we finished in 24th place out of 514 schools with an average of 91.14% of our journeys to school being active. We achieved the highest national (24th) and Northern England (5th) ranking out of those schools in Leeds taking part.
This is a great achievement and we want to thank families for supporting this challenge.
We hope these active journeys continue as by walking, cycling and scooting to school, you are helping us make a positive change to the school run. With less cars close to the school gates, this is a safer and healthier way to start the day.
Living and Learning: Mental wellbeing
Last half term, Year 3 learnt about different emotions and how we can deal with those emotions in a healthy way. Some of the sessions focussed on topics such as strong emotions, being the same and being different, and solving problems.
For one week, we focused on change and loss. Change and loss occurs all the time during our lives in small and big ways and it’s important to know how to deal with the emotions that come with these situations.
We identified things that change can change such as; changing topics, clothes and seasons but also changing friendships, year groups and someone not being here anymore. When these things change, we might feel a loss and miss how things were before and that’s ok!
Teddies play a big role in many children’s lives. We listened to the story ‘Dogger’ by Shirley Hughes which is about a child who loses his favourite toy, Dogger. We discussed how we might feel if we were to lose our favourite toy and what we could do to make ourselves feel better.
Smart Money Award 2023
Today, we welcomed Nicola and Linda from HSBC to our whole school assembly to present us with our Smart Money Award 2023.
This is awarded for financial education lessons which took place in school for all classes last summer as part of our Living and Learning curriculum.
Nicola combined this visit with some more financial education for the children.
Big Walk and Wheel – getting active on the way to school
It’s been a great start to Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel walking, scooting and cycling challenge this week.
After the first five days, we are currently in 14th place (out of 514 schools) in the small primary category with an average of 90.36% of our journeys to school being active. This is a great achievement and we want to thank families for supporting this challenge.
To keep up with the leader board for the rest of the challenge, it can be viewed here.
Thank you to those families who brought along bikes to the bike register event too. Nineteen bikes were registered at school.
By walking, cycling and scooting to school, you are helping us make a positive change to the school run. With less cars close to the school gates, this is a safer and healthier way to start the day.
The Big Walk and Wheel challenge continues until Friday 31st March so we look forward to seeing our progress over the upcoming week.
Go For Gold!
As I’m sure you are aware, Year 3 and 4 having been working their socks off preparing and rehearsing for their Easter production for the last 5 weeks. Today was their first official dress rehearsal in front of their first audience and Miss Needham and I (plus everyone else!) were just blown away by how well they did.
The 3 key points that we practised the most were:
- Projecting our voices so that even people at the back of the hall can hear us.
- Using the stage to our advantage and standing in the correct places.
- Facing the audience even though we might be having a conversation with someone else across the stage.
Every single person remembered all of these points and went above and beyond by adding actions and expression into their voices. The audience loved it, especially the songs.
A huge thank you to all the help with costumes and props – we couldn’t have done this without everyones help!
We look forward to our next two performances… let’s break a leg!
Miss Birch