Year 3 Class News

Food technology!

Posted on Wednesday 08 February 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Last Friday, Year 3 learnt how to make bruschetta in Food Technology.

They learnt lots of practical skills, such as how to chop ingredients safely, while also learning how to make an easy, tasty snack!

Check out our little chefs below!

Living and Learning: I know how to seek help

Posted on Tuesday 07 February 2023 by Mr Roundtree

In Living and Learning, Year 3 have been learning about how to seek help. We discussed how it could be something smaller like asking for help during a lesson or something bigger like asking for help with friendships or family.

The children watched the NSPCC assembly where it highlighted children’s rights and gave the clear message of ‘Speak out, Stay safe’.

The children then identified who their own trusted adults are and the places and things that make them feel safe. See some examples below (posted with consent).

Help at home: Visit the Childline website, which has age-appropriate advice for children on topics such as bullying. It also has games and other interactive tools.

Cross country finalists

Posted on Thursday 02 February 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Today, four Key Stage 2 pupils represented our school in the Leeds cross country final after qualifying in the North East Leeds competition.

Well done to all the children who gave 100% in their races of over 100 runners and with a tough hill at the end.

Special congratulations to our Year 6 runner who after finishing 1st in his heat went on to finish 1st in the Leeds final today! A fantastic acheievement! He will now qualify for the West Yorkshire cross country final.

Thank you to parents who transported and supported the children today.


Writing a report

Posted on Friday 27 January 2023 by Mr Roundtree

For the next few weeks in writing, we are writing a report on a volcano.

A report is a text type that give us factual information and describes ‘how things are’. Some features of a report include headings, subheadings, bullet points and rhetorical questions.

Today, Year 3 used the iPads to compare various text types and identify which were reports and which weren’t. After identifying the reports, we were then able to identify specific features of a report that would help us be successful when writing our own in a few weeks time.

Living and Learning: drugs, alcohol and tobacco

Posted on Thursday 19 January 2023 by Mr Roundtree

The last couple of weeks have been focused on talking about drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Year 3 took part in some great learning about these substances so that once they are old enough, they can make safe and informed decisions on what they choose to do.

Our circle time was focused on this, too! We spoke about how we can stay healthy and included time to discuss how these substances can impact our health, either positively or negatively.

Help at home by asking your child how they can keep themselves safe regarding alcohol, drugs and tobacco.

Spring term after-school clubs

Posted on Wednesday 11 January 2023 by Mrs Taylor


Class Assembly

Posted on Tuesday 10 January 2023 by Mr Roundtree

It is Year 3’s second Class Assembly tomorrow. The assembly will start at 2:45.

Year 3 have requested that I post the link to the song we will be singing – so here it is!

Help at home by having a little sing-along!

See you tomorrow!

Welcome back!

Posted on Friday 06 January 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Happy New Year!

Year 3 have had a busy but brilliant first week back at school!

We started our new science topic about rocks, soils and fossils. Year 3 carefully observed a variety of different rocks in order to group them by their properties (appearance, weight, texture etc).

We practised our skipping skills during PE…

And started planning our new piece of writing where we write a recount about escaping from a volcanic eruption!

We are all looking forward to a jam-packed half term!

The ‘Big Brain’ Art Gallery!

Posted on Friday 16 December 2022 by Mr Roundtree

This morning, Year 3 and 4 hosted their first art gallery where they were able to showcase all the amazing art they have produced this half term.

We displayed all the pieces across the two classrooms and gave the children the opportunity to look around and comment on their classmates artwork.

A fantastic end to a fantastic half term!

All of the Year 3/4 team wish you a Merry Christmas and happy and healthy holiday.

See you in the New Year!

We are artists!

Posted on Thursday 15 December 2022 by Mr Roundtree

This half term, Year 3 have been taking inspiration from our school’s architecture to create some fantastic digital art.

Our final piece of work this half term was to create a collage inspired by our school grounds.

The children really enjoyed being able to creatively position the pictures to create some abstract artwork.

Help at home by creating a similar collage of another building over the holidays!