We are historians!
This half term, we are historians.
We’re learning about Ancient Greece.
To kickstart our history topic, we have been learning about chronology and learning the order of time periods in history.
Year 3 placed some time periods of British history into chronological order on a timeline. Then, we added Ancient Greece to our timeline to compare what was happening elsewhere in the world with Britain. Ask your child if they can remember this learning!
The vocabulary that we are learning this half term is:
- period: a phase in time
- civilisation: a period of human development that is considered most advanced
- golden-age: a time when an activity or society is at its best
- government: the group of people responsible for ruling a country
- monarchy: a type of government ruled by a king or queen
- democracy: a type of government where the people living there make decisions
- oligarchy: a type of government where a small group of people make the decisions
- Parthenon: an important temple in Athens built during the Ancient Greek golden-age
Autumn term after-school clubs
Some of our after-school clubs will be restarting next week and they will run until week commencing 05 December. Please note some clubs begin after half term when building work at school has been completed.
Places can be booked via Gateway.
Our physical activity clubs continue to be heavily subsidised through the investment of our PE and Sport Premium.
Each club has a limit on the maximum number of children who can attend. As numbers are limited we ask that you limit your child to one club initially. If there are clubs with remaining places, we will then offer these as a second club.
Please contact the office if you have any queries about the clubs or the booking system.
Welcome back Year 3!
Year 3 have had a fantastic start to the new school year! They have all settled in really well and have been ready to learn.
Some key information to note:
Important days and dates
PE – Wednesday (swimming) and Thursday. On these days, please can your child come to school in their P.E. kit. On Wednesday (our swimming day) your child will need to bring a swimming costume, towel and a healthy snack. They may also bring goggles if they prefer.
Spelling and times tables tests – Friday
Reading record review in Book Club – Friday
Class assembly – Wednesday 12th October at 2:40pm
Water bottles
These must be brought to school daily to ensure your child is drinking enough water.
Please contact the office if your child would like to have milk in Year 3.
Whole school homework is set every Friday along with new spellings, a times table focus and a reading record activity to complete. On Friday, your child was sent home with a homework book and guide. This should be kept at home and it can be used for practising spellings, times tables or any additional home learning. Homework and spellings can also be accessed from the website.
Reading records
Every week, your child will be given an activity to complete from their reading record. These activities are an opportunity for your child to reflect on what they have been reading in a variety of different ways. The completed activity, accompanied by a signature from an adult at home, should be returned to school the following Friday for a review in class.
Daily practises
Numbots and TTRS – We continue to use Numbots and TTRS in Year 3 (using the same login as Year 2) and certificates will be awarded for children who earn the most coins and who complete the different stages. We also have a weekly class competition for effort on TTRS. Little and often (10/15 minutes a day) is recommended.
Reading – Please ensure that you read with your child for 10 minutes every day. Ask your child questions to assess their understanding whilst they read. Examples of what you could read include; books, magazines, comics, recipe books). Also, turn the subtitles on whilst your child watches television!
Please do check the uniform policy to ensure your child is wearing the correct items including for PE days. Earrings must be removed on PE days.
Any questions, please ask!
Miss Needham
Summer of sport
It’s just 7 days to go until the Commonwealth Games begin in Birmingham. Watch this introductory video to find out more.
To keep active over the summer holidays, why not try these commonwealth personal best challenges at home. My Commonwealth PB incorporates skills that are used in 7 of the sports which will be taking place at the B2022
Commonwealth Games.
Use the QR codes below to see each challenge.
We’d love to hear how you get on!
Living and Learning: RSE
This half term, we’ve been enjoying our RSE Living and Learning sessions.
RSE is relationships and sex education.
Each week, we have a different L&L statement. During our RSE learning, these were all about relationships and being a good friend. Our sessions included learning about:
- the names of male, female and baby animals such as a bull, cow and calf
- the biological differences between male and female humans
- the names of body parts that males and females have
The children in Y3 had lots of relevant, thoughtful questions during our learning and were able to show maturity, too! Well done, Y3!
Pupil health questionnaire homework
This week, our whole school homework is I can share my views about health.
We’re proud to be a happy and healthy school.
Each year, we ask you to complete a short health questionnaire. Your views can help us to become even happier and healthier.
Parents/carers: please complete this survey with your child, to find out their views on some of our key health issues at school, and comment at the end.
Please submit before Friday 15 July 2022 and as an extra incentive the class that submit the most responses will earn an extra playtime next week!
Roundhay Park Visit
Hi everyone!
The weather forecast for the day of our trip is that it’s going to be hot.
Your child will need to bring:
– sun cream (apply this before school and bring it with you)
– a hat
– a water bottle
– a packed lunch and a snack
– come to school in P.E. kit (shorts and a t shirt)
– comfortable shoes
Any questions, please ask.
Mr Wain
Super Sports Day
What an amazing day yesterday! Our first full sports day since the pandemic and we came back with an amazing bang! Mrs Taylor did a grand job of organising everything, as always, and all the helpers that made it run smoothly were brilliant. Mr Roundtree is a little croaky today after his commentating but I’m sure you’ll agree, it was well worth it. You will see a photo of Mrs Burke completing her final egg and spoon race as a member of staff but you never know, she might be guest of honour next year. Thank you to everyone who came along to watch!

Living and learning: drug education
This half term, part of our Living and Learning focus includes drug education. We have arranged for visitors to come into school to help to deliver this key aspect of education.
We have been working with d:side for many years and they will be visiting school to deliver sessions to all classes based around drug education on Monday 11 July and Wednesday 13 July.
d:side is a comprehensive drug & alcohol education programme that encourages children to make positive & healthy life-choices whilst promoting a pro-active attitude to life. They focus on developing the children’s knowledge, skills & attitude, whilst equipping them with the appropriate life skills to successfully manage sensitive situations with peers & encourage a positive approach to life.
As part of this visit, Dave Hill, from d:side, will be available in the playground after school on Monday 11 July 3:05-3:30pm to answer any questions about this learning.