Parallel and Perpendicular!
In today’s maths lesson, our learning objective was:
What are parallel and perpendicular lines?
We learnt that…
parallel = lines that are opposite, equal distance apart and will never meet
perpendicular = lines that are at a right angle to each other
Part of our learning involved finding parallel and perpendicular lines in the playground.
Here’s what we found:
Can your child identify all the parallel and perpendicular lines in the photos above? Can they find any at home?
PE days this half term
Hi everyone,
Sadly, our gymnastic sessions on a Monday afternoon came to an end last half term.
Therefore, this half term, our PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday.
We will be swimming on a Wednesday, like usual. On Thursdays, we will be practising a range of different events in preparation for Sports Day!
Mr Wain
Drop-down morning: History
Each half term, we have a drop down morning where we revisit previous learning from previous half terms, terms and years!
On Wednesday, we had our History drop down morning.
Our first session was about chronology: we ordered periods of British history in chronological order.
Later on in the morning, we revisited recent learning about The Romans. This is what we were able to remember:
We ended the morning by playing a Kahoot about the Great Fire of London.
Well done to our winners Alasdair and Maya who got 9/10 correct and answered the questions the quickest!
Well done to everybody for their awesome remembering!
Brownlee Triathlon
This week, some of our Key Stage 2 children took part in the Brownlee Triathlon. Sadly, this was minus the swimming as the event was running behind due to the wet weather earlier in the day.
‘I found the cycling easy but the running was harder.’ Olivia
‘I found it all really fun.’ Kian
‘I wish I hadn’t sprinted at the beginning because I didn’t realise there was more running!’ Christina
‘I was sad that we didn’t get to swim but still found it lots of fun!’ Edris
All the children behaved impeccably and showed great team spirit.
Thank you to the staff who took the children.
The AJ Bell World Triathlon Championship Series is returning to Leeds for a sixth time on 11-12 June and this year there is a chance for families to get involved.
Swim Bike Run Family – Saturday 11th June
For the first time, families can come and participate together. This is perfect for newcomers, with a 90m dip in the lake followed by a 400m walk/run. All for £10.00 per family and each finisher will receive the WTCS Leeds finishers medal. Adults must participate with the children (age 4 and above) and wetsuits are available to borrow at no additional cost. Enter here.
Swim Bike Run Kids – Saturday 11th June
We want to help children take their first step into our sport and this is a perfect opportunity, with a 90m dip in the lake followed by a 400m walk/run. This event is for children aged 8-14 years old and it’s £5 to enter. Each finisher will receive the WTCS Leeds finishers medal. Wetsuits are available to borrow at no additional cost. Enter here.
Living and Learning: Democracy
In our second Living and Learning session this half term, we learnt all about democracy.
We learnt about the origin of the word – It combines two shorter, Latin words: ‘demos’ meaning whole citizen living within a particular city-state and ‘kratos’ meaning power or rule.
We learned that our country is a democracy because people have the power to vote and make change in the country.
We also took part in our own democratic decision: voting for our reading champion.
First we decided what makes a reading champion – someone who shares what they’ve read with others enthusiastically, someone who recommends things to read, someone who completes the tasks in their reading record and records what they’ve read and more.
After that, we held a blind vote to determine our class reading champion.
The results were counted and our winner was… AVNEET!
Thoroughly deserved winner, Avneet, had this to say to help others who might struggle with being motivated to read…
Persevere with your book – if you start it and aren’t enjoying it straight away, don’t give up. Keep on reading because you might end up absolutely loving it!
Well done everyone!
Summer term after-school clubs
Edit: places can still be booked for after-school clubs.
We have spaces available on:
Tuesday – basketball Y4-6 now open to Y3
Tuesday – rugby Y1-3 now open to reception
Thursday – multi-games Y4-6 now open to Y3
After-school clubs will be restarting next week and they will run for eight weeks until week commencing 4th July. Places can be booked via Gateway.
Our physical activity clubs continue to be heavily subsidised through the investment of our PE and Sport Premium.
Each club has a limit on the maximum number of children who can attend. As numbers are limited we ask that you limit your child to one club initially. If there are clubs with remaining places, we will then offer these as a second club.
Please contact the office if you have any queries about the clubs or the booking system.
Living and learning: mindfulness
As a happy and healthy school, we encourage pupils to look after their mental health as well as their physical health. Read our mindfulness newsletter for ideas and techniques to try to support this.
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, Chirpy, in Chapel Allerton, are hosting FREE after school Mindfulness Moments For Minis workshops. A time for children to reconnect and calm their minds.
Wednesday 11th May 4:30pm – 5:15pm Age 5-10
Thursday 12th May 4:30pm – 5:15pm Age 5-10
Friday 13th May 10am -10:30am pre school
Bookings can be made here.
By teaching mindfulness to children they learn the skills they need to build self-awareness, confidence and cope with stress. Mindfulness can help children deal with tough emotions and help them learn ways to relax and calm the mind and the body.
Leeds Fun Run 8th May
The Arena Group Leeds Fun Run is back for 2022, taking place on Sunday 8th May.
It offers a great opportunity to get families together, while staying and active and healthy at the same time.
Children of all abilities are encouraged to take part as they wheel, walk, jog or run the 1.3 km route around the city centre.
Catalan Soccer
This week, all classes are taking part in sessions led by Catalan Soccer.
Thank you to the Year 5 pupil, who currently attends Catalan Soccer sessions outside of school, who requested they came into school.
The classes have been brilliant and the coaches have fed back what a delight the kids have been to coach!
The coaches also commented how welcome they have been made to feel by your staff and teachers, so a huge thanks for that!
If your child enjoyed their session, please contact Catalan Soccer to find out more about the classes and holiday camps they run in Leeds.
Living and Learning: First Aid
Last half-term, we learnt all about how the emergency services can help in certain situations.
We also learnt some basic first aid:
What to do if someone has an asthma attack
After our two weeks off for the Easter holidays, we asked Avneet how much she could remember. This was her response.
First, check if they have an inhaler.
If they don’t, I would check if they have one in school – maybe in the inhaler cupboard or at the office.
If not, call 999 and tell them what’s happened and where we are.
If they do have an inhaler, go and get it and give it to them and advise them to have 2 puffs every 2 minutes for up to 10 minutes.
I would also check on their breathing at the same time.
Awesome remembering, Avneet!
See if your child can remember what do if somebody has an asthma attack!