Topic recap morning!
In the middle of each half term, we have a morning where we revisit learning that we’ve done in previous topics.
Today’s drop-down morning included:
Geography – Where in the world am I?
Geography – human and physical features
DT – structures
We began our drop down morning by playing a chase the vocabulary game –
See if your child can remember our vocabulary.
In the second geography session, we identified human and physical features in different landscapes.
See if your child can remember the different human and physical features in this picture below and explain why:
In our DT session, we played bingo by collecting answers to questions all about our topic.
We finally created a structure using Lego and tested which one was the most stable! See if your child can answer these questions about our DT learning:
Well done, Y3!
Living and Learning: Identity
This week, we learned all about identity in our Living and Learning session.
We had to think about what makes us who we are.
We thought about all the different things that mean something to us and all the different things that make us both similar to others but unique from others, too.
Grace said, “I’m unique because my family are from China.”
“Something that makes me unique from others is my religion. I’m a Muslim,” said Raheem.
“Something that Jack and I have in common is that we both have brown eyes,” added Zac.
Ava said, “I’m unique because out of everybody on my table, I’m the only one who plays piano.” Ava then found out that she had that in common with Mr Wain!
The whole class had something in common – we are all part of the same community in Moortown Primary School!
Making a switch!
In this week’s science learning, we learnt about switches and even made our own!
See if your child can fill in the gaps to our learning below.
When a switch is ______, the light bulb will turn on as the power from the cell can flow through the circuit.
When a switch is _____, the light bulb will not turn on as the power from the cell cannot travel around the whole circuit.
open, closed
Spring term after-school clubs
After-school clubs will be restarting next week and they will run for eight weeks until the Easter break. Places can be booked via Gateway.
Our physical activity clubs continue to be heavily subsidised through the investment of our PE and Sport Premium.
Please contact the office if you have any queries about the clubs or the booking system.
Electrical Circuits
In today’s science learning, children were given the following components:
– two wires
– one cell
– one lightbulb
Without any instruction, children were asked to make the light bulb turn on.
See if your child can remember the components needed to make a complete electrical circuit that turns a lightbulb on!
Free White Rose Rugby event for all pupils

City of Leeds Basketball

Living and Learning: Perseverance
In this week’s L&L session, we learned what perseverance means.
‘persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success’
We watched a clip that showed a Llama who had to persevere in tricky situations and it didn’t give up! We discussed the sort of things we could try when persevering:
– trying a different approach
– taking a break
– celebrating the small successes
– think about why you started in the first place
We then created a poster to illustrate our knowledge of perseverance and what it means.
We can see people trying to climb mountains and learn how to ride a bike – two things which definitely require perseverance!
Living and Learning: I make healthy choices
In Living and Learning over the last few weeks, we’ve spent time talking about what being healthy means, the effects of exercise on our bodies both physically and mentally and what choices we can make to be healthy.
”Exercising regularly can improve your concentration and help you learn better,” said Soham.
”It can also help you sleep at night,” added Hidayah.
”Doing exercise releases a chemical called endorphins in your brain which makes you feel really good,” commented Safi.
We also learned that doing at least sixty minutes of exercise every day is a healthy approach.
Remember that your child is allowed to bring a healthy snack on a Wednesday to enjoy after swimming!
Skipping ropes for sale
This year we are continuing to work with Skipping School to develop the children’s skipping skills. Skipping School ropes (KS1 ropes and longer KS2 ropes) are now available to buy from the office.