Adel Tennis Club coaching
This half term, Year 1, 2 and 6 are developing and improving their tennis skills in sessions led by John Moore from Adel Tennis Academy.
Adel Tennis Academy are running half term tennis camps. Click here for more information.
Cross country opportunities
We are pleased to invite KS2 children to compete in an upcoming cross country race as part of the Leeds Schools Athletics Association cross country programme of Saturday morning races. Children will compete against pupils from other Leeds schools.
The race will take place at 10am on Saturday 16th October at Cardinal Heenan (Tongue Lane LS6 4QE).
There are opportunities for Year 3 and 4 girls and boys (under 9) to race 900m and Year 5 and 6 girls and boys (under 11) to race 1500m. Once your child has completed their race, you are free to leave the event.
Please note, parents/carers are responsible for taking and supervising their child/children.
If your child is interested in taking part, please respond to the the message recently sent out.
We look forward to pupils representing our school at this event.
If you are unable to take part in this event, you may want to join the free Sunday morning junior parkruns held locally at Roundhay Park, Temple Newsam and Boddington.
After-school clubs return
Our autumn term after-school clubs return next week.
Here is the schedule that has recently been sent out to all children.
We invest part of our government PE and Sport Premium in subsidising these clubs and we hope to get as many children as possible active after-school.
If your child is interested in joining a club, please sign up via School Gateway or contact the school office.
Reading Record
Well done to everybody who gave Book Wars such a great go. I was thrilled listening to what you’ve all been reading and why you liked your book so much! Well done to Avneet for earning a certificate for her efforts!
This week, we’d like you to complete the ‘question maker’ activity in your reading record – don’t forget to ask an adult to sign this, too.
Mr Wain
Living and Learning: 8Rs for learning
The Eight Rs for Learning promote good learning behaviour.
They include being resilient, responsible, reflective, ready, resourceful, risk taking, responsive and there is one more.
Can your child remember the last one?
Although these eight attributes have been our current focus in Living and Learning, we refer to the 8Rs throughout the year. We thought about some ways the children have shown these 8Rs for learning in school or at home and here’s what they said.
Read more about the Eight Rs in our guide for parents and carers.
Reading Records
Hi guys!
Just a quick note regarding reading records.
- Book Club is on a Friday
- Parents need to comment in reading records in preparation for Book Club
- A comment should give an insight to how your child has got on with their reading at home that week
- Children must engage with the weekly activity and complete it so that it can be reviewed on a Friday in Book Club
- Children will be sent home with a Library book on a Monday (our Library session) unless they’re still reading the same book from the week before
- Children can read a range of texts (not just their library books) and these can include:
– newspapers
– non-fiction books
– novels
– picture books
– poetry
– magazines
– comics
– recipes
– manuals
– and many more!
Top tip: If your child is watching television or a film, stick the subtitles on! This can improve your child’s comprehension, help your child maintain concentration for longer periods and according to a small study, children who watched TV with the subtitles on were more proficient readers!
Happy reading!
Times Tables Rock Stars!
Hello to all of you times tables rock stars out there!
Starting soon, we will be hosting our weekly TTRS competitions across all four classes in KS2.
The winning class each week will receive the coveted guitar and the three players with the top average score in each competition will get a certificate in assembly to celebrate their achievements and effort!
What you need to do:
Make sure your child has plenty of opportunities to practise their times tables at home. A rapid recall of times tables supports children understanding other mathematical concepts and can also help their understanding of new learning, too!
Practising regularly in short, sharp bursts is most effective!
Good luck!
Bike to School week and Let’s ride
Biking and scooting are one of the ways we encourage children to actively travel to and from school and next week we’ll be taking part in Bike to School Week (with Sustrans and the Bikeability Trust). We are pleased to be part of this UK-wide event, encouraging families to cycle, or scoot, to school. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate active school journeys and the positive impact it has on children’s health and wellbeing – as well as the environment.
Bike and scooter storage facilities are available by the side of the Year 4 classroom.
Also, taking place this weekend is the free Let’s Ride session held locally at the Brownlee Centre.
This free family community event is ideal for the whole family to enjoy cycling in a safe and friendly space. At the Leeds Brownlee Centre, Bodington Playing Fields, you can ride at your own pace as many times as you like with volunteers on hand to chat all things cycling.
Sign up for the event here.
Netball coaching and half term camps
We are looking forward to having some coaching in school from Elite Netball Academy in the next few weeks.
Elite Netball Academy run weekly netball classes on a Saturday morning at Gateways school and they have an early bird offer for their October half term camps held locally at The Grammar School at Leeds- £25 per day if booked by 17th September.
Reading Record
Hi everyone,
On Friday 10th September, your child was sent home with a brand new reading record. Now you might be thinking, ‘Hang on! My child came home with their reading record earlier this week!’. Although this is the case, we’d like you to use the new reading records that were sent home on Friday.
The new reading records offer the following benefits:
- it is a place for children to record the books/texts they’ve read and rate them out of five stars
- there are a range of activities your child will accomplish throughout the year based on what they’ve read (each week, details of this task will be posted on class news)
- it gives children a chance to enhance their love of reading during our weekly book club sessions in school
- it gives children ownership and responsibility of their reading
- it allows children to practise their oracy skills during book club sessions when they share what they’ve been reading
- it can be a place for parents to share with teachers the wonderful reading their child has been doing at home
This week, the activity your child should complete based on their reading is…
Vocabulary Ninja
You can find more details about this in the activities section of the reading record.
Any questions, please ask!
Happy reading!