Our first week of Year Three…
In our first week back of Year Three, we have been settling in, getting into routines and doing lots of different learning!
In writing…
We’ve been leanring all about Must Dos. These are the things we absolutely must remember to do in our writing. This includes: capital letters at the start of a sentence and for proper nouns (like Moortown), full stops/punctuation at the end of sentences and making sure that our writing makes sense! Next week, we will be looking at squashed sentences! This is when two sentences that make sense on their own are squashed together without either a full stop or a conjunction.
For example:
I went to the park it was fun.
This is a squashed sentence.
It should read…
I went to the park. It was fun.
I went to the park and it was fun.
Ask your child if they can remember our learning from this week!
In geography…
We’ve been learning about ‘Where in the world am I?’
This is our new geography topic where we’re finding out about where Moortown is in relation to the city, county, country and continent!
We recapped all seven continents at the start of the week. See if your child can remember!
In maths…
We’ve been recapping our number facts within and across ten. We’ve also been practising our 10x tables as well!
We’ve done lots of learning in other areas, too. We’ve been practising our ‘ai’ sound in spelling, doing daily reading fluency and much more.
We’ve been reminding ourselves of what we need to do on 3, 2, 1 STOP. This is empty hands, silent voices and eyes on the speaker. It’s really important that we are all ready by STOP so that we are ready to learn as much as possible! See if your child can tell you what to do on 3,2,1 STOP.
Here’s to another great week next week, Y3!
Y3/4 Swimming & P.E.
Hi everybody!
Hope you’ve all had a great first day back.
Swimming this year will be every Wednesday other than the first and last Wednesday of each term.
So, this term…
The first swimming session this term will take place on Wednesday 15th September and will run to the final session which is on Wednesday 8th December. Your child should come to school in their P.E. kit on this day with their swimming kit in their bag.
Your child should also come to school wearing their P.E. kit every Thursday, too. This is our P.E. day.
On Wednesday 8th September, your child should come to school in their school uniform.
If you’ve any questions, please ask your class teacher.
Welcome back new Y3s!
Hi everyone!
I hope you’ve all had a lovely summer and are all as excited as I am for the start of the new school year! I’m really looking forward to getting to know you all and becoming a great team. Life in Year Three will be based upon being kind, trying our best and having fun.
A few things to note:
- Mrs Charlesworth and Mrs Potter will be working with us this year.
- School times are back to normal. The school day will start at 8:50 and end at 3:15.
- We will be going swimming on a Wednesday afternoon so please make sure your child has their swimming stuff on this day.
- PE is on a Thursday. Your child should come to school in their PE kit on this day.
- The school uniform policy is on our website. Please check if you are unsure about any items of clothing or footwear.
- If you have come across any reading books or library books please bring them into school.
- Our library slot is on a Monday. We will be going tomorrow!
Please do ask if you have any questions or concerns.
See you tomorrow!
Mr Wain
Tennis opportunities
If your child enjoys tennis or wants to try it out, tennis camps are taking place locally at these clubs over the summer holidays.
Thanks to Roundhegians
We are very grateful to Roundhegians Rugby Club for hosting our sports days once again this year and allowing us to use their excellent facilities.
Roundhegians have a variety of rugby training sessions, from under 6 through to under 17, and these sessions will resume on Sunday 5th September.
For more information, please contact their chair of junior rugby, Chris Fongwah (fongers.cfw@gmail.com).
Multi-sport summer camps

A Cracking Eggsperiment
In a recent science lesson in Y3, we set up a comparative and fair test to answer the following question.
Which drinks have the worst effect on our teeth?
We used the following drinks in our experiment.
Coke, Diet Coke, orange juice and water
We conducted an observation over time to see the effects of these drinks on our teeth.
Don’t worry… we didn’t hold orange juice in our mouths for a week!
We used eggs instead! An egg shell contains calcium – the same mineral that is found in our enamel (the protective layer on our teeth).
We placed the eggs (which were the same type and size) into beakers and poured over 200ml of each liquid and placed them to one side.
We then made predictions about which drink we thought would have the worst effect.
“I think the drink that will have the worst effect will be the Coke because it contains lots of sugar!” said Tommy.
After leaving our eggs for 6 days, we removed them from their liquid and observed the changes.
See for yourself below:
orange juice
Diet Coke with toothpaste
Diet Coke
The effects of these drinks are clear to see!
Now, obviously, you wouldn’t keep a drink like orange juice in your mouth for a whole week.
What we can take away from this learning is that if you do decide to have a drink like Coke or orange juice every once in a while, then it seems like a good idea to wash it down with some water after!
We can also see that the toothpaste has protected the egg shell from as much staining than without it!
See what your child can remember about our learning!
TTRS tournament winners (wb 07 June)
Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,
Well done for all the engagement with TTRS you’re doing so far – keep it up!
The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.
With an outstanding 987 points, this week’s winners are Y3!
Y3 have been able to retain the top spot in TTRS in our final tournament!
The TTRS tournaments are having a little break so for now, keep up the good work and don’t forget to challenge your friends and teachers!
Remember to give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play on TTRS. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.
All the best TTRS!
Topic: Design and Technology
As our last half term in Year Three is underway, here is what we are learning about this half term in topic.
Design and Technology!
We will be learning about the design process to make our own Go-Kart prototypes.
So far, we have learnt what a typical design process looks like and what a design criteria is. Another piece of vocabulary we have learnt about is product.
Below are our pieces of vocabulary for this half term. See if your child can remember any of our learning so far!
Living and Learning: Body Image
In our first Living and Learning session this half term, we learnt all about body image and what that means.
What is body image?
Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin, colour, and our appearance and attractiveness more broadly.
We started by looking at different activities such as running, painting, swimming and playing music and decided how confident we were with each.
We then, as a class, thought of lots of ways we are different to each other.
We came up with: different heights, weights, body builds, complexions, hair colours, eye colours, preferences, likes/dislikes, abilities, interests.
We then put these into three categories:
- things we can’t change (eye colour)
- things we could change by practising (swimming, maths)
- things that will change over time (height, weight, preferences)
To conclude the session, we all anonymously wrote down one thing we thought we were good at on a slip of paper. These were then read out and if you shared that idea, then you put up your hand.
This allowed us to see that although we may look different, we all share similar strengths and weaknesses.
Here are some pictures of us sorting the ways we are different into the three categories.