Year 3 Class News

Living and Learning: Oral Hygiene

Posted on Friday 07 May 2021 by Mr Wain

In this week’s Living and Learning lesson, we’ve been learning about the importance of oral hygiene.

The children in Y3 were really knowledgeable about this topic and we were able to learn lots of important things.

We talked about dos and don’ts when it comes to oral hygiene. Here are some of the dos:

  • brush teeth twice a day for two minutes
  • visit a dentist regularly
  • drink water
  • eat foods low in sugar
  • floss

Here are some of the don’ts:

  • forget to brush your teeth
  • drink a lot of fizzy drinks
  • eat foods high in sugar
  • spit out toothpaste straight away
  • rinse your mouth with water after brushing your teeth as it washes away the fluoride (which helps prevent plaque)

We also did some role play by using example dilemmas that people were having about their own oral hygiene and the children gave some really good advice to help them!

I was really impressed with how much the children knew and got some good tips! Someone in Y3 even received a certificate in our assembly because of their great contributions! Well done, Tommy!


Magnificent Magnets!

Posted on Friday 07 May 2021 by Mr Wain

In our science learning this week, we have been learning all about magnets and magnetism.

  • We have been able to group materials based on whether they are magnetic or not.
  • We have learnt that Iron, Nickel and Cobalt are all metals which are magnetic.
  • We have also learnt that magnetism is a non-contact force.

    Ask your child to see if they can remember some of our recent learning:

  • What is a contact force?
  • What is a non-contact force?
  • What are the forces have we learnt about so far?

Here are some pictures of us during our science learning today. Ask your child to see if they can explain what is happening in the photos!

Great learning Y3!

Answers to the questions are below!

What is a contact force?

  • a force that requires contact for it to work

What is a non-contact force?

  • a force that doesn’t require any contact for it to work

What are the forces have we learnt about so far?

  • push, pull, twist and friction

TTRS tournament winners (wb 03 May)

Posted on Friday 07 May 2021 by Mr Wain

Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,

Well done for all the engagement with TTRS you’re doing so far – keep it up!


The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.

With an outstanding 1920 points, this week’s winners are Y6!

Well, well, well… Y6 are on a streak now! Well done to Y6 – a thoroughly deserved victory.

Y3, 4 and 5 need to keep up that engagement with TTRS to reclaim the coveted guitar!

Remember to give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play on TTRS. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.

All the best TTRS!

TTRS tournament winners (wb 26 April)

Posted on Tuesday 04 May 2021 by Mr Wain

Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,

It’s been great having you all back in class and seeing how much you are all improving with your times tables!


The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.

With an outstanding 2006 points, this week’s winners are Y6!

A massive well done to Y6 for finally beating Y3! Great effort.

Y3, 4 and 5 need to get their hands on the coveted guitar. Will next week be their week?

Remember to give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play on TTRS. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.

All the best TTRS!

Cricket opportunities

Posted on Thursday 29 April 2021 by Mrs Taylor

Here’s some information about Dynamos cricket that has started at local cricket clubs.

Dynamos for KS2

What is it all about? Click the link for a short video:

Find your local centre and book here:

TTRS tournament winners (wb 19 April)

Posted on Wednesday 28 April 2021 by Mr Wain

Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,

It’s been great having you all back in class and seeing how much you are all improving with your times tables!


The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.

With 384 points, this week’s winners are Y3!

That’s now seven times in a row (yes, seven!) AMAZING!

Y4, 5 and 6 need to get their hands on the coveted guitar. Will next week be their week?

Remember to give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play on TTRS. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.

All the best TTRS!

Skip into summer

Posted on Wednesday 28 April 2021 by Mrs Taylor

This term, all classes will be taking part in the West Yorkshire Skip into Summer project with Skipping School. We are excited to be part of the 136 schools and almost 33,000 children taking part!

As part of this project, we have skipping ropes available to buy at a subsidised price of £3.

If your child would like to buy a rope, to keep learning their new skills at home, they will be on sale, outside the Year 1 classroom in the middle playground, 3:10-3:30pm on Thursdays and Fridays. Exact change would be helpful.

Summer Term!

Posted on Tuesday 27 April 2021 by Mr Wain

Hi everybody!

I can’t believe it’s summer term already. Where has the time gone?

I hope you are all feeling happy and healthy – especially now that the weather has improved!

In Y3 this half term, we will be learning about…

  • forces and magnetism in Science
  • computing using Scratch Jr on the Ipads
  • inferring how people are feeling through drama
  • addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in maths
  • prepositions, instructions and writing about computer games in writing
  • basketball and skipping in P.E.
  • solving problems, good hygiene, the importance of sleep and more in Living & Learning
  • different spelling rules and regularly practising our times tables

…and much more!

Below are some pics of us working hard already this half term.

The Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Posted on Tuesday 27 April 2021 by Mrs Weekes

On Friday, we will be deciding which charity we’ll be supporting this year. As our first fundraising event, we’ll be taking part in the ‘Captain Tom 100 Challenge’. Each class will be doing something 100 times on Tuesday 04 May. All we ask is that each child brings in 100 pence (it doesn’t have to be 100 pennies, it can be a £1 coin!) and all money raised will be donated to the charity we have chosen. There will be a bucket at the gate for you to leave your donation.
Here are the details of what each class is doing:
Reception – creating 100 handprints
Year 1 – running 100 laps of the new playground (100 in total so an average of 3 each)
Year 2 – 100 skips
Year 3 – 100 bounces of a basketball
Year 4 – 100 skips
Year 5 – running 100 laps of the new and old playground (100 in total so an average of 3 each)
Year 6 – 100 goals scored as quickly as possible
Thank you for your support – we will let you know how much money we raise!


Posted on Monday 26 April 2021 by Mr Wain

In P.E. this half term, Y3 have bounced their way into some new learning: Basketball.

We had glorious weather last week when practising our dribbling skills!

We practised bouncing whilst standing on the spot. Then, we started walking around whilst bouncing the basketball. After that, we practised using our body to shield the ball while bouncing. Finally, with a partner, we tried to keep possession of the basketball while our partners tried to tackle us!

Here are some pics of us in action!