Year 3 Class News


Posted on Thursday 23 January 2020 by

Today Year 3 continued to learn about electricity. We’ve already learnt about complete and incomplete circuits and today we tested this knowledge with a carousel of activities. 


There were some really interesting scientific questions being asked. Well done, Year 3!

Spring term after-school clubs

Posted on Wednesday 22 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Our spring term after-school clubs will be starting next week and while many of the clubs are full, we do have some spaces available for the following clubs.

Gymnastics (run by Leeds Gymnastics) Y1-5
Board games Y3-6
Multi-sports (run by PE Partner) Y3-6 Please note this club is now open to Year 3
It is not too late to sign up so please contact the office if your child would like to take part.

Living and Learning 

Posted on Tuesday 21 January 2020 by

Today, Year 3 had a visit from Dave from d:side. We learnt all about the dangers of smoking and how we can stay happy and healthy. 

We learnt about the laws around smoking and passive smoking. 

We learnt about why cigarette boxes changed in 2016 from bright, colourful packaging to boxes with health warnings and pictures of the side affects on. 

Olivia explained, “It’s to try and put people off from smoking because they can get really poorly.”

We then learnt about what is inside a cigarette. 

Cigarettes contain tobacco, a plant that grows in hot countries. Hiding inside tobacco, is a drug called nicotine that can affect your body. 

Noah explained, “Nicotine is addictive which means some people want it a lot and need another one.”

Ewan added, “There’s also tar. It’s black and gloopy.”

Oliver said, “It’s bad for people with asthma and it makes it harder for me to breathe.” 

Over 4,000 chemicals go into making a cigarette.  Including the same chemicals that make batteries, toilet cleaner, rat poison and nail varnish remover. Year 3 were revolted!

All of Year Three were involved in the session and many asked some very interesting questions.  Well done Year Three! 

Let there be light! 

Posted on Friday 17 January 2020 by

Today, Year 3 built simple circuits to light a lamp. Here’s some pictures of their learning. 

Living and learning: d:side visits

Posted on Friday 10 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, our Living and Learning focus includes staying safe. We have arranged for visitors to come into school to help to deliver this key aspect of education.

We have been working with d:side for many years and they will be visiting school to deliver sessions based around drug education and e-safey sessions to coincide with Safer Internet Day (11 February).

d:side is a comprehensive drug & alcohol education programme that encourages children to make positive & healthy life-choices whilst promoting a pro-active attitude to life. They focus on developing the children’s knowledge, skills & attitude, whilst equipping them with the appropriate life skills to successfully manage sensitive situations with peers & encourage a positive approach to life.

As part of these visits, there are two specific parent/carer information sessions.

Tuesday 21 January 3.05-3.30pm d:side drug education informal information session (open to all parents)

A d:side representative will be available to provide information about your child’s drug education learning with d:side and answer any other related enquiries.

Tuesday 04 February 2:50-3.30pm d:side e-safety informal information session (open to all parents)

A d:side representative will be available to provide information about your child’s e-safety learning with d:side and answer any other related enquiries.

Please contact school if you would like to attend.





Tennis opportunities

Posted on Thursday 09 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Today, Year 2 – Year 6 pupils have taken part in tennis sessions to give children a taster of tennis and to promote sessions starting locally at Chapel Allerton Tennis and Squash Club.

Celebrate Yorkshire themed menu

Posted on Wednesday 08 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Thursday 16 January. Please contact the office, in the next few days, if your child would like a school dinner on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day).

PE at Allerton Grange

Posted on Tuesday 07 January 2020 by

Today, Year 3 did a PE session at Allerton Grange. They worked in teams of three to collect point across a number of throwing and catching tasks. Have a look at some pictures from our morning, below.

Living and learning this half term

Posted on Saturday 04 January 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Living and Learning sessions are held weekly, in class, to promote social and emotional aspects of learning and other areas of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).  This half term we have two main themes, from our long-term plan.
  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco education (DATE) 
  •  Keeping safe and managing risk
Safer Internet Day,  Tuesday 11 February, will be part of this learning.
Pupils tell us they enjoy learning delivered by visitors and this half term all classes will take part in esafety and drug education sessions with d:side and visitors from NSPCC will be delivering their Speak out Stay safe programme. Further details will follow.
We begin the half term with a focus on manners and in particular interruptions.  Children will consider what is a valid interruption, for example an emergency and what alternatives are there to interrupting?  Children across school are encouraged to use our brain, buddy, boss system to try to avoid interruptions.  This means they would first think themselves.  Then, they could try asking a friend and the final option would be to ask the adult.  This encourages the children to become independent and take responsibility.

Here are the weekly Living and Learning statements, for this half term, to support this learning. There will also be some whole school homeworks on these themes.

  • I don’t interrupt (with my mouth or my hand).
  • I can make things better.
  • I know what a drug is.
  • I know how to seek help.
  • I make safe choices, including online.
  • I can assess my own risks.

Skillful Cookery

Posted on Wednesday 18 December 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Year 3 and 4 have exercised their baking skills this week by creating stained-glass-window cookies!

Our cookies were vegan and gluten-free so that everybody could enjoy them. We weighed out the butter, sugars and vanilla paste first.

After mixing this into a smooth batter, we added the flour, bi-carbonate of soda and baking powder.

While we waited for the dough to chill, we learned how to make hot chocolate safely so that we can have plenty over the chilly holidays.

Once the dough was cold enough to work with, we rolled it out and cut it into different shapes.  If you cut a smaller shape out of the middle, you could add boiled sweets which then melt in the oven to create a sweetie window – very cool.