Year 3 Class News

Living and Learning: I can describe and use self-care techniques.

Posted on Wednesday 11 December 2024 by Miss Birch

Last week in our Living and Learning lesson, we were learning about different stages we might go through that could cause different emotions.

For example, we might lose something or someone that we care and love. This can be a tricky time to navigate our emotions.

We drew how people might think about and react to different emotions…

Content: feeling calm, relaxed, kind to others and happy to go with the flow

Anger: feeling hot and easily irritated, needing time alone or to move our bodies

Excited: feeling like you can’t sit still, can’t concentrate, very happy and loud

If we can recognise these emotions, we can try to regulate them too. Some thing we can do to regulate our emotions is by talking to others!

“A problem shared is a problem halved.” 

We could talk to a trusted adult at home or at school, a friend, a club leader, a teddy or Childline.

Help at home: List all the ways you can regulate your emotions… Have you got a safe place to relax? Is there an activity that relaxes you like reading? Do you have a person or teddy you can talk to?

Reading records!

Posted on Friday 06 December 2024 by Miss Birch

Here are some great reading record activities that have been completed recently…

Each week, the children are given one activity to complete in their reading records. This activity shows us at school that they’ve been reading at home!

Even though the children do the same activity, they all are very different e.g. different vocabulary, different stories, fiction, non-fiction.

If you’re ever unsure what do, please ask or choose one of them yourself!

The comment section is a chance to say how your child has read that week and if they have enjoyed it or not.

Help at home by listening to your child reading and leaving a comment about how they got on after!

Topic – Art

Posted on Thursday 05 December 2024 by Miss Birch

Our Art Topic has been made up of two parts: art history and art skills.

Our art skills learning is building up to creating a collage inspired by the architecture we’ve been exploring. We’ve been looking at buildings by our chosen architects: Zaha Hadid and Christopher Wren.

To create our collages, we’re using lots of different skills…

  • tracing
  • observational drawing
  • collage

and media…

  • carbon paper
  • different background materials
  • pencils, pens

The media might be different colours like primary, secondary or complementary colours!

We’re using a lot of line and shape when creating our art. We also might use shade to show darkness and shadows.

Help at home by spotting what shapes you can see on or as part of the architecture you see!

How to write a set of instructions

Posted on Friday 29 November 2024 by Miss Birch

Year 3 have planned, written and edited their writing this week – a set of instructions.

A set of instructions tells the reader how to do something.

They had the freedom to choose what they wanted to write their instructions for:

  • How to spend a day without technology
  • How to fly a magic carpet
  • How to control a giant robot
  • How to survive a day at sea

We needed to include bossy (imperative) verbs, time connectives and adverbs to help give detail the reader.

We also acted out each scenario to see what we might need and to generate ideas!

Here’s some of our writing.

Help at home: Can you spot the verbs, time connectives and adverbs?


Maths – column addition

Posted on Wednesday 27 November 2024 by Miss Birch

Year 3 have recently learnt how to add two numbers using column addition. Column addition is a great method for when we aren’t able to use reasoning and mental maths to help us add numbers together.

Top tips:

  • Use HTO to help you line up your numbers.
  • Use one digit per box to keep it neat and tidy.
  • Always start adding from the smallest value column!

This is what your working out might look like if each column adds up to 9 or less.

We have then learnt what to do if a column totals 10 or more! We use these facts to help us:

10 ones = 1 ten

10 tens = 1 hundred

We must exchange the 10 ones for 1 ten and mark it underneath our answer box and do the same for 10 tens exchanged for 1 hundred.

Here’s some of our work!

Help at home by practising this method. Can you add two 3-digit numbers using column addition?

North East Leeds cross country

Posted on Friday 22 November 2024 by Mrs Taylor

** UPDATE ** Eight of our runners have qualified for the Leeds cross country final – congratulations!

Today, thirty of our Key Stage 2 children took part in the Leeds North East School Games Cross Country festival at Roundhay High School attended by twenty nine schools.

We had a great start from our Year 3 runners with three children coming in the top 15 including an amazing third and fifth place! Then, an effortless first place by one of our Year 4 runners was a great achievement. After that, we saw some excellent efforts and determination from the rest of the children throughout the afternoon with great support and encouragement from the other pupils.

Well done to all the children who took part and represented the school. We are sure there will be some qualifiers for the next race, the Leeds final. Watch this space!

Thank you to the parents who came along to help and support at this event.

If you’re child would like to take part in cross country, have a look at our physical activity guide for details of local running clubs and junior Park Runs.

Some of the children who took part, are regular runners at the Leeds Schools Sports Association Saturday morning cross country races. Details will shortly be sent out for the next race on Saturday 14th December.

Living and Learning: online safety

Posted on Friday 22 November 2024 by Miss Birch

This week, our Living and Learning focus has been about online safety and in particular spotting adverts online.

First of all, we thought about what an advert is and what a pop up is.

Adverts can be everywhere online and they can often be misleading.

They can pop-up on our screens, ask us to input personal information and even say things that are too good to be true!


If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! They’re businesses that are trying to make money.

We came up with a list of top tips to use when thinking about adverts online:

  • Don’t click on adverts or pop-ups.
  • Keep your personal information safe.
  • Talk to a trusted adult if you see something inappropriate or you’re unsure what to do.

Help at home: Talk about what you would do if this popped up on your screen?

Food Technology: egg pot!

Posted on Tuesday 19 November 2024 by Miss Birch

Today, Year 3 made an egg pot! The children prepared all the ingredients, cooked it in the microwave and ate almost all of it.

We used the bridge cutting skills to cut up all the tomatoes. The bridge was best for these because they are small and were a bit slippery after washing them!

We used the microwave to heat up the tomatoes and beans. We cooked them in 1 minute bursts. Then, after we cracked the egg into the jug, we microwaved it for a further 2 minutes to make sure the egg had cooked through. We could tell when it was done by seeing if the white of the egg was opaque (not see through).

We stayed safe by concentrating and taking our time.

Everyone tried it and the majority of us loved it! The beans were our favourite part.

Help by making it again at home! The recipe has been sent home with the children. Can you add something new? Could you try putting it on toast?

Road Safety – Seatbelts!

Posted on Thursday 14 November 2024 by Miss Birch

Today, Year 3 were visited by Leeds City Council to talk to us about road safety. There are lots of things to remember to keep us safe around the road but today was specifically about seat belts!

Seatbelts are one of the main things that can keep us safe while in the car. They keep us from getting more seriously hurt  if there were to be an accident.

We watched a ball fly across the room with no belt and then with a belt. When it had a belt, it was safe and held to its seat. We repeated this again but with a model car and dummies and we saw that they were more hurt when they weren’t wearing their seatbelts.

Help at home by checking that your child knows how to put on their own seatbelt! How fast can you put it on? Can you do it in less than 10, 5, 1 seconds?


Anti-Bullying Day!

Posted on Tuesday 12 November 2024 by Miss Birch

This week is Anti-Bullying Week and at Moortown, we are celebrating it with Anti-Bullying Day today.

It is a special week and day to encourage everyone to take a stand against bullying all year round.

We’ve been wearing odd socks to celebrate diversity, acceptance and including everyone! We want to respect everyone, regardless of their differences. Respect means to treat others how we would like to be treated; with kindness.

Our definition of bullying is…

Bullying can be verbal, physical, emotional or online (cyber-bullying).

We have lots of things we can do to help ourselves or others if we notice bullying:

  • Talk to a trusted adult.
  • Share with friends.
  • Call Childline on 0800 1111.
  • Write a worry in the worry box.
  • Email 

We took part in a live lesson on CBBC that taught us how deal with disagreements, falling outs and bullying.