Christmas dinner menu
Catering Leeds, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Thursday 13 December. Please contact the office, before Monday 26 November, if your child would like a school dinner on this day.
Living and Learning: Anti-bullying week ‘Choose Respect’
This week, all classes have been learning about different aspects of bullying during national Anti-Bullying Week.
Thank you to those families who supported our Odd Socks Day on Monday, celebrating that we are all unique.
At their first meeting, our new School Council reviewed the school definition of bullying and this remains unchanged.
‘Bullying is when you hurt someone, physically or emotionally, several times on purpose.’
In addition to this definition, each class has considered the following.
- Types of bullying – cyber-bullying and prejudice-based bullying related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion and belief, special educational need and disability
- What to do if children experience or witness bullying. The key message is to tell someone (start telling other people)
STOP can stand for two key messages: the definition or the problem (Several Times On Purpose) and the solution (Start Telling Other People).
All classes have access to their class I want to say box or a whole school worry box where they can tell an adult any concerns about bullying or any other issues.
Our whole school homework this week, will allow children to consolidate this learning and show what they have learnt in a creative way.
We encourage you to discuss this learning with your child and for further support, bullying resources can be found at…
RE – Special Messages
In RE, the class were learning about the birth ceremonies for the Christian and Muslim faiths.
The class were fascinated to learn that a Muslim father whispers a special message to his baby as soon as they are born. It was really nice to see members of the class sharing their personal knowledge of this with the rest of the class.
We talked about what special message we would like whispered into our ears. The class came up with some brilliant and thoughtful special messages, below:
Great job Year 3!
Living and Learning
This week it’s anti bullying week. In Living and Learning, Year 3 discussed what bullying is and what they should do if they are being bullied.
The class shared that S T O P defines what bullying is. It stands for:
S – several
T – times
O – on
P – purpose
Year 3 then discussed that S T O P also explains what to do if you’re being bullied:
S – start
T – telling
O – other
P – people
Check our Year 3 saying STOP, below!
Odd socks day
We launched anti-bullying week today by taking part in Odd Socks Day.
There were all kinds of sock colours and designs on show celebrating the fact that we are all different and unique. Thank you for supporting this.
Here’s some of the Year 2 selection.
New kit awarded from Premier League Primary Stars
Following our application to the Premier League Primary Stars Kit and Equipment Scheme, we’ve heard our bid has been successful!
As a result, we’ll receive a new kit for school later in the year. This will be of great use for the football team and for other competitions.
School Council, when they meet for the first time on Wednesday, will be discussing the possible team colours. The final choice will be made democratically: each school councillor will vote for their favourite.
Which would you choose?
Allerton Grange sports leaders
Over the year, Year 2-Year 6 will visit Allerton Grange to take part in PE sessions organised by their sports leaders.
There are many benefits of these sessions:
- Allerton Grange sports leaders have the opportunity to practise and develop their skills with a class
- the sessions support our positive relationship with Allerton Grange
- our pupils visit a local high school
- the children get to enjoy a PE session in a different environment and see positive role models (the leaders)
- the sessions give a positive image to physical activity
- pupils reinforce their road safety knowledge as they walk to Allerton Grange
October active travel prize winners
We’ve awarded the final voucher prizes for our October active travel prize draw.
Well done to Isla, Year 2, and Jasraj, Year 4, who won the week 4 and overall October month prizes for travelling to school in an active way.
The Living Streets’ WOW interactive travel tracker allows children to record, in class, their daily journey to school and children will continue to be awarded themed badges at the end of every month for travelling actively.
An active journey includes:
- walking
- scooting
- biking
- park and stride
We want to reduce the number of cars outside school so if you do have to travel by car, we recommend parking away from the school gate maybe at our preferred park and stride location, Marks & Spencer.
As always, keep safe while travelling.
Class Novel Readers
Each day, we read our class novel. At the moment, our class novel is Around the World in Eighty Days. It’s originally by Jules Verne.
This week, the children have taken over the role of reading the novel out to the rest of the class. See some pictures below:
We discussed the meaning of some words we didn’t understand from the class novel. By doing this, we learnt lots of new and interesting vocabulary that we may be able to use in our own writing.
Can your child remember what the words underlined, mean?
- Dawn brought with it a dark and gloomy sky.
- By noon on the second day, the storm finally slowed.
- How the skilled hands of Bunsby and his crew kept the boat moving was a complete mystery to Phileas Fogg.
- The seas were rough and the wind was strong.
- Passeportout was pacing along the upper deck of the boat.
School Council 2018-2019
Meet our newly elected school councillors, chosen democratically by their class.
Their first meeting will be held next week. On the agenda is to discuss bullying (as part of anti-bullying week), Takeover Day and to consider what they might want to spend their library and class reward budgets on.
All children are encouraged to make suggestions to their school councillors (by posting their suggestion slip in each class’ Living and Learning box) for ideas/concerns to be discussed.