Topic Algorithms
In Year 3 we have been learning about compasses: what they are and what they were used for before we had satellite navigation. We then practised turning and facing the directions on a compass, in the hall. We then went on to write algorithms using north/south/east/west and stop, to accomplish a goal. We needed to collect passengers of the Titanic from the water whilst avoiding the iceberg. Y3 then went on to write their own game with a specific aim. They had to choose their own mode of transport and decide what they needed to collect or avoid on the way from start to finish. Check out the work, below: Sam: ‘Drive the jet pack from start to finish, avoiding trees.’
Ashton: ‘Swim from start to finish, collecting the goggles.’
Leah: ‘Fly the hot air balloon from start to finish, avoiding the houses.’
Hashim: ‘Drive the jet pack and collect all of the legendary dragons.’
The class then played each other’s games and came up with algorithms to achieve the specific aim. We discussed that a successful algorithm is the most straightforward and direct series of instructions that accomplishes the task. Well done, Year 3!
Anti-bullying week – odd socks day
Next week is Anti-bullying Week. This year’s theme is ‘Choose Respect’ and we will be joining in with Odd Socks Day on Monday 12 November.
This day is to raise awareness of our differences, individuality and personal choice. There is no need for any payment – your child should simply wear odd socks and join in the fun!
Thank you for your support.
Living and learning – Identity
Our Living and Learning theme this half-term is Identity. Pupils will learn about what makes themselves and others special, valuing the similarities and differences between themselves and others and what is meant by community. This will be taught through our Living and Learning sessions and also a focused week – Anti-bullying week (12 November).
Also this half term, our new school charity will be chosen. Every year, we nominate a new charity to support. This year, we have been supporting MakeAWish. We decide this on the basis of a Talk Time homework, and then school councillors make the final decision.
Our Living and Learning long term plan details the learning for each year group across the year and you can keep up to date with our weekly Living and Learning statements on the parent noticeboard in the playground and also on the school calendar. We will begin and end this half term with a focus on manners.
I apologise when I need to.
I say please and thank you.
Bonfire night themed menu
When we return to school, on Monday 05 November, there will be a bonfire night themed menu.
Election ready
The polling station is all set up and ready for the annual School Council elections tomorrow.
Good luck to all candidates.
Active travel in October – week three winner
Well done to our week three winner who made active journeys to school every day last week.
Our active travel section on the website has recently been updated. Have a look at some of the initiatives we take part in to encourage a happy and healthy start to the school day.
Active travel in October – week two winner
Well done to our week two active travel winner (08 – 12 October) who was randomly selected to receive the latest £10 voucher.
Our week three winner will be announced early next week.
We have a final weekly prize to award and also a prize for someone who has made an active journey to school every day in October. These prizes will be awarded straight after half term once our Living Streets travel tracker data is available.
Remember an active journey can be walking, biking, scooting or parking away from the school gate and striding the last part of the journey.
Lost property
School Council are involved in a project to try and reduce the amount of lost property we have at school.
Starting this Friday, lost property will be available to look through in the playground to hopefully reduce the pile we have already this term!
Naming your child’s items helps to get things back to their owners so we will also be offering a clothing name labelling service for 20p per item. Profits will go to our school charity, Make-a-Wish.
New additions to the library – thank you, school councillors
At their final meeting, our current school councillors spent time, using part of their budget, choosing new books for our library.
From sport books to science books, there’s a great selection. The books will soon be available to borrow from the library.
Living & Learning
This week’s Living & Learning statement is – I understand that rights come with responsibilities.
The class explored the word responsibility. We discovered that responsibility means that we have a duty to deal with something. We discovered that the word rights means we have an entitlement to have or do something.
Some examples of this statement included:
- I have a right to go to the toilet but I have the responsibility to go at an appropriate time like break time and lunch time, where possible.
- I’m responsible when I remember my swimming kit.
- I’m responsible for doing my homework on time.
- I have the right to an education. It is my responsibility to learn as much as I can.
- I have the right to a clean environment so I have the responsibility to do what I can to look after the environment.