After-school clubs
Our autumn term clubs continue after half term and there is an opportunity to join the below after school clubs which currently have available places:
Hama Bead Club – Y4, Y5, Y6
Mindfulness & Yoga – Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6
Skipping – Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6
Sewing & weaving – Y4, Y5, Y6
Skipping – Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4
Girls Football – Y4, Y5, Y6
Dazl Dance – Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4
Basketball – KS1
Basketball – KS2
Clubs run straight after school and finish at 4.15pm.
All clubs will run until w/c 9 December, which would give your child 6 sessions if they’d like to join.
If your child is interested in joining any of the above clubs, please reply to the email sent and an individual payment request will be set up.
Rugby ticket offer
Headingley Stadium has the honour of hosting the England men’s and women’s national team against Samoa and Wales respectively on Saturday 02 November 2024.
As a partner school of the Rhinos, we are pleased to offer children and families 20% off tickets. These are purchased directly from the Rugby Football League using the discount code shown below.
Living and Learning: What is democracy?
This week, Year 3 learnt about what is democracy and how we can become involved in democratic decisions.
Democracy, one of the British Values, means ‘rule by the people’. It comes from the Greek words dêmos (people) and krátos (rule or strength). This has linked to our Topic learning because the Ancient Greeks, more specifically the Athenians, who created the idea of democracy.
We learnt about how democracy works in this country. This included learning about central and local government, what services government provide for the people and the role of political parties.
Next week, we’ll have our own democratic vote to elect our new JLT members for this year.
Help at home: Create your speech for becoming a JLT candidate.
What good qualities do you have to be a good leader?
“I would be a great leader because I am a good listener.”
How can you help your class?
“I would help Year 3 by sharing your ideas with Mrs Weekes.”
Lotherton Hall Trip!
Today, Year 3 went on their school trip to Lotherton Hall. Lotherton Hall is full of animals and history which is perfect for our Science and History learning at the moment!
The focus today was Science – animals including humans. We discussed five ways we can group animals based on their characteristics:
- mammals
- reptiles
- birds
- fish
- amphibians
We looked at x-rays and replica skulls and classified them based on what we could see. For example, some animals had a backbone and others didn’t or some had wings and others didn’t.
We explored the Wildlife World and the playgrounds (of course!) The weather was great too so we were outside for most of the time. Take a look at us exploring…
Help at home by grouping animals based on their characteristics. What do penguins and flamingos have in common?
Why not take a trip to Lotherton Hall yourselves? There are some Halloween activities on this month until early November.
Me and My Community week
Our next whole school themed week, based around identity, diversity and community, will be taking place from Monday 4th November. This is the first of two themed weeks in the year. In our ‘Me and My Community’ week, children will learn about what it means to belong to a community, from family to national or even international communities. Importantly, our children will also learn to respect and celebrate different communities. A variety of events and visitors are planned to help us deliver this key aspect of our Living and Learning education.
Events and learning during the week will include looking at our own identity including belonging and self-esteem, diversity of people around us including race, age, religion and disability and children will also be getting out into the community working with local organisations and taking pride in the local area for example by litter picking.
Active travel in the community
We encourage children to get out in the community in an active way on their way to and from school, with prizes available as part of the themed week. By walking/scooting/biking to school, families will by keeping our community safer and healthier by reducing congestion at the school gate. Maybe even pick up a piece of litter on the way. Even by parking further away from school your child could then to do the final part of their journey by foot, bike or scooter. Bike and scooter storage facilities are available beside the Year 3 and 4 classrooms.
Email us ( a picture of your active travel, maybe by a landmark in our community on your route to school, for the chance to win one of five vouchers. Entries to be submitted by noon on Friday 8th November.
New school charity
At the end of the themed week, classes will have the chance to discuss our charity shortlist and the Junior Leadership Team will have the final vote for which charity they would like our school to support, replacing our current charity, The Children’s Heart Surgery Fund.
Identity day
Friday 8th November will be a non-uniform Identity Day. Children are invited to dress in clothing that represents part of their identity, for example uniform from a club they attend, a team they are part of or support or traditional dress to represent their heritage. There is no donation or contribution required for this day.
SAVE THE DATE PTA coffee morning Friday 8 November 9-10am
As part of the week, we welcome all parents and carers to an informal coffee morning to meet other members of our school community including representatives from the PTA. A whole school community Wake up Shake up will follow at 9:50am in the main playground.
Can you help?
Maybe you speak another language and you would be happy to speak to children about this or you would like to share about your own family culture and heritage. If so, please contact the office to pass on your details. Also, do you have any local community links that may support our week?
Our website continues to keep you up to date with key community events as well as our community noticeboard.
Writing – Write a recount!
In our writing lessons, we have completed our first writing unit! We’ve written a recount as a warrior arriving back home to Athens.
What is a recount?
A recount re-tells events and describes what has happened.
What makes a good recount?
- past tense
- description
- feelings
- adverbs
We did an amazing job of including all of our features. We have read back through our writing to check it makes sense and to see if we could improve it! So if you see purple pen, that’s our editing and improving.
Here’s a couple of our recounts:
Our next piece is writing is a discussion piece. Help at home by discussing two sides of an argument like: Are dogs better than cats?
Dogs are better than cats because…
Cats are better than dogs because…
Topic – The Golden Age of Ancient Greece!
Year 3 are well into their Topic for this half term – Ancient Greece.
Ancient Greece’s Golden Age (the time where it was at its best) lasted from around 800BC to 300BC. During this time, they were a very innovative civilisation. They’ve influenced our lives in so many ways and we made some posters to display this!
They founded the Olympics with many of the sports we still play today e.g. javelin, discus and horse racing.
The story of Marathon who ran the distance (42 km) which we still run now.
Some of our language originates from Ancient Greek.
The Ancient Greeks loved art and performance. From amphitheaters and amazing architecture to spending time making and decorating pottery, the Greeks did it all.
Philosophy and Writing
We have learnt a great deal from philosophers like Socrates and Plato. So much so, that we still think deeply about the world around us every Friday morning in Year 3.
But every good thing must come to an end! The Golden Age of Greece ended around 300BC due to a few reasons:
- City states like Athens and Sparta were warring over land, resources and power.
- The Romans were attacking and trying to invade to expand their empire.
- Greek oligarchies were being over thrown by the poorer communities as they felt they weren’t being listened to!
We created some freeze frames to match these scenarios in our lesson this week.
Help at home by exploring other ways that Ancient Greece has influenced our lives today! What else can you find?
Connect Challenge
Today, the whole school completed our Connect Challenge, in memory of Rob Burrow, by running walking or skipping seven laps of the back playground and the green. All the children gave 100% and were even asking to do extra laps. It was a great active morning!
Thank you for your donations so far. You can still donate on Gateway until the end of the week with money raised to be split between the Rob Burrow Centre for Motor Neurone Disease Appeal and our school charity, The Children’s Heart Surgery Fund.
Scooter Training!
Today, Year 3 have been scooter training! Using a scooter to travel, rather than driving in a car or on a bus, is much more active and clean. It’s good for us and the environment.
First, we reminded ourselves of the Green Cross Code:
We then practised using this code outside while scootering around. We had some fun practising our stopping using our break.
Then we stopped and walked while crossing a ‘road’ and looked behind us while crossing a ‘driveway’.
Help at home by choosing an active way to travel. When crossing a road or driveway can you use the Green Cross Code to keep you safe?
Living and Learning – rights and responsibilities
This week, Year 3 have been talking about rights and responsibilities.
We learnt about Eglantyne Jebb, the founder of Save the Children, who drafted the first Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1923. She wanted children to be protected, nurtured and educated!
The children discussed what rights they have and that these rights come with responsibilities. Here’s what we came up with:
I have the right to learn and go to school. I have the responsibility to help others learn while at school.
I have the right to clean water. I have the responsibility to not waste water.
I have the right to share my religion. I have the responsibility to be respectful about other religions.
I have the right to feel safe. I have the responsibility to make others feel safe.
I have the right to feel happy. I have the responsibility to make others feel happy.
Help at home: What other rights and responsibilities can you think of? See how many you can list with your child!