Year 3 Class News

Ocean Awareness Day

Posted on Thursday 21 June 2018 by Miss Wilson

Yesterday was Ocean Awareness Day for Moortown Primary School!

First, we had an assembly to discuss the importance of the ocean which got us thinking about the small things we can do at home to protect it. One huge problem for our environment is our use of plastic. You can find more information from our trusty First News source here.

Talk to your child about the small changes you could make to do your bit. We talked about:

  • purchasing a reusable bag for life
  • requesting glass milk bottles
  • using paper straws

To celebrate Ocean Awareness Day, we designed our own sea creature and wrote a report about it. Here are some of our weird and wonderful results!

The reports were pretty good, too!

Next up, we created some Ocean poetry in the style of shape poems. (Some of us got to read them in the afternoon assembly, too!)

Finally, we gathered in the hall to create some whole class artwork using recycled milk bottle lids. First, we made the shape of some ocean dwellers in small groups…

…before making a gigantic dolphin as a team!


The likeness to a real dolphin wasn’t an accident – we did it on porpoise!

For more ways you can help at home, check out tips to use less plastic.

Sports day 2018

Posted on Friday 15 June 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This year’s sports day will take place, during our Being Healthy themed week, on Tuesday 03 July 2018, at Roundhegians Rugby Club.

Key Stage 2 events will take place at 9.30am and Reception and Key Stage 1 at 1.30pm.  Children will be walking to the field, escorted by adults.  We will require additional adult helpers so please let the office know if you can help with this.

If weather conditions mean we have to change the date, the reserve date is Tuesday 17 July.

The format of this year’s event will be competitive races and field events with children having the opportunity to compete for medals.  However, all children will be rewarded for taking part.

Our teams will be: green, blue, white and red.  If possible, please could your child wear a t-shirt to wear to match their team colour.  Pupils may wear PE kit for the whole day.

As we are off site, please could you provide your child with a carrier bag to sit on.  If you are coming to spectate, you are welcome to bring rugs or chairs to sit on.

Please could you ensure your child has their water bottle and a cap/hat at school; it would also be useful if you could apply sun cream before your child comes to school.

Normal lunch time and end of school collection arrangements will still apply on this day.

In the event of bad weather, updates will be sent via Twitter and posted on the website.

Your support is valued to make the event memorable and we hope you are able to come and cheer your child on at sports day.

Building 3D shapes

Posted on Thursday 14 June 2018 by Miss Wilson

We’ve been learning all about shapes in Year 3, and this week we’ve explored 3D shapes.

Our challenge was to make as many 3D shapes as possible using only spaghetti and marshmallows!

Ask your child to remember and spot some of our shapes using the pictures below:

These shapes look familiar…

… Where have I seen those before?



Tomb Explorers

Posted on Wednesday 13 June 2018 by Miss Wilson

Today, the classroom was transformed into a classtomb.

Children needed to navigate the dark, twisted maze using arrows to find artefacts, read clues, discover treasure and escape to tell the tale.

Who were the Ancient Egyptians?

What do these artefacts tell us about how they lived?

These pictures, taken by the explorers themselves, will help us to build a picture of their lives.

Train like a ninja

Posted on Saturday 09 June 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Change4Life and Star Wars have joined forces to help get more children active with an exciting new Train Like A Jedi programme.  The video, featuring double Olympic gold taekwondo champion, Jade Jones, will demonstrate a series of 12 moves that will help children master the ways of the Jedi.

This resource is a great way for children to get active and to contribute to the recommended daily 60 minutes of physical activity (30 minutes during the school day).  We can’t wait to try out this video as one of our daily brain breaks.

Why not have a go at home to try and master some of the Jedi moves?



Tennis for free

Posted on Saturday 09 June 2018 by Mrs Taylor

A community sports charity is offering free tennis coaching every Saturday at Cross Flats Park.  These are fun sessions for all abilities.

Cycling events

Posted on Friday 08 June 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Recently, some of our Key Stage 2 children enjoyed taking part in the Brownlee triathlon at John Smeaton Leisure Centre.  It is always one of the most popular events on our competition calendar.

This weekend, it is the real thing and the World Triathlon Series returns to Leeds.  Starting locally at Roundhay Park, this is a perfect chance to see the athletes as they head to the city centre.

There is also a Let’s Ride pop up ride at the Brownlee Centre on Sunday.

Whether you want to ride for fun or fitness, the free monthly pop-up events gives you the chance to ride a traffic-free cycle circuit as many times as you want, at a pace that suits you.

The event is open to all ages and abilities and the circuit is easy to ride, with volunteers on hand throughout, ensuring peace of mind and safety for all cyclists.


Walk to school prize draw

Posted on Friday 25 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to all pupils who have encouraged their families to walk to school this week or if you had to come by car, you have parked further away to park and stride.  We hope you have enjoyed the benefits of this active travel.

Once our Living Streets travel tracker data is available after the half term, we will have the prize draw for all children who have walked/used park and stride this week.

Hope you get some chance this half term to continue to enjoy lots of  physical activity – maybe a local walk, a parkrun, a bike ride or a swim.

Moortown Living Streets Local Group has launched!

Posted on Wednesday 23 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

A new ‘parent led’ Living Streets group has been set up in Moortown to campaign for improved streets in the local area.

The launch coincides with the publication of a new Family Walk To School Kit to mark #WalktoSchoolWeek, a national event from UK charity Living Streets.

The Moortown group is the first local group in Leeds and will be working towards creating a safer, more enjoyable environment for people in our area.

Please help us make Moortown better by registering to receive news from us.

Find out more and stay informed about our upcoming initiatives:

Have you been walking to school?

Posted on Tuesday 22 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Have you been coming on foot to school during walk to school week this week?  If so, you will be in the prize draw on Friday.  The more times you walk or park and stride, the more entries into the draw you will have.

Take a look at our walk to school video  for more facts and benefits of this form of active travel.