Year 3 Class News

Walk to School week

Posted on Monday 21 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to Zariaat from Living Streets for our Walk to School week assembly this afternoon.

We reminded ourselves about lots of benefits of walking to school – less traffic and pollution near the school gates, spending time with family and friends and physical and mental health improvements.

Don’t forget our prize draw on Friday for all pupils who have walked or used a park and stride option this week.

Well done to Year 2 who have recorded the most active travel journeys to school so far this year.

Brownlee Triathlon

Posted on Monday 21 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Some of our KS2 pupils have enjoyed taking part in the Brownlee Triathlon at John Smeaton Leisure Centre in the sunshine today.  They’ve completed the three elements of the triathlon – swim, bike and run.




Walk to School week

Posted on Sunday 20 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This week, we will be taking part in national Walk to School week.  It looks like the perfect weather for it too!

We’re sure you’ll agree these are all great benefits of walking to school.

During Walk to School week, children who walk to school or park further away and walk the rest of the journey (park and stride) will all be entered into a prize draw to win one of five £10 vouchers at the end of the week.

We are also looking forward to hearing about what you notice on your route to school as part of our whole school homework this week.

National Walk to School week has featured in this week’s First News.

By taking a walk to school, children will be working towards our Living and Learning statement for this week.

I recognise mental health is important.

Why not try this Supermovers quiz to see how physical activity can boost children’s mental wellbeing.

Computing with Kodu

Posted on Friday 18 May 2018 by Miss Wilson

LO: I can use logical reasoning to evaluate mine and others’ programs. 

First, we played each other’s games and looked out for why they were successful and what we would magpie if we could.

Hifza: “The aim of our game was to try not to get killed by the cannon shooting blips and we had to get our score to twenty points. It was kind of easy because we had lots of health.”

Will: “We had a fly fish and our starting point for our rover and Kodu was at the other side. You had to get twenty apples whilst dodging the missiles from the fly fish. Ours was two player.”

Musa: “The most challenging part was making the cannon shoot the blips because at first we didn’t know what to do and it took us a long time to work it out.”

Jess: “Since our game wasn’t saved properly we had to start all over again. It was tricky but we didn’t give up and I worked with Jasraj to try and fix it.”

Harris: “Other people had different characters like a squid so I could use them as an obstacle next time.”

Leo: “Noah and I thought we might use water and hills to make it more difficult next time.”

Sami: “Even though the cannon tried to defeat us and sometimes we got destroyed, we had fun when we won at the end.”

Computing with Kodu

Posted on Friday 18 May 2018 by Miss Wilson

LO: I can use logical reasoning to improve my program. 

Today, we tinkered with our games to improve their challenge and entertainment. We wanted to make fun games that were the right level of difficulty.

It was very satisfying to play our own games!

Next, we’ll play others’ games and evaluate our learning.

Computing with Kodu

Posted on Friday 18 May 2018 by Miss Wilson

LO: I can design a sequence of instructions that accomplish a goal. 

Children moved towards creating their own game by programming the Kodu to eat apples to win points.

Parth: “There’s score and points and if you get an apple, you’ll score.”

Children also looked at prewritten codes and made predictions about what would happen. 

Sakina: “I think you’ll score five points per apple.”

Felix: “If you get 20 points, you will win.”

(LO: I can look at an algorithm and make a prediction.)

We also discussed how to debug algorithms that didn’t work.

Phoebe: “You need to change Kodu’s settings and show how many points you’ve got.”

We found that saying each piece of code out loud helped us figure the sequence, check for errors and make predictions.

Next time, we’ll improve our games by tinkering.

All Stars cricket assembly

Posted on Wednesday 16 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

In our assembly yesterday, Tom, from All Stars cricket, told us all about their cricket programme running at local cricket clubs.

This video gives more information about the programme and how to find your nearest All Stars centre.  New Rover, Adel and St Chad’s Broomfield cricket clubs are all running the programme locally.

Summer Picnic themed menu

Posted on Wednesday 16 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Friday 06 July.

Please contact the office, by Friday 22 June, if your child would like a school dinner on this day.

School savings club

Posted on Sunday 13 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

The next School Savings Club paying in date is Thursday 17 May 2018 at 3.15-3.45pm.

If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.

The paying in dates are the penultimate Thursday of each half term and the final date for the summer term is Thursday 12 July at 3.15-3.45pm.

Finally, if your child would like to open account, please ask at the office.

Big Pedal

Posted on Wednesday 09 May 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to all pupils and families who took part in the Big Pedal initiative over the past two weeks by scooting or cycling to school.  It’s great to see children continuing to make these active journeys to school to reduce congestion, increase physical activity and improve mental health.  We’ll be awarding the Big Pedal prizes in our assembly on Friday.

Well done to Reception class who made the most journeys by bike and scooter, followed by Year 4 and Year 3.

We’ll also be getting involved with Walk to School week, 21-25 May.  Watch out for a whole school homework all about our local area and routes to school.