Year 3 Class News

Living and Learning – I can name emotions. 

Posted on Monday 23 April 2018 by Miss Wilson

Last week we did some artwork based around different emotions. 

First, we planned different expressions in our sketch books and talked about what colour they reminded us of. 

Next was the fun part! We drew, painted and blew!

Can you guess what emotions are being shown in our artwork below?

The Big Pedal is back!

Posted on Friday 20 April 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Get set… we’re taking part in Sustrans Big Pedal 2018, the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge, that inspires pupils, staff and parents to choose two (or three) wheels for their journey to school.

The Big Pedal will run alongside our year round Living Streets WOW sustainable travel initiative where the children record how they travel to school on our daily travel tracker.

The Big Pedal challenge focuses on journeys made by bike and scooter and runs from 23 April to 04 May.  We would love everyone to be involved.

The details

On each day of the challenge, schools compete to see who can record the greatest number of pupils, staff and parents cycling or scooting to school. Our best five days will determine our final position in the challenge. We’ll be competing against other schools right across the UK, and if we clock up the most bike and scooter journeys, we’ll win!

 Why we’re taking part

It’s a great way to get more of our pupils travelling to school on their bikes and scooters. We will be competing to become one of the UK’s top schools for two-wheeled journeys and will be in with a chance to win prizes including bike and scooter stunt shows and fantastic cycle and scooter storage.

What’s next?

All you need to do is encourage your child(ren) to cycle or scoot to school every day during the event, and join them on their way.

If you do need the car to bring your child(ren) to school, you could park further away from school and bike or scoot the last part.

Living and learning – Healthy minds

Posted on Sunday 15 April 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, our Living and learning theme is Healthy minds. Each week, we have a Living and learning statement.
  • 16 April I can name emotions.
  • 23 April I recognise emotions in myself and others.  Being aware of different emotions – both positive and negative – is an important basis for good mental health.
  • 30 April I show empathy.  Talk to your child about empathy, both in real-life situations and also when discussing characters in a book, film or TV programme.
  • 08 May I can describe ways to calm down. We all get worked up from time to time – how do different people calm down?
  • 14 May I use calming down strategies.  Calming down strategies might include any of the mindfulness techniques children have been taught or counting to ten, going for a walk, getting a glass of water – discuss what works for you and your child?
  • 21 May I recognise mental health is important.  We want our children to be happy and healthy! 

This text is a great introduction to the topic of mental health for children.

We’ll end the half term with a focus on money management.  Children will learn about their choices with money – saving, spending and the wider world of work.
Moneysense provides further resources to support your child to develop good money habits.
A savings account is a good way for children to recognise the importance and value of money.   In association with Leeds Credit Union, we offer the chance for children to open a Schools Savings Club account.  Over 10% of pupils hold an account and we have regular half termly paying in sessions.  If you’d like your child to open an account, please contact the office.


Posted on Thursday 29 March 2018 by Miss Wilson

This week, we’ve been looking over our tests from last week to find out where we went wrong and to understand how to improve.

One fun way we did this was to use the online learning games website Kahoot!

If you want to try it at home, you can make your own quizzes about anything at all! (Yours doesn’t have to be about grammar and punctuation like Miss Wilson made!)

Jess said: “Kahoot is very fun because you get to do quizzes and you work as a team to try and win the quiz.  I like those sorts of things.”

Emma described Kahoot in three words: “Fun, competitive quiz.”

Ethan L said, “It’s exciting because you answer the question and you can see where your team is coming, like first, second or third and you can see how many points you’ve got.”

Each question was based around the themes of the grammar test we did last week so after we’d spotted our mistakes we had another go using the online quiz. We could chat about why certain answers were correct but also why certain answers couldn’t be correct.

Here are some screen grabs from our online grammar review!

The question appeared with four possible answers below. Children, in teams of two using an iPad between them, clicked on the correct corresponding answer on their device. Bonus points were awarded for speed!

Each round showed a summary for how many teams were successful.

Some questions were harder than others, especially under a time pressure.

These ones proved to have the widest spread of answers but this gave us lots to discuss about which answer was correct and more importantly why.

The scoreboard kept us on our toes and it was very exciting when your team name popped up! Notice how we used usernames instead of our real names. As Kashif said, “Real names are private information online.”

At the end of the quiz, we found out the winner. 18/20 isn’t bad at all! Well done to everyone for their enthusiasm and contribution!


Our best sporting achievement to date

Posted on Tuesday 27 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Today, at the West Yorkshire School Games, our Year 6 orienteering team have successfully won bronze medals competing against over 20 of the best teams from across West Yorkshire.  A fantastic achievement!  Well done to the whole team.



Posted on Monday 26 March 2018 by Mrs Freeman

A quick reminder that Year 3 and 4 will showcasing their production of ‘Darwin Rocks‘ at 2pm tomorrow and 6pm on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, the children will need to return to school for 5.30pm. Please can you let us know if this causes a problem.

Both classes have worked very hard over the last few weeks and are very excited to perform to family and friends.

Please try to arrive on time as latecomers can be quite off-putting for the children.

We hope you enjoy the show.



Moortown Park consultation

Posted on Wednesday 21 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to those parents and carers who came to view the proposed plans for Moortown Park.

As part of the pupil consultation, Helen Forman, Senior Design Officer at Leeds City Council, met with our School Council and spoke to all children in a whole school assembly.  She commented the children had lots of intelligent questions and comments.

The feedback will be considered and they feel hopeful to incorporate the changes that were suggested including the monkey bars that quite a few children asked for.

The equipment will be ordered soon, ready for installation at the play park so thank you for your input.

School Savings Club

Posted on Sunday 18 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

The next School Saving Club paying in date is Thursday 22 March 2018 at 3.15-3.45pm.

If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.

The paying in dates are the penultimate Thursday of each half term and for the summer term, these dates are Thursday 17 May and Thursday 12 July at 3.15-3.45pm.

Finally, if your child would like to open account, please ask at the office.

West Yorkshire Cross Country Championship

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This week, Grace, one of our Year 6 pupils, took part in the West Yorkshire Cross Country Championships, competing against pupils from Calderdale, Bradford, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield.

Grace qualified for the finals by coming 14th in the Leeds championships.

She faced the finest runners in the county and out of a field of nearly 150 runners, Grace came a fantastic 32nd place – the 12th Leeds finisher.

Well done to Grace on her great performance!

We science

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Miss Wilson

Yesterday, we had a visitor who is studying medicine at Leeds University.

He came to teach us about the heart and circulatory system. We got to use stethoscopes! It was really cool!

However, they did garner some mixed results!

We carried out an experiment about what happens to your heart during exercise.

  • “We measured before exercising for ten seconds, then we measured straight after and then a minute after.” – Felix
  • “Your heart pumps faster when you exercise and then slows down.” – Liam

Lastly, we enjoyed a quiz to test how much we’d learnt!