Year 3 Class News

Looking to Christmas and beyond…

Posted on Friday 15 December 2017 by Miss Wilson

This week we’ve been feeling both festive and creative whilst making our Christmas cards and 2018 calendars! Check out our artwork below:

We’ve been inspired by Frosty the Snowman

… and the Chinese New Year! Did you know, 2018 is the year of the dog?

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all!

Year 3/4 new class novel

Posted on Friday 15 December 2017 by Miss Wilson

Next term, Year 3 and 4 will be diving into two class novels.

The first will be a Fighting Fantasy novel, which is the title given to a series of interactive books, also known as gamebooks, that were developed by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone. This book will certainly be intriguing and memorable because the children’s participation and the choices they make directly affects the outcome of the story!

The second will be Akimbo and the Elephants, written by Alexander McCall Smith.  Here’s the blurb for a sneak peak:

Ten-year-old Akimbo lives on a game preserve in Africa. His father is the head ranger, and Akimbo is eager to help him whenever he can—even if it means getting into some pretty dangerous situations.

In Akimbo and the Elephants, ivory poachers are killing grown elephants for their tusks and leaving the calves to die. When the authorities fail to turn up new leads, Akimbo sets out to save the elephants by posing as a hunter himself.


Festival fever!

Posted on Friday 15 December 2017 by Miss Wilson

This week’s homework was to show what I know and think about something cultural or to show what I know about a festival.

Here are some of our fantastic submissions!

As usual, the children were so enthusiastic about sharing their ideas and asking each other questions. Well done, everyone!


Posted on Wednesday 13 December 2017 by Mrs Freeman

Image result for party clip art

Just a quick reminder that the children can bring party clothes, in a carrier bag, into school tomorrow. They can put on their dancing shoes after lunch and get ready to strut some moves!

Image result for party clip art

Road Safety Pantomime ‘The Gift of Life’

Posted on Thursday 07 December 2017 by Mrs Taylor

Yesterday, all pupils watched this lighthearted show that delivered important road safety messages.

Pupils joined Santa and Rudolf as they travelled back in time to prevent young Neil Downe from being knocked down. Whilst being fun and interactive, the pantomime covered the following road safety themes:

  • the Green Cross Code
  • seat belts
  • be bright, be seen
  • safer cycling

Ask your child about the performance and what messages they took away.

We are homework heroes!

Posted on Thursday 07 December 2017 by Miss Wilson

Week in week out, we are so impressed by the quality of the homework. This week’s task was to demonstrate our understanding of instructions. 

We discussed what made our homework successful, including drawing illustrations, making booklets and taking photos of our recipes in action!

Phoebe included all her spellings in a poem. Brilliant! There were some other very creative examples of spelling practice, too. Jemima decided to draw her spellings to help her remember! 

Well done everyone! 

We are rock detectives!

Posted on Thursday 07 December 2017 by Miss Wilson

Continuing our What’s The Matter? themed mini topic, today we have been observing rocks! (LO: TBAT compare and group rocks.)

First, we watched a video about the different types of rock around us and noted down some key words to help us later. 

Next, we decided how to compare the rocks. We thought of things like colour, texture and weight. 

As a class, we talked about how to present our findings. We thought a table would be a good idea, so we walked through a class WAGOLL to help.

Here’s what we came up with:

For a class challenge, we discussed:

Geology rocks!

We respect communities and their members.  

Posted on Tuesday 05 December 2017 by Miss Wilson

In yesterday’s Living and Learning session (L&L theme: I respect my community and other communities)  we looked at the story of the Hueys and the New Jumper.

First, we discussed what’s good and less good about being a part of a community where everyone is the same. 

We talked about our own experiences:

“I felt nervous joining Y3 but everybody made me feel welcome.”

– Ethan 

“I didn’t feel nervous because there was no need to.”

– Talha

Next, we watched the short story by Oliver Jeffers

We explored how the characters in the story would be feeling as Rupert decided to set himself apart from the group with a new jumper. 

Finally, we decided that you shouldn’t judge someone on their appearance. It’s more important to get to know the person to make them feel welcome and respected as part of the community. 

We Are One Cool Class!

Posted on Friday 01 December 2017 by Miss Wilson

After many weeks of earning numerous cool class tokens but narrowly missing out, Year 3 are finally victorious!

We caught up with a few of the amazed pupils as they returned to their classroom to let the news sink in.

“I feel proud!” – Yusayrah

“I’m really happy. We’ve waited quite a while.” – Nryan

“I feel proud because we haven’t won before.” – Jasraj

“I was shocked because we’ve never won in Year 3.” – Safiya-Mishal

“We’ve tried to get lots of class tokens to get the cup.” – Adam

“We tried to be kind to all the teachers and the dinner staff and the cleaners.” – Jemima

We dig fossils! 

Posted on Thursday 30 November 2017 by Miss Wilson

As part of our What’s the matter? mini topic, we’ve been studying fossilisation! (LO: How are fossils formed?)

We worked in groups to jot down key words and phrases from an informational video

Next, we were given pictures of the different stages and had to put them in the correct order and write a sentence about each. 

There was no need for a fossil fuel boost today- nobody was being a lazy bones! Fossils rock!