Year 3 Class News

This week

Posted on Friday 11 March 2016 by

Plant News

Our plants have really started to grow. In class we have been making observations and predictions about our plants.
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What will the mystery seeds be?!

Pirates of the Curry Bean


We have been hard at work rehearsing our Easter production. We can’t wait to show you the finished results in a few week’s time.

07 March – plant update

Posted on Monday 07 March 2016 by

This weekend, new life has been brought into Year 3. Our plants have started to sprout!image image image image

Working co-operatively

Posted on Sunday 06 March 2016 by

We compared working co-operatively with working alone in our SEAL session this week. The challenge was to pick up as many cubes as you could in 30 seconds. Why not ask your child which was more successful working alone or as a pair?

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Leeds Let’s Get Sugar Swapping!

Posted on Friday 04 March 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Following the introduction of the Change4life Sugar Smart App, the Leeds Sugar Smart Challenge has been launched to ask families, schools and other organisations to share the amount of sugar they have saved by making sugar smart swaps.  The Change4Life website has lots of information to help you to look for sugar on food labels if you are unable to access the app.

Leeds Sugar Smart Challenge features a city totalizer to record the number of sugar cubes saved, with prizes available at random to top swappers.



Wigton Moor girls’ football try outs

Posted on Thursday 03 March 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Are you interested in playing girls’ football and in Year 2, 3 or 4?

Places in Years 5 and 6 also available.




Children and Young People’s Plan

Posted on Thursday 03 March 2016 by Mrs Taylor

The ambition of Leeds City Council is for Leeds to be a child-friendly city.  A child-friendly version of the city’s Children and Young People’s Plan has recently been launched; it was designed in consultation with pupils from primary and secondary schools across Leeds.  As well as being a fun activity sheet, it is also a good way to share the city-wide vision directly with children and to raise their awareness of what Leeds City Council are doing to make Leeds the best city for children to live and grow up in.

The plan was recently reviewed by our School Council.

If you would like a printed copy of the plan, please ask at the office.


Children and young people are the future of our city, which is why we put them at the very heart of the growth strategy.  We want Leeds to be a compassionate city with a strong economy, and it is really important that all our children and young people are supported to achieve their full potentials.  The city-wide partnership approach in promoting and achieving the aims of the Leeds Children and Young People’s Plan is key to this.

Today’s menu

Posted on Thursday 03 March 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Have you seen our new menu board on display in the dining room?  This is updated daily to show the school dinner menu including the main course, vegetarian main and jacket potato option.  If your child has their school dinner in the main hall they are encouraged to have a look at the board at the start of the day, playtime or at lunchtime.

You’re also welcome to have a look with your child/children.

The full weekly menu is still available, displayed on the dining room window and in our school meals section.

The Summer term menu has also been published with details of any new dishes.  How to encourage others to try new dishes was recently discussed by our School Council.  Suggestions included:

  • Tell your friends if you have tried one of the new meals.
  • Have a taster of a new meal.

In response to this, children can request a small taster of a new meal alongside their lunch.  New dishes will be highlighted on the menu board.


Recycled planters

Posted on Wednesday 02 March 2016 by

Today, as part of our Life topic, we have been planting some vegetables! We used plastic bottles to make some planters for class. Watch this space for more plant news!

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Homework review

Posted on Wednesday 02 March 2016 by

We used the discussions you had at home for homework to create some short scenes demonstrating the difference between co-operative and uncooperative choices.

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School councillors

Posted on Tuesday 01 March 2016 by

Here’s our new school councillors designing a new display for class.
