Year 3 Class News


Posted on Wednesday 26 June 2024 by Mr Roundtree

Yesterday, 10 children from Year 3 and 4 went on a trip into Leeds to visit Waterstones!

The children all chose a book to take home and we had great fun looking at all the different choices that were available.

Take a look at some of the books that we chose below! Have you/would you like to read them?


Living and Learning – Healthy me and my body.

Posted on Monday 24 June 2024 by Miss Birch

We’ve been learning about our bodies in Year 3.

How are females and males different?

We came up with lots of ideas about how they are different but actually decided that many females and males have loads of similarities. For example; favourite colours, hobbies, hair colour.

One thing we decided that is definitely different is the body parts.

Year 3 were very mature and discussed how animals (including humans) have different bodies for different reasons. For example, females can produce milk for their young whether they are a cow or a cat.

It’s important that we know the names of our body parts and that they belong to us. We reminded ourselves of the NSPCC  pants  rule:

Help at home by naming as many body parts as possible! How many can you name?

Living and Learning – Body Image

Posted on Monday 24 June 2024 by Miss Birch

We kicked off our new topic in Living and Learning by talking about body image.

We first made a human scale in the hall to show how confident we are with different things. One side of the hall was ‘most confident’ and the opposite being ‘least confident’.  This showed us how different we all are ‘inside’.

We then thought more generally and came up with these ideas of how we’re different:

Some of these things we can’t change, could change or will change over time. Here’s what we decided!

Food Technology: Summer Garden Salad

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2024 by Miss Birch

Today, Year 3 made a Summer Garden Salad! The children prepared all the ingredients, assembled the salad and ate almost all of it.

We used the bridge and claw cutting skills to cut up all the vegetables. The bridge was best for the new potatoes and the plum tomatoes. The claw was more suitable for the gem lettuce leaves and cucumber.

The carrot was grated to keep it fine and we boiled the new potatoes until they were soft!

We stayed safe by using these skills carefully and taking our time.

After we assembled all of the vegetables, we whisked together the yoghurt, oil and vinegar for the dressing.

Everyone tried it and the majority of us loved it! The dressing made it flavoursome and we liked the colours of all the ingredients.

Help by making it again at home! The recipe has been sent home with the children. Can you add something new? Could you try a different dressing?

England Schools’ Swimming Association Primary Team Championships

Posted on Sunday 16 June 2024 by Mrs Taylor

This weekend, our Year 5 and 6 swimmers took part in this prestigious national finals event at Ponds Forge, Sheffield after recently qualifying in the North East regional heat.

Competing against schools from all over the country from Westminster to Guernsey to Devon, and with tough competition, all the team put in 100% in their mixed stroke and freestyle races. For some of our swimmers, this was their first experience of competitive swimming. We are very proud of how well all the children represented Moortown with such a great, supportive team spirit.

A huge thanks go to parents for their support with the team over the two events.

Races can be watched back on the following link.

1:08:00 lane 2 mixed stroke

2:40:50 lane 7 freestyle


Design and Technology – I can sew using a needle and thread.

Posted on Thursday 13 June 2024 by Miss Birch

In Year 3, we’re going to be design, making and evaluating a pouch! This pouch can be for whatever purpose that the children choose. It could be a pencil case, a coin purse or a general pouch.

A key skill that we’ll be using to make these pouches will be sewing. Some of us had sewed before but many of us hadn’t.

We followed these instructions:

1. First, thread the needle and tie a knot in the thread.
2. Then, complete a running stitch using your binka fabric.
3. Finally, tie a knot at the end of the stitch and cut the excess thread.

The children worked so hard to be precise with their sewing and their running stitches look fantastic! More confident sewers were helping their friends and all worked together. Have a look at some of our outcomes:

One of the trickiest parts was tying the knots in the thread. Help at home by practising tying knots in a piece of string or even learning how to tie shoelaces! These fine motor skills will be really beneficial for the children.

Maths – What’s the time?

Posted on Thursday 13 June 2024 by Miss Birch

This week, Year 3 have been learning to tell the time. Telling the time can be tricky as there are lots of ways to read the same time e.g. 2:15, 15 minutes past 2 and quarter past 2.

We began by reading the time to 5 minutes.

“three twenty”

Then, we had a go at reading time to minutes past and minutes to. The key to this is lots of practice!

Here’s the children’s fantastic learning:

Help at home by having a go at reading the time.

Challenge: Can you read a digital and analogue clock? What about a clock that uses roman numerals?

What can you achieve?

Posted on Monday 10 June 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Today, Jess Wright, who is a coach with PE Partner and leads one of our after-school clubs, came to speak to the children in an assembly.

At only 17, Jess has been playing football for over ten years and currently plays for Sheffield Wednesday. She also coaches at different levels from children to adults and referees too.

Jess has another role which is to try to get children, especially girls, into football and providing opportunities for children who want to get involved.

Jess shared information of how to get involved in local physical activities. This could be our school after-school clubs, other local physical activities listed in our guide for parents and carers or other opportunities especially around football and getting girls into football.

Leeds City JFC are a local club looking for new members especially in their girls teams.

Wigton Moor JFC are another local club with opportunities.

Catalan Soccer offer classes and camps.

Thank you to Jess for coming into school to inspire the children and to share her experiences around football and the opportunities and skills it provides.

New spelling list for half term 6!

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2024 by Miss Birch


Year 3,4

This half-term, our spellings are linked to the rules and strategies we’ll be learning in class:

  • alternative graphemes: tion, sion, ssion, cian
  • alternative graphemes: i, ie, y, i-e
  • homophones: he’ll, heel, plain, plane, groan, grown, rain, rein, reign
  • alternative graphemes: sc
  • spelling patterns: que
  • alternative graphemes: u spelled ou

Each Friday, you’ll be tested on 8 of the words from the list below.

he’ll scenery bicycle mosque enough
heel decide possession direction mission
describe plain height surprise fascinate
league plane scissors increase magician
exercise fatigue groan unique country
guide confusion grown rain science
passion tongue fraction rein rogue
picturesque politician optician reign rough


Science – Does the amount of seeds affect the growth of a plant?

Posted on Tuesday 04 June 2024 by Miss Birch

Hello! We hope you’ve had a relaxing half term.

We’ve come back to some amazing growth from our sunflower seeds! With the warm and sunny weather, they’ve shot up.

There is still a big difference between the heights of the plants in each pot too. With the plants with 2 seeds in now being the tallest and the pot with 1 seed being the shortest.

Check back next week to see more growth!