Year 3 Class News

Thank you…

Posted on Thursday 21 May 2015 by Mr Roundtree

…for coming to our second class assembly this afternoon.

Some comments from visitors are:

  • “Great mix of drama, poems and music. Always impressed by the children’s confidence.”
  • “Well done, everyone. Loved the drum beats.”
  • “Great hearing about how the Y3s can be good neighbours.”
  • “Fantastic! Well done, everyone in Y4!”

Who do you think you are?

Posted on Wednesday 20 May 2015 by Mrs Freeman

This week is a themed week in school. On Tuesday, we had a visit from the  Deaf Awareness charity and Kidzaware. We learnt some basic sign language as well as finding out what life is like living with a disability. Ask your child if they can remember the signs for any of the letters of the alphabet.

This morning, we visited St. Gemma’s Hospice and found out all about the amazing work they do, not only in the community, but also for their patients and families too!

Have a look at our week so far.

Don’t forget, Thursday is our class assembly (2.40pm). We look forward to seeing you there.

Walk to School Week

Posted on Wednesday 13 May 2015 by Mrs Taylor


Walk to School Week will run alongside our themed week where children are encouraged to take a walk in the community on their way to school, maybe even picking up a piece of litter on the way.

Two walk to school competitions will run over the week – firstly, the return of our Where’s Wally challenge (using our walk to school website video) and also a reward for the class who make the most journeys to school on foot during the week.

Each day your child walks to school they should put a counter in their class’ totaliser jar.  Even by parking further away from school your child could then to do the final part of their journey by foot.  By Friday, the class with the most journeys to school on foot will win a martial arts session with John Weatherall, White Rose martial arts.

We hope you will support this initiative in helping children make a healthy start to their day and also helping towards reducing congestion at our gates.


Who do you think you are?

Posted on Wednesday 13 May 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Our next whole school themed week, based around identity, diversity and community, will be taking place next week, from Monday 18 May 2015.

A variety of events and visitors are planned to help us deliver this key aspect of education.

Events during the week will include looking at our own identity including belonging and body image, diversity of people around us – this might include race, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender. There will be various visitors to support this. Classes will also be getting out into the community working with local organisations such as our local charity, St Gemma’s Hospice; local care homes; Moortown Community Group; and taking pride in the local community by litter-picking.

Identity day

Following a suggestion from one of our school councillors, Friday 22 May will be a non-uniform identity day. Children are invited to dress in clothing that represents part of their identity, for example uniform from a club they attend; a team they are part of or support; or traditional dress to represent their heritage. We invite a £1 voluntary donation and proceeds will be shared between St Gemma’s Hospice and the Nepal earthquake appeal.

Who do you think we are?

Do you think you’d recognise some of our staff in their early years? This photo competition will run throughout the week with details to follow separately. Again, proceeds will be shared between St Gemma’s Hospice and the Nepal earthquake appeal.

We’ll keep you up to date about events during the week through Twitter and the class news pages on our website. It’s going to be a busy week!

Our website and Twitter continue to keep you up to date with key community events. Upcoming events include the Roundhay Park Fun Run on 20 June and the PTA Summer Fair on 04 July. We hope you can support these.

Pizza making

Posted on Friday 01 May 2015 by Mrs Freeman

Today, we’ve been making our own pizzas. We focused on particular skills such as chopping, grating and slicing. The children were able to use methods such as the ‘The Bridge’ and ‘Claw’ effectively. While the pizzas were cooking, the school was filled with an aroma making everyone’s taste buds tingle! I was particularly  impressed with how many offers to wash up there were!

Take a look at our master chefs at work.

100% Attendance

Posted on Thursday 30 April 2015 by Mrs Freeman

Congratulations to all those who have had 100% attendance since the end of February:

  • Matteo
  • Aleena
  • Owen
  • Nishaan
  • Sam
  • Pippa
  • Hibba
  • Zack
  • Isobel
  • Edward
  • Umaimah
  • Nico
  • Oliver
  • Harry
  • Zeewa
  • Pavan
  • Neive
  • Grace
  • Megan
  • Archie
  • Stanley
  • Saleem

Wow! That’s 22 children in total – very impressive. Keep it up!


Summer Term

Posted on Thursday 23 April 2015 by Mrs Freeman

What a great start to a new term! Year 3 returned to school after the holidays and every day this week have shown they are ready and eager to learn. Well done, Year 3!

On Monday, we began our new science topic Magnets and Forces. Check out some of the Year 3 scientists below.

Keeping safe and fit

Posted on Tuesday 21 April 2015 by Mrs Taylor

John, from White Rose Martial Arts, demonstrated in the assembly today some of the skills that can be learnt at the karate after-school club, running again this term.

Pupils who have already attended the club confidently showed their karate techniques alongside some key messages about self-defence from John.

There was a lot of interest from the children so please contact John directly to secure a place for your child. Information can be obtained from the office or your child’s teacher. There is a free taster session on Tuesday 05 May but places are limited.


















Our new SEAL theme for this half term is…

Posted on Saturday 18 April 2015 by Mrs Taylor


This theme explores feelings within the context of our important relationships including family and friends.

It aims to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: self-awareness, managing feelings and empathy.

There is a focus throughout the theme on helping children understand the feelings associated with an experience that we all need to cope with at some time: that of loss – whether of a favourite possession, a friend, a family home, or a loved one. Although relatively few children are bereaved, most will experience losses of other kinds during their childhood; losing a home, losing friends because of moving house or changing schools, or losing a pet are examples.

We would therefore ask for parents / carers to alert us to any experiences your child has had that might make this area particularly difficult for them – for example, a bereavement.

End of term

Posted on Friday 03 April 2015 by Mrs Freeman

Well, what a busy term it has been! This culminated with our Easter production of The Time Lord, for which the children all worked very hard. Below are some of the finished plague masks we’ve been working on during our medicine topic.

I would like to say “Well done” to all Year 3 for a great term! Enjoy the holidays.