Cross country
Recently some pupils from Key Stage 2 took part in the Leeds North East School Sports Partnership KS2 cross-country festival at Cardinal Heenan. Here is a report from the event.
‘On Monday, I was really excited to go to the cross country. It was time for my race. My friend stood next to me. Just then, the whistle blew. I ran as fast as my legs could take me! I slowed down but didn’t stand still. I was near the back but that didn’t stop me. Nothing could get in my way and I caught up with some others. I sprinted to the end and passed a few people as I crossed the finish line. My smile was from ear to ear. I wasn’t near the front but I wasn’t the last. Everyone cheered and patted me on the back. I felt like I was first.’
Well done to all the children who took part.
KS2 tuck shop free portion
As an incentive for selecting the pre-pay option, we’re able to offer you one week free. Therefore, the cost for one portion of fruit from 06 January to 31 March 2015 inclusive (12 weeks) is £2.20 (11 x 20p) and the cost for two portions is £4.40 (11 x 40p). Please note that if you choose to pay in advance, your payment is non-refundable and must be made in cash with the exact money.
If you prefer your child to continue paying in cash on a weekly basis, that’s fine – we’ll continue to operate this system.
If you would like to pay in advance for your child to visit the tuck shop, please return the slip and money to the office by Monday 15 December 2014.
KS2 fruit tuck shop takes place every Tuesday morning playtime.
Several times on purpose
Alongside our Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds themed week it has been national anti-bullying week.
Our school definition has been discussed by the School Council and has been amended, 10.11.14, to incorporate the stop message.
‘Bullying is when you hurt someone, physically or emotionally, several times on purpose.’
Following a whole school assembly, Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team have delivered Show Racism the Red Card workshops across school and in class children have discussed these aspects of bullying:
- Our revised definition of bullying (above)
- Types of bullying – cyber-bullying and prejudice-based bullying related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion and belief, special educational need and disability
- What to do if children experience bullying. The key message is to tell someone (start telling other people)
Bullying resources can be found at…
Children tell us what they would do if they were bullied ‘…I would tell an adult, teacher or someone I trust.’
All classes have access to their class SEAL box or a whole school worry box where they can tell an adult any concerns about bullying or any other issues.
Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds
Our themed week, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, has been filled with visits and visitors providing a variety of experiences for the whole school.
We would like to thank the following for their support with our themed week:
- Heart Research UK
- d:side (drug education)
- Betty Sutherland tai chi
- White Rose martial arts
- Chapel Allerton squash and tennis club
- Leeds United
- Molly Cawthorn (Leeds United ladies)
- Leeds Rhinos
- Tesco Seacroft Farm to Fork trail
- Jhardine Farrell who delivered ‘respecting everybody’ circle times
- Leeds anti-social behaviour team
- Year 6 for taking over PE lessons for the rest of the school
- Mr Catherall for introducing the teachers to our new whole school sport, tchoukball
- parents/carers who talked about their health related job to different classes
- Public health resource centre for the loan of resources and providing health related leaflets
Finally, thank you to all staff and pupils who have fully engaged with all the learning throughout the week. Take a look at the Class News sections of the website to find out what each class have been doing. We have enjoyed a fun-filled week.
For further information about healthy bodies and healthy minds have a look at the Kids health website and Leeds Let’s Change for advice on more local health issues.
And an extra note from me, Mr Roundtree: I’d like to also thank Mrs Taylor for continuing to organise wonderful, packed themed weeks around being healthy or staying safe. She puts an incredible amount of effort into ensuring our pupils enjoy some wonderful learning opportunities from staff and visitors.
Ronnie the Rhino and the Challenge Cup!
Yesterday, we had a fun-packed assembly from two Leeds Rhino Coaches who recapped some very important messages about how to have a healthy lifestyle. They introduced us to their friend Ronnie the Rhino – who had successfully changed his unhealthy lifestyle by eating a more balanced diet and doing lots more exercise. We were also very lucky as Ronnie had brought in The Challenge Cup which the Leeds Rhinos won recently.
Athletics preparation
Recently some children from Year 4, 5 and 6 visited Roundhay School to practise their athletics skills ahead of the first round of the competition next week. It was great to use the equipment and everyone had a blast! Good luck with the competition.
Year 4, 5, and 6 have been working with gym coaches, Jane and Charlotte, from Temple Newsam gymnastics club. This initiative is part of our investment of the PE government funding to up-skill class teachers in their teaching of gymnastics and provide high quality gymnastic sessions for our pupils.
For any children who want to develop their gymnastics skills further, Jane and Charlotte run after-school classes at their gym centres, Barwick village hall and Temple Moor high school.
It’s half-term…
…so there’s no specific homework this week, apart from ensuring your child spends at least 20 minutes each day reading and 5-10 minutes learning their number bonds / times tables.
Enjoy your October break. If you stay in Leeds, check out all the activities the museums and art galleries have on offer.
More competitions
Tag rugby, tennis, netball and cross country were some of our sporting successes last year as part of the Sainsbury’s School Games programme. Upcoming competitions this term include athletics and cross country. Details to follow!