The Rs for learning
The 7Rs for learning is an additional theme to our SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning) coverage across the year. Throughout this theme children will explore seven key aspects of learning behaviour:
- Responsibility – know that you are in charge of your learning
- Risk – taking – having a go
- Resilience – keep trying, stay positive and persevere
- Resourcefulness – try a different way and find and use resources independently
- Responsive – respond in the right way to peers and adults
- Remembering – apply your learning in other lessons
- Reflection – think about what and how you’ve learnt and learn from your mistakes
Each of these aspects that help us to learn will be explored over this half term.
Try this tasty dip
Year 6 have been developing their food technology skills by making hummus:
Have a try at making hummus! It is a great source of protein and fibre and makes a healthy alternative to meat if you’re a vegetarian. To make this tasty dip even more delicious, spread it in pitta bread for a light lunch or dip veg into it for a scrumptious snack. Try it in your lunchbox – you won’t be disappointed!
Here’s the recipe:
- 410g can of chickpeas
- juice of one lemon
- 1 clove of garlic, crushed
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
Whizz the chickpeas, lemon juice and garlic in a food processor or using a hand blender until just smooth.
Loosen with a little warm water if needed.
A chance to perform
This term sees the return of the annual dance showcase event held at Allerton Grange. Alongside Talbot, Moor Allerton Hall and Hillcrest Primary Schools, we’ll be taking part once again.
To prepare for the event we are running an eight week after-school club led by dance leaders from Allerton Grange to master the routine for the showcase.
No dance experience is necessary and it’s a great opportunity to learn a fun routine and take part in a fantastic dance event.
The club, open to boys and girls, starts next Tuesday 15 January, 3.15 – 4.30pm and will run until Tuesday 19 March. The dance showcase will be on Thursday 24 March.
There are still a few places left so call in at the office if you’d like to sign up.
A terrific term!
This term has been lots of fun and Year 4 have done really well! We’ve made cars, drawn real-life trains, performed poetry, investigated friction and much, much more!
However, there have been some stand-out stars of our first term and they deserve a special mention. In literacy, there have been some outstanding pieces of writing. Here’s a descriptive build-up of an adventure story by Lucas:
“As the sun began to dissolve beneath the gentle waves, Max’s tummy began to bubble. What was lying beneath the murky depths of the sea? Were there man eating sharks? He shivered and shuddered all over. He began to want to go home.”
We’ve been paying close attention to mood and how it can change through a narrative. Olivia, Steven and Tyler have all made excellent progress in their writing this term so a big well done to them.
In maths, we’ve developed our strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. All of the children have been pushing themselves up our learning mountain this term. Nevertheless, Danyal, Zakir and Isra have blown me away with their enthusiasm and as a result have all made especially good progress in maths.
It’s great to see that so many children are reading regularly at home with an adult. Umar, Abdul-Ahad, Kacy and Billy have all made great progress in their reading this term. A lot of this is because they are working hard at home.
Finally, thanks to Mrs Freeman and Mrs Edwards who have contributed massively to the success of the children.
Have a great Christmas, Year 4, and I’ll see you again next year.
(Finally, in case you missed it, here’s my (in)famous Christmas jumper that your child has no doubt been talking about…)
14 December 2012
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 19 December.
I can show what I have learnt about time.
We’ve been learning to tell the time and find time intervals this week so the children are tasked with showing me what they have learnt!
They could:
- Create a game.
- Make a clock and ask and answer some questions.
- Use a timetable (TV magazine, bus timetable) to ask and answer some questions.
- Match a time in words to a clock showing the same time.
Yoga fun!
Today, we’re going on a journey in our mind to a calmer and more peaceful place through yoga!
First of all, we’re going to have a bit of a warm up.
Now, we’re skiing through the Alps, surfing in Australia, riding camels in Egypt and…
Car craft!
This term in DT, we’ve been planning, measuring and sawing and I’m pleased to announce that there were no injuries! We wanted to make a car but first we had to come with some ideas of how we were going to do it. Once we had a sketched a design, we started writing down some measurements.
Our resources ready, we got to work measuring and sawing.
We needed to be really accurate with our measuring.
Finally, we started to piece together our car.
Mr Wilks and I also built a life-size prototype which the children were able to ride.
But not before I had a go!
All aboard for the National Railway Museum!
Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic trip on Wednesday to the National Railway Museum. We learnt about forces such as gravity and friction.
We saw lots of different types of trains. We even took a ride on the Chinese Bullet train!
We also did some sketching in our sketch books of our favourite trains.
Some of the wheels of the trains were taller than the children!
New SEAL theme – Getting on
The SEAL theme Getting On covers four main aspects:
- developing the social skills of friendship
- working well together in a group
- managing anger
- resolving conflict
Group work takes place across all lessons and even at lunchtime and playtimes. Some questions for children to consider are:
- Did everyone take turns?
- Did everyone listen to what other people thought?
- Did each person have chance to tell the group what they thought?
- If people had different ideas could the group reach a compromise?
The key areas of learning throughout this theme are empathy, managing feelings and social skills.
Within this theme is Antibullying Week, 19 November – 23 November.
Hobby Half Day
What a great way to finish a very long half term. All the children from Year 1 to Year 6 were mixed up into new groups and they went off to do one of many activities for the afternoon on Friday. There were all sorts going on: iJamming, drumming, candle making and glass painting to name just a few. As I went round, there was a great atmosphere and all the children were chatting and learning together. Thanks to Mrs Maver for organising it and thanks to all the staff who led a workshop.
Have a great half term!