Year 4 Class News

This is Year 4 Class News

Better brains with more sleep

Posted on Friday 28 September 2012 by Mrs Taylor

‘Your brain needs lots of sleep to repair itself and to organise and sort everything you have learnt’… One of the messages in the Good-night guide for children, published by The Sleep Council, sent home today, at the end of Brain Box week.

Research carried out by The Sleep Council revealed that lack of sleep among primary school children was having a devastating effect in schools with nine out of 10 teachers (92%) complaining that pupils were so tired they were unable to pay attention in class.  More than a third (38%) said lack of sleep among youngsters is a daily problem for them.

This week, classes have been looking at The Sleep Council’s Better Brains with More Sleep initiative where children are encouraged to learn tips on getting their full sleep quota and the factors that can affect it.


Ukulele lessons

Posted on Friday 28 September 2012 by

Every Friday afternoon, Year 4 have a ukelele lesson. Mr Batton has made a guitar from a Quality Street tin!


Our Big Topics begin…

Posted on Friday 28 September 2012 by

We’ve had a busy few weeks with mini-topics and our themed week but our Big Topics will begin next week!

Our topics for this school year are:

Year 1 and 2

  • Roll up! Roll up! Learning about the origins of the circus and how they have changed over time
  • Treasure A new topic for 2012-2013, ‘Treasure’ will include lots of map-reading and adventure
  • Ee Ie Ee Ie O! Learning about different types of farms and animals

Year 3 and 4

  • All aboard! Learning about transport through the ages
  • To infinity and beyond! A popular topic delving deep into space
  • Food, glorious food! Another new topic for 2012-2013, ‘Food, glorious food’ will look at popular food in different cultures

Year 5 and 6

  • Rich and poor Thinking about differences in lifestyle between rich and poor over time
  • Theme parks Another new topic for this school year, ‘Theme parks’ is a roller-coaster ride which links all the key literacy learning the children have done in the past, from reports to recounts
  • Chocolate A popular topic looking at aspects such as fair trade and how chocolate is made


Finding all possibilities

Posted on Thursday 27 September 2012 by

Year 4 try to find all the ways of making 10. To find them all they need to work systematically.


Visit from the University of Leeds

Posted on Wednesday 26 September 2012 by


Year 4 examined a real snail’s brain and a real rat’s brain! We’re currently being visited by lecturers from Leeds University. Well done to Farhaan who knew that the brain has 100,000,000,000 brain cells.


We also tested our touch receptors. We tested the back of our hand, our fingers and the back of our neck to see which had the most receptors.

Water Aid Assembly

Posted on Wednesday 26 September 2012 by

We’ve a sponsored walk on Friday – Gary from Water Aid tells the school about what happens with our donations.


How do drugs affect the brain?

Posted on Tuesday 25 September 2012 by Mrs Taylor

…This was one of the questions Key Stage 2 children have been looking at today as part of their drug education sessions with d:side.

Each class have been focussing on a different drug and its effects on the body:

  • Year 3 – tobacco
  • Year 4 – alcohol
  • Year 5 – solvents
  • Year 6 – cannabis

Both pupils and staff have given great feedback on the informative sessions and d:side also commented on our ‘very friendly and well behaved’ children.

If you have any questions please see a member of staff or contact Dave Hill, d:side Programme Manager, on 2225471.

For a comprehensive guide to this subject visit the Talk to Frank website (

D:Side visit Year 4

Posted on Tuesday 25 September 2012 by Mr Wilks


As part of Brain Box week, Year 4 are learning about the dangers of alcohol and its effect on the brain.

A Year 4 pupil experiences the effects of alcohol on balance by wearing some disorientating glasses.


Two Year 4 girls demonstrate how to say no.


Our amazing brains – Brain Box week!

Posted on Sunday 23 September 2012 by Mrs Taylor

This week is dedicated to developing an awareness of learning and how the brain works.

The importance of exercise, healthy food, sleep, hydration and emotional health, for a healthy brain, will be covered throughout the week alongside a main focus for each day:


Understanding your brain, brain cells and how to help your brain to learn.


How your brain learns best and learning styles.

Key Stage 2 classes will also have a visit from d:Side.  As part of our drug education in school, representatives from d:Side, a drug and health programme, will be looking, in particular, at the effects of various drugs on the brain.

Staff from d:Side will be available after school, in the dining room, for parents / carers to ask any questions about these sessions.


Developing the understanding of multiple intelligences and that everyone has gifts and talents.

Dr Dave Lewis, Senior Lecturer of Neuroscience, from the University of Leeds will be visiting Key Stage 2 classes.


Thinking about thinking and problem solving.


A day to remember – exploring a range of memory strategies.

The whole school Water Aid sponsored walk will take place during Friday.


Please check the website for further information and links to websites throughout the week.

Save water and money!

Posted on Friday 21 September 2012 by Mr Wilks

Yorkshire Water are currently running a Save Water, Energy and Money campaign. As part of this campaign, they’re giving away free water and energy saving packs.

To claim a free pack, follow the link at the bottom of the post and enter this reference code: MGMCR8

If enough people order the packs, school could win an iPod Touch!

Thanks to Mr Russell (Finn and Owen’s dad) for letting school know about the competition and for offering to donate the prize to school.

What are you waiting for? Order a pack. Save some water. Save some energy. Save some money!