Year 4 Class News

This is Year 4 Class News

The Really Big Summer Adventure

Posted on Tuesday 19 July 2011 by Mrs Taylor

Change4Life have launched their new campaign to run throughout the six week summer holiday to inspire children and their families to increase their physical activity and healthy eating.

Year 3, 4 and 5 will be receiving their Really Big Summer Adventure maps this week full of daily activities, weekly challenges and gold medal rewards to keep active all summer long. 

However, all children, parents and carers are encouraged to use the Change4Life Fun Generator with over 100 fun activities to keep children up and about during the summer holidays.

Have a happy and healthy summer!

Bike Week

Posted on Friday 01 July 2011 by Mrs Taylor

Last week, during Bike Week, over 120 journeys were made to and from school by bike.

All the names of children who cycled to school have now been entered in the Leeds City Council prize draw to be held on Monday 04 July with tickets drawn by the Lord Mayor.

Good luck to all those children.

It’s great to see children continuing to use their bike after bike week has finished as a healthy way to travel to school.

Bike Week 20 – 24 June

Posted on Saturday 18 June 2011 by Mrs Taylor

Next week is Bike Week.  Why not use our cycle rack and bike to school during this week?

Throughout the week each time you cycle to school you will be entered into a prize draw from Leeds City Council to win lots of cycling related prizes.  Let your class teacher know each time you come to school on your bike.

Year 5 and Year 6 have both recently had their cycling training and what a better way to put these new cycling skills into practice than to bike to school during Bike Week.

For more information about Bike Week visit or

For more information about cycling in Leeds visit

Moortown In Bloom

Posted on Monday 13 June 2011 by Mrs Weekes

mixture 023A piece of land between Stonegate Road and Scothall Road has been prepared to be part of Moortown In Bloom.  We were asked to go and help with some of the planting in partnership with the Moortown Group.  Off we went on Monday morning; we were given high visual vests (very fetching!), gardening gloves and a spade.  Several holes were dug and plants were planted and the results will be evident in a few months when the flowers are blooming.  Nine pupils from Year 6 represented Moortown Primary School very well; they worked well as a team and dug holes very well!  Abdul and Sanna were demon diggers!!  Look out this week in the Yorkshire Evening Post as we may appear along with our plants!

mixture 022mixture 018

Our most recent project

Posted on Thursday 09 June 2011 by

Year Four had an amazing time at the CLC centre last week. The children used skills such as researching, script writing, selecting images, editing and acting!

The end product was a news report.

Henry, Ebony and Georgia appear to have natural talent for news reporting!

Researchers hard at work

Posted on Thursday 09 June 2011 by

Researchers hard at work

At Allerton Grange, we used the Apple computers to research our news reports.

Lights, Camera…Action!

Posted on Thursday 09 June 2011 by

Lights, Camera... Action!

We enjoyed our visit to Allerton Grange where we produced a TV news report.

Relocation, Relocation

Posted on Thursday 09 June 2011 by

Relocation, Relocation‘ is our final topic in Year Four.

We’ll focus on reasons for relocating and we will learn a little bit about the Vikings and their movements.  The topic, as always, will be cross-curricular and therefore will incorporate art activities (printing), history and geography. Our SEAL theme of ‘Changes’ also fits well with this topic.

Thank you to Mrs Jaber for volunteering to speak to the children about her experiences of relocating. If any other parents or relatives are interested in sharing their experiences, please see me to discuss a convenient time.

French Skipping

Posted on Wednesday 25 May 2011 by

French skipping

Celebrating our goals!

Posted on Wednesday 25 May 2011 by


Well done to all our children for taking part in the sponsored Hot Shots event, raising money to help victims of the earthquake in Japan as part of My Community themed week.

Please return money raised as soon as you can – at the latest the first Friday after half-term.
