To Infinity and Beyond!

What’s happened to Year Four?!

A happy mathematician!

Alien maths!

Comic Relief
Friday 18th March is comic relief. Year Four have the theme of Astronauts and Aliens. It would be great to see some of the children dressed up as something linked to our topic (I don’t want to be the only alien)! Our learning will also link to this theme on the day so it should be enjoyable!
School Councillors
Thank you to Faizaan and Henry for being fantastic school councillors and good representatives of Year Four.
Well done to Sami and Iona who have now taken over their role – I’m sure they’ll be just as great!
Year Three and Four’s production will be on Wednesday 30 March at 2.00pm and Thursday 31 March at 6.00pm. We hope to see you there!
Topic – To Infinity And Beyond!
Can your child tell you how long it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun?
How about how long it takes for the moon to orbit the Earth?
Year Four seem to be really enjoying the Space topic! Last half term, the children produced some fantastic drawings of some of the space artefacts we have in school – take a look at our space display in class! This half term we will be developing our sewing skills to create alien hand puppets.
We have an exciting visit from a space dome to look forward to at the end of March when the children will experience an interactive virtual tour of the solar system!
Testing nets to make cubes

Practical Maths