Year 4 Class News

This is Year 4 Class News

Playing on the field.

Posted on Wednesday 01 December 2010 by

Keep an eye out for those snowballs!
Keep an eye out for those snowballs!

Having fun in the snow!

Posted on Wednesday 01 December 2010 by

Giggling until we fall over!
Giggling until we fall over!

All Aboard!

Posted on Sunday 28 November 2010 by

Pretending to work on the trains.
Pretending to work on the trains.


Posted on Sunday 07 November 2010 by

In PE we have been extremely lucky to have had coaches take Year Four for multiskills lessons. These lessons have focused on throwing, catching and balancing. These sessions will continue once a week until the next school holiday. I will teach the other weekly session of PE. We will focus on netball and basketball skills.

Try out the game about feelings!

Posted on Sunday 07 November 2010 by

Try the game about feelings which links to our PSHCE this half term.

A typical Year Four music lesson!

Posted on Sunday 07 November 2010 by

Singing and playing 'The Moortown Blues'.
Singing and playing 'The Moortown Blues'.

Enjoying Golden Time

Posted on Sunday 31 October 2010 by

Fun in the adventure playground!
Fun in the adventure playground!

Class Assembly

Posted on Sunday 31 October 2010 by

Well done to the whole class for an excellent effort with their class assembly!

Raising money for NSPCC

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by

Well done to Year Four!

This week, as part of the sponsored event each class has been doing, we have received 20 points each day for doing extra Wake Up Shake Up. Therefore, each child has 100 points.

Sponsor money raised for the NSPCC should be returned to school by Thursday 21 October. Thank you.

What a perfect cube!

Posted on Thursday 14 October 2010 by

Some children had so much fun making their 3D shapes that they thought they were in a DT lesson instead of maths!
Some children had so much fun making their 3D shapes that they thought they were in a DT lesson instead of maths!