After half term the children will be taking their guided reading books home to read. It is vital that these books are still in school each day so I would advise that the children keep them in their book bags whenever they are not reading them.
Class Assembly
Don’t forget – Year Four’s class assembly is on Thursday 21 October at 2.40 pm. We hope to see you there!
Welcome to Fatima who joined Year Four on Monday. We all hope Fatima has had a great first week at Moortown!
Designing healthy lunchboxes!

Health Week Dance

Perfecting pizzas!

Chef at work Tyler!

New additions to Year Four!
A big welcome to Winona and Amir! Both children are settling in brilliantly and are a pleasure to teach.
Welcome Back!
I hope you’ve all had an enjoyable summer!
I’m Miss Hewson and this will be my third year here at Moortown Primary School. I’m already enjoying teaching the new Year Four class and I’m sure that we have an exciting year ahead!
If you have any questions please feel free to come see me anytime. Otherwise, I look forward to meeting you at Parents’ Evening!