Year 4 Class News

This is Year 4 Class News

Plastic Pollution: Ecobricks

Posted on Tuesday 11 June 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Year 4 are going to be learning about the impact plastic is having in our oceans. How does it get there? What harm does it do to the marine life?

What can we do to help?

A single discarded plastic water bottle on a sandy beach

Plastic is really useful and we use it every day.
But what happens after we throw it away is causing a big problem for our planet. There are lots of easy ways you can cut down your single-use plastic, but what should you do with the plastic that you can’t avoid? Ecobricks are an ethical way of using up the plastic that can’t be recycled and won’t break down.

Today, the children have set up an Ecobrick station in the classroom.

What is an ecobrick?
An ecobrick is a building block made entirely from unrecyclable plastic. It’s created by filling a plastic bottle with clean, dry plastic until it’s packed tightly and can be used as a building block.
Ecobricks can be used in all sorts of sustainable building projects, which makes them a great way to dispose of plastic waste that would otherwise end up in landfill, and potentially, the ocean.

Image result for eco bricksTo find out more follow the link below.

Beach School 2

Posted on Sunday 09 June 2019 by Mrs Freeman

A few more pictures from our recent trip to Whitby.

Beach School – Whitby

Posted on Saturday 08 June 2019 by Mrs Freeman

What a great day we had learning in an outdoor and natural environment!

As we approached the coastal town of Whitby, the children enjoyed some spectacular views. In school, we have been studying the human and physical geographical features of Whitby so it was a real treat to see them for real!

Related imageImage result for views driving into whitby
Related imageImage result for views driving into whitby
The Yorkshire Beach School were our hosts for the day. The children were encouraged to develop curiosity skills and ask questions about their findings in the natural world.

The class worked in teams, leading and taking part in discussion and problem solving activities. They were given the freedom to explore and be creative in an ever-changing environment, connecting with nature physically and emotionally.

Shelter building

Shelter building is an excellent way to learn vital team building skills whilst using natural materials found at the beach. The children loved creating their own den and testing out its ability to survive the elements.

Rock pooling

Rock pooling is a fantastic way to explore all the crustaceans hidden below the high tide marks. After grabbing our nets, bucket and identifying cards, we began our searches.

Beach sculptures

Year 4 had great fun being artists; creating amazing sculptures on the beach using the natural resources that surrounded them.

Team building

The children took park in a  variety of challenging and exciting team building games; from transporting stones between their knees to filling a tube with water whilst blocking any leaks.


Throughout our day trip to Whitby, we are proud to say that all the children were well behaved, polite and a pleasure to escort to the coast.

Living and Learning: Relationships education

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to those parents and carers who attended the recent relationships education information sessions.

‘Very helpful to understand what information will be taught at each level and the terminology so we can use the same language at home.’

‘Lots of helpful information to help support learning.’

‘Pleased to have a clearer sense of what will be covered and how.’

‘Very helpful to understand what is covered and what vocabulary the children will be learning to be able to reinforce it at home.’

These sessions were aimed at making parents and carers more aware of some of the following aspects of our curriculum.

Relationships education forms part of our Living and Learning for this half term and if you were unable to attend the session, our progression of learning (pg10) and the terminology (pg6) that may be used as part of this learning can be found in our RSE policy.




Let us entertain you!

Posted on Tuesday 04 June 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Today, the whole school were invited to watch some of our talented musicians in action. Year 4 showcased their skills on the ukulele.  Having learnt a few simple chords and some basic strumming patterns, the children confidently played some popular tunes for us to enjoy.

Across the year groups, we have a selection of children who are learning to play the guitar. This group of musicians also demonstrated their skills.

Well done all!

Money Week – It’s party time!

Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Today, Year 4 took part in a Money Sense workshop. The children were asked to plan and organise a party.

Learning objectives:
• Identify what makes a good birthday party
• Plan and organise a party by making                         Image result for party balloons
decisions about what to include within
a set budget
• Identify costs and show an understanding
of value for money

For this lesson, we were joined by a volunteer from a bank. After hearing about her role, the children were able to ask our visitor some questions.

What’s it like working in a bank?

Do you need to be good at communicating with people?

How did you get into banking?

Why do people use banks?

Can people come to you for advice about money?

How is the bank, and its workers kept safe?

Year 4 worked in groups through a sequence of tasks.

Firstly, they discussed some questions.

How can birthday parties be different?
How can they be similar?
What might people do at a birthday party?
What is the best birthday party you have
been to? Why was it so good?
Have you been to a party you didn’t enjoy?
Why didn’t you enjoy it?

Then, the class were encouraged  to consider:   Image result for party time
Who will you organise a party for? Why did
you choose this child?
What type of party might they like? Why do
you think that?
What ideas do you have for a great party?
Why would these things make it a
great party?

Following this, how will we plan the birthday party? 
When the groups had agreed a theme for their chosen child’s birthday party,  they then needed to decide what will happen at their party and what they will need to provide to make it a success. Decisions were made as a group and roles were delegated.
What would you like to happen
at this party? Why?
What costs might be involved when organising this party?
How many people will you invite and how will you invite them? What is the cheapest way to do this? Why do you think that?
What will you give people to eat and
drink? Why?
Where could you buy the food and drink?                             Image result for party balloons
How will you know the best prices for the
items you need?
Where will you buy the cake? Will this provide
the best value? How do you know?
What type of entertainment will you provide?
How much will this cost? Could you have provided this entertainment any cheaper?

“It will save us money if we make a cake rather than buy one.”

Using a price list activity sheet, each person had to fully cost the aspect of the party they were responsible for. As they were to be competing with the other groups, the children had to budget well to provide the best-value party.

Finally, each group presented their work to the rest of the class. All the groups were under the given budget. Throughout this lesson, it was great to see some superb teamwork and lots of the children challenging themselves with the various  mathematical calculations.

Walk to School Week competition update

Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

For pupils who are completing the #WalktoSchoolWeek story this week, as school is closed tomorrow, the missing words for Thursday AND Friday can all be found on Friday in the usual locations. Happy Walking!

Remember to bring in your completed sheet on Friday to be entered in the prize draw for four £10 vouchers.

Big Pedal

Our involvement in the recent Sustrans Big Pedal initiative has been recognised in the latest Leeds City Council Influencing Travel Behaviour newsletter.

Thank you to all the schools who took part in The Big Pedal this year. An amazing 2299 schools across the country took part and 36 of them were from Leeds which is brilliant!
Well done to Moortown Primary School who came 38th out of 500 in the small school category!

It’s great to see such positive engagement in these active travel initiatives to ensure families have a healthy and active start to the day.  Thank you to Moortown Living Street group for their support with our active travel initiatives.

Living and Learning: MoneySense

Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Over this week, we are holding MoneySense sessions for each class with support from volunteers from NatWest.

MoneySense is an impartial financial education programme that uses real-life experiences to help young people develop good money habits.

Catherine from NatWest, supported our ‘How we use money’ Year 1, 2 and 3 sessions yesterday and gave some great feedback.

‘Everyone was very friendly and helpful. All the children I met were extremely well behaved and I was incredibly impressed with their depth of knowledge about finance.’
‘I learnt that paying for the internet is a want for a family but paying for food is a need.’
The parent and student parts of the MoneySense website provide further resources and activities to continue this learning at home.

Money Matters themed week – School Savings Club

Posted on Tuesday 21 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

As it is our Money Matters themed week, we are holding an information and paying in session tomorrow after school for the School Savings Club pupil accounts.

Jordan Francis, from Leeds Credit Union, will be available to give more details and hand out application forms for these pupil accounts. As there is not minimum deposit requirement, it is a great way for your child/children to learn the importance of money. Paying in sessions are held every half term.

As always, if you are unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be paid in, to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.

Girls Golf Rocks

Posted on Sunday 19 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Would your child like to give golf a try?

Here’s details of a FREE local project targeting girls golf taking place in the half term break.