Year 4 Class News

This is Year 4 Class News

Geography: physical and human aspects

Posted on Friday 17 May 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Image result for deepest hole ever
Did you know that mankind hasn’t YET dug right through the Earth’s crust?

As we begin our next topic (Extreme Earth), Year 4 studied the layers that make up planet Earth. Then,  we boarded an underground explorer and ventured deep below our feet. The children were fascinated by just how much goes on beneath us. Using a peach, we compared the internal structure of both the earth and the fruit. Image result for layers of the earth ks2Image result for comparing earth with a peach

Following this, we went on to compare Leeds with the coastal town of Whitby. Using an atlas, map or globe, the children were asked to locate both places.

Image result for aerial view whitby
“I found that you can travel from Leeds to Whitby by road and rail. There is no airport in Whitby. I wonder why?” – Jess
Image result for city of leeds
“I think Leeds will have the largest population because there are so many buildings for people to live and work in.” – Sami







Remembering some prior learning, the class used some basic OS map symbols and  the eight points of a compass to find and describe the whereabouts of each location.

I found the river that runs through Whitby. It is called the river Esk and runs for 45km. – Albie.

Albie was given the challenge to find the start and end points of the river.  He tracked the flow of the river using Google Maps and commented on some of the geographical features alongside the water.  Well done, Albie!

We discussed industries in both locations and Year 4 were able to confidently described aspects of human geography (eg land use, types of settlement) and physical geography (eg rivers and mountains,  coastlines).

Living and Learning: I recognise the importance of money.

Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by Mrs Freeman

In preparation for our ‘Money’ themed week, Year 4 used their session today to discuss the importance of money. Lots of the children were able to recognise the reasons as to why we need money.

We need money to live.

Money is earnt.

When you are older, you need to pay your bills.

Saving money is important.

You can buy nice things.

It is good to see how much different things cost.

Money is not just cash.

Following this, we then thought about whether or not money makes people happy.

I think lots of money would make you happy.

What if you have money but no family or friends?

Money can help to make people happy because they might not worry about it.

Money can’t buy happiness.

Earning money might make some people feel happy because they have worked for it.

Well done, Year 4! Some very mature suggestions here.

Our ‘Money’ themed week begins on Monday 20th May.

What makes a good sports leader?

Posted on Wednesday 15 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to our current Year 6 Sports Leaders who have fulfilled this role for the past year.  It’s now time to train up some new leaders to take over lunchtime physical activity sessions.

Year 5 were invited to sign up for the roles and we had some great applications.

Today, fifteen Year 5 pupils began their training to gain their Mini Leaders Award.  As well as learning a variety of physical activities, the group worked on their communication, explanation and organisational skills. After their second training session on Friday, they will be ready to lead sessions to the rest of the school from next week.

Walk to school week

Posted on Tuesday 14 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

To celebrate Walk to School week, next week, we’re working with Moortown Living Streets to run a fun daily quiz to help get more feet on the street! It is also our Money Matters themed week so what a better way to travel to school for free!

We all know that reducing school gate traffic improves air quality and safety and by walking some or all of the way families benefit from a healthier and more pleasant start to the day.

During Walk to School Week, Living Streets Moortown will be hiding ten words along the routes to school.  See your child’s entry form for more details.

Find them each day to fill in the blanks and complete the story – remember to take a pen or pencil! There are also some daily ACTIONS for you to try – see if you can do them all!

At the end of Walk to School Week, your child should hand their completed story in to their class teacher for a chance to WIN one of four £10 Love to Shop vouchers!

Great news for Leeds

Posted on Sunday 12 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

This article is great news for the city enabling children to develop healthy lifestyle choices.

Leeds has become the first city in the UK to report a drop in childhood obesity bucking the national trend. The national child measurement programme (NCMP), which requires all children to be weighed at the start and end of primary school saw a decrease in obesity levels in both reception children and children in year 6.



Posted on Saturday 11 May 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Well, what a great few days we’ve had!

Taking Year 4 on their residential was an absolute pleasure. All the children made the most of this opportunity and it was great to see them pushing themselves beyond their own ‘comfort zones.’

The main objectives of this visit were to develop teamwork and independence. The children most certainly achieved these! It was lovely to witness the support they offered to each other and their teamwork skills were outstanding. The class followed instructions, used super manners and were very respectful to their environment and all the adults alike.  Herd Farm staff commented on the positive attitudes and determination shown by the children throughout their stay.

On behalf of all the Moortown staff that attended our visit, thank you Year 4 for making this a trip to remember. We had lots of laughs and you were all a credit to yourselves, your families and, of course, our school!

Well done Year 4!

Many thanks to all the staff that made our visit possible and more importantly ‘entertaining!’

Mrs Freeman, Mrs Weekes, Mrs Charlesworth, Mrs Pearson, Mr Wilks and Mr Owen.

Below, are some photos for your to enjoy with your children. Next week, we will be doing some feedback, about Herd Farm, and this will be added to our class news page.

After-school club availability

Posted on Thursday 09 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Our summer term after-school clubs have started this week but it’s not too late to sign up as we do have a few spaces still available.

Monday cricket Years 3-6

Tuesday skipping Years 1-4

Wednesday Gymnastics (Leeds Gymnastics Club) All years

Thursday multi games Years 3-6

Please contact the office to book for these clubs.


Mini Mermaids running club

Posted on Wednesday 08 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Mini Mermaids running club are starting a new block of sessions, open to girls, from 7th June. The sessions build up to a 5km challenge at Roundhay parkrun on Saturday 20th July at 9am.

16:45 – 17:45
The Highwood Building
Brackenwood Drive
The cost of the programme is £40 (or £6 per session if you pay weekly).

For details of how to sign up, click on the booking page here.

Living and Learning: School charity fundraising

Posted on Wednesday 08 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Our Money Matters themed week starts on 20 May.

During the week, there will be two opportunities to raise money for our current school charity, WWF (selected democratically by our school councillors).

Hot Shots Monday 20 May 2019

Every child will get chance to take part in this fun event to ‘kick’ off our Money Matters themed week. Children are encouraged to raise sponsorship money for taking part in the event with the money raised going to our school charity WWF.

Money trail 24 May 2019

Start saving your 1p and 2p coins to bring into class during the themed week. At the end of the week each class will use their class’s coins to make a whole school money trail in the playground.

Here’s our trail from last time where we raised £117.77.  Can we beat this total?

Here’s some ways the money we raise might be used by WWF.

Living and Learning: Relationships education parent/carers information session

Posted on Wednesday 08 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

We will be holding two parent/carer information sessions on Monday 20 May at 2:30pm and 5:30pm.  The sessions, open to parents/carers from all year groups, will give more information about the following.

If you are interested in attending, please complete and return the response slip on the letter being sent home to reserve a place.

If you are unable to attend but would like information from the session to be sent home with your child, please indicate this on the letter.