Pupil voice: School Council investing their library budget
- The Usborne Book of Fariytales and You Choose in Space by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart (suggested by Reception)
- Meg & Mog Collection by Helen Nicoll and Jan Pienkowski and Geronimo by David Walliams (Y1)
- Lego Star Wars Movie Collection (Y2)
- Dr Who Collection and Six Animal Adventures by Michael Morpurgo (Y3)
- Tracey Beaker Trilogy by Jacqueline Wilson and Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown by Jeff Kinney (Y4)
- The Parent Agency by David Baddiel and The Bolds Series by Julian Clary (Y5)
- Tin Tin by Herge and Secret Nightingale Series by Lucy Strange (Y6)
Living and Learning: Table Manners
Every half term, our Living and Learning statements begin with a manners focus and this time we are looking at table manners.
Year 4 discussed different scenarios and how we would show good table manners. Following this we read a poem related to our focus.
The Goops
by Gillette Burgess
The Goops they lick their fingers
And the Goops they lick their knives:
They spill their broth on the tablecloth
Oh, they lead disgusting lives!
The Goops they talk while eating,
And loud and fast they chew;
And that is why I’m glad that I
Am not a Goop, are you?
We discussed the language in the poem and compared ‘old fashioned‘ manners to (what are considered to be) ‘good table manners’ today.
The children completed a RIC activity about the poem.
Reading with R.I.C
R – Retrieve (Example: Find 3 different ways the Goops demonstrated bad table manners.)
I – Interpret (Example: What could ‘broth‘ be?)
C – Choice (Example: Why did the author choose to end the poem with a question?)
If you would like to know more about RIC reading, see the link below.
Open wide!
Earlier in the week, Year 4 started their new topic all about teeth.
For the next 3 weeks the children will learn that humans have 2 sets of teeth, and that teeth can be classified into different groups. We will study the locations and various functions of the incisors, canines and molars.
To begin with, we discussed what our bodies need to stay healthy. The children looked closely at ‘The Eatwell Plate‘ and we compared the sizes of the different sections.
Following this, Year 4 were given mirrors to examine their own teeth.
My teeth are all different sizes.
Why are some teeth pointy?
How do your teeth stay strong?
I think my teeth look very healthy.
Next, using an angled dental mirror, the class examined each others teeth. This was carried out hygienically by cleaning the mirrors and not using the same one on more than one person.
Wow! I can see right to the back.
The back teeth are a different shape to the front ones.
Do different teeth have different jobs?
What does our tongue do?
Finally, to finish off our examinations, we enjoyed a little role play.

Living and Learning: Healthy Minds
- 15 April I use good table manners. Think about good table manners at home – not pointing our cutlery at someone or speaking with food in our mouths, for example.
- 22 April I recognise emotions in myself and others. Recognising emotions is an important first step in helping us manage our emotions. For example, it’s ok to feel angry, as long as we try to manage it in a way that doesn’t negatively affect other people. It’s great to feel proud as long as it doesn’t lead to showing off. Being aware of different emotions – both positive and negative – is an important basis for good mental health.
- 29 April I recognise mental health is important. Increasingly, we hear about the importance of mental health. Talk at home about different ways to help mental health. This might include restricting screen time, getting enough sleep, and taking time – even just five minutes – as a family to relax and recuperate after a busy day.
- 07 May I can describe and use ways to calm down. We all get worked up from time to time – how do different people calm down? We’ll explore different strategies to calm down, and encourage our children to adopt one or two of these. These may be some of the mindfulness techniques children have been taught or counting to ten, going for a walk, getting a glass of water – discuss what works for you and your child?
- 13 May I recognise the importance of money. In the final week of the half term, we have the second themed week of the year: a money-related week. This Living and Learning statement helps to introduce the week.
- 20 May I make choices about my money. Linked to the Money Matters themed week, we’ll explore different choices: to spend or to save, for example.
The topic of mental health can be introduced to children through this text.
Living and Learning: First News – body image
What is body image?
Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin, colour and our appearance.
During our Living and Learning session this week, Year 4 discussed connections between advertising and body image.
We thought about how advertising can be creative and filled with ideas that come alive with drama, excitement and humour. However, this commercial messaging can have a negative impact on how we see ourselves.
Should we compare ourselves to what we see in advertisements?
No because we are all different.
No one looks the same.
It is important that pupils are media literate to help them to better understand advertising and its influences on sensitive subjects such as body image
Each week, the latest edition of the ‘First News’ newspaper is enjoyed by lots of classes across school. This child friendly paper is a great resource for exploring UK and international news stories.
The paper covers politics to entertainment, sports to science and everything in between. Year 4 regularly enjoy reading the latest stories. This valuable resource provides the children with an accessible way to understand the world. It enriches their wordly knowledge, encourages curiosity and builds confidence in sharing ideas and opinions.
This week , Year 4 shared an article that linked well to out Living and Learning focus: body image.
A young girl from Norfolk, featured in a stunning photo exhibition about a rare skin condition.
She said: “I know I look different to other children but my birthmark has never really bothered me, it’s just a small part of who I am.
The photo series, called, How Do You C Me Now?, promotes the message ‘love the skin you’re in’ and is a celebration of difference. The children had discussions with each other about this story. Following that, we all shared our thoughts together.
She has a beautiful face.
It doesn’t matter what you look like. It is ‘what’s inside’ that is important.
We shouldn’t make judgements.
We then discussed possible reasons for the girl in the picture to want to take part in an exibition.
To show people that body image shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of.
She is brave and wants to celebrate differences.
Maybe she has been bullied about the way she looks.
The girl isn’t worried about how she looks. More people should be aware.
She may have to deal with negative comments from strangers or children at school.
She isn’t embarrassed about looking different. She wants to celebrate it.
Well done to all!
A huge well done to all the children for their recent production ‘Fee Fi Fo Fum.’
We have had many compliments regarding the performance.
The children’s production last night was fantastic, I laughed so hard. I cannot believe how they knew all those songs by heart, just goes to show they are like sponges at that age!
This was possibly the best show I have seen at Moortown.
We loved the jokes.
All the cast looked like their were having such a great time!
Songs were fantastic.
Many thanks for helping us out with the costumes and well done to the staff for sorting all the props.
Big Pedal
Thank you to all families who have taken part in the Big Pedal this week by making an active journey to school – the weather has certainly helped.
In some pupil interviews this week, one of the unsafe places around school that was quoted by a child was, ‘outside the school gates if there are lots of cars stopping’. Travelling actively not only supports our physical and mental health but keeps cars away from outside school making our pupils and families safer on their journey to school.
It’s the final day of the Big Pedal tomorrow so let’s hope we can keep our participation rate as high. After day 3, we are 83rd out of 500 schools taking part in the small primary school category.
How to get active locally
With the holidays coming up, here is a reminder of some local physical activities that you and your child might like to get involved with.
The comprehensive physical activity guide was produced to signpost parents and carers to help children achieve the governments recommended daily 30 minutes of physical activity outside of school.
Leeds Gymnastics Easter camps
Leeds Gymnastics, who run one of our after-school clubs, are holding gym camps during the upcoming holidays. Contact them direct to book places.
School meals – parent/carer feedback and pupil voice
The School Council have recently discussed an idea we received from a parent about our school meals. Currently, where there is a meal served with a side, such as curry and rice, the curry would be served on top of the rice. The suggestion was made to have the curry served alongside the rice giving the children the choice to mix the two parts of their main meal if they wish.
The School Council held a vote to decide this democratically. The result of the vote, nine votes to one, was to change to have the part of the meal served separately. This has been fed back to the Catering Leeds kitchen team and will start immediately.
Thank you for your comments of how we can improve or make changes to our current meals.