Year 4 Class News

This is Year 4 Class News

School Savings Club paying in dates

Posted on Wednesday 13 March 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Please note a change of day for the remaining School Savings Club paying in dates.

If your child has a School Savings Club account, we hold paying in sessions on the penultimate week of every half term.

Thursday 18 October 2018 3.15-3.45pm

Thursday 13 December 2018 3.15-3.45pm

Thursday 07 February 2019 3.15-3.45pm

Wednesday 20 March 2019 3.15-3.45pm

Wednesday 15 May 2019 3.15-3.45pm

Wednesday 10 July 2019 3.15-3.45pm

If you are unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be paid in, to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.

If you would like your child to open an account, please enquire at the office.  Pupils in Year 3 can still take advantage of the £10 incentive offer.


Posted on Tuesday 12 March 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Rehearsals for our upcoming production, are now in full swing! This week, we’ll send home costume suggestions for some of the characters. We’d be very grateful for any help in getting these together. Please let us know if you are unable to provide items and we will try to sort this.

Many thanks in advance.Image result for jack and the beanstalk

Living and Learning – body image guide for parents and carers

Posted on Sunday 10 March 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Our focus in Living and Learning, for the rest of this half term, is body image.

What is body image?

Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin colour, and our appearance and attractiveness more broadly.

This parent and carer guide has been designed to give practical ideas to support your child in building their emotional resilience in this area.

Great competitors

Posted on Sunday 10 March 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to pupils who have represented school recently in sporting competitions.

Congratulations to our Year 3 qualifier in the West Yorkshire cross country final.  She ran a fantastic race at the event at Temple Newsam.

In wet conditions last Friday, our Year 5/6 hockey team competed in the Leeds Quick Sticks competition.  Well done to all the children involved.

Thank you to parents and carers who supported these events by transporting the children.

Why is travelling actively to school important?

Posted on Sunday 10 March 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Sustrans have recently published this article about the importance of travelling actively to school.

With just two weeks to go, Sustrans Big Pedal, is one way we will be encouraging active journeys this term alongside our year round Living Streets WOW sustainable travel initiative where the children record how they travel to school on our daily travel tracker.

Sustrans Big Pedal is the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge, that inspires pupils, staff and parents to choose two (or three) wheels for their journey to school.  We would love everyone to be involved.  For the first time, walking (and park and stride) will be counted alongside cycling and scooting.  

This year’s Big Pedal will run for five days, from 25th March to 29th March.

You might also be interested in a current bike promotion from our local Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative branch.


The story so far…………….

Posted on Friday 08 March 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Last week, for their homework,  the children were asked to present a summary of our class novel so far.  Today, we celebrated each other’s work and made comments in their books. Below are just a few examples of some of the fantastic creations.

“I made an elephant mask. He is one of the main characters.” Will
“This is Mount Merapi.” Jasraj
“”Turkish Delight is Hamlet’s favourite food.” Harris
“This is a profile of Lila (the main character) and I also explained the story so far.” Daisy
“My homework represents my favourite part of the story so far.” Emma
“This is a flip up piece of work all about Lila’s characteristics.” Phoebe

We all miss you!

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Mrs Freeman

As some of you are already aware, we have been without a member of our class for most of this school year. This has been due to illness that has required lengthy hospital stays, treatments and many different medications. Despite all of this, our much missed friend has remained positive and determined to overcome her illness. We are pleased to report that progress is great and we are looking forward to welcoming our classmate back soon.

Today a small group of children walked down to pay a visit and showcase their World Book Day costumes. Due to the risk of infection, the children just had a quick wave through the window.


Posted on Saturday 02 March 2019 by Mrs Freeman

This week, we have been focusing on the correct use of apostrophes.

The children need to be able to use this punctuation mark within their writing accurately.  In English, we use apostrophes in two ways, to show possession and to show contraction (or omission).

Apostrophes are used to tell us that something belongs to someone.

For example, if you were talking about a football belonging to Ben, you would say ‘Ben’s football’.

There is only one of Ben, so this is called singular possession.

In Year 4, children move onto using apostrophes to show plural possession.

If there are two or more people owning something, an apostrophe is needed to show plural possession. In this case the apostrophe goes after the plural owners, so if a group of girls each own a hat and you want to talk about all these hats, you would say ‘the girls’ hats’.

Apostrophes to show contraction or omission
If we put two words together and miss out some letters, we need to add an apostrophe where the missing letters are. For example: ‘do not’ would change to ‘don’t’, the contracted form.

During our lesson, the children attempted an apostrophe puzzle.  Communication was a necessary skill required to master this tricky, hexagonal jigsaw. Well done everyone!

Quiz your child on the sentences below. Where does the apostrophe need to go? Can they explain why?

Group or singular possession?

This is Janes cat.

The man stole the ladies handbags.

The womens meeting began at eight.

The little ducks feathers were very soft.

The cars wheels had fallen off.

Marks hair was wet.

Class Fours classroom was very tidy.








Posted on Friday 01 March 2019 by Mrs Freeman

Every Tuesday afternoon, the Year 4 classroom is filled with sharp, bright, crisp and lively sounds that resonate all around school. As part of our music lessons, the children have been learning to play the ukulele.

The ukulele is a four-stringed musical instrument made from wood that resembles a small classical guitar. It produces a characteristic sound that immediately takes us to tropical environments. The class have been working with determination to  master the various techniques  needed in order to confidently play a tune – or two!

The tutor has taught the children all about the seven basic major and minor ukulele chords – A(m), B(m), C(m), D(m), E(m), F(m), G(m) – and  how they can be played using between one and four fingers.

Active Blasts

Posted on Friday 01 March 2019 by Mrs Freeman

In Year 4, we are starting to incorporate more physical activity into our day by taking part in some ‘active blasts.’

The science behind active learning is that activity promotes better learning and behaviour, whilst improving physical health and mental well-being.  Just 20 minutes of exercise increases brain processes and enhances cognitive control for up to 1 hour. Active children develop strong self-esteem and become happier learners.

Our session today was a muscle based activity incorporating a chair. We began with a shoulder squeeze, followed by some bicep curls, shoulder presses, elbow squeezes, seated abs curls, spine twists, standing up and sitting down slowly and controlled, standing up hamstring curls, calve raises and  side leg lifts. After each exercise, we had a twenty second rest period.

Question your child about this new regime. Do they enjoy it? Does it help them to concentrate for longer? How do they feel afterwards? Which has been their favourite ‘active blast’ so far?