Year 4 Class News

This is Year 4 Class News

Moortown Park consultation

Posted on Wednesday 21 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to those parents and carers who came to view the proposed plans for Moortown Park.

As part of the pupil consultation, Helen Forman, Senior Design Officer at Leeds City Council, met with our School Council and spoke to all children in a whole school assembly.  She commented the children had lots of intelligent questions and comments.

The feedback will be considered and they feel hopeful to incorporate the changes that were suggested including the monkey bars that quite a few children asked for.

The equipment will be ordered soon, ready for installation at the play park so thank you for your input.

School Savings Club

Posted on Sunday 18 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

The next School Saving Club paying in date is Thursday 22 March 2018 at 3.15-3.45pm.

If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.

The paying in dates are the penultimate Thursday of each half term and for the summer term, these dates are Thursday 17 May and Thursday 12 July at 3.15-3.45pm.

Finally, if your child would like to open account, please ask at the office.

A burst of colour

Posted on Saturday 17 March 2018 by Mrs Freeman

This week, we’ve witnessed our amaryllis bulbs come into flower. The deep claret coloured petal, look healthy and indeed full of beauty.
Can beauty be in a plant?
Our observations over time have been well worth it and now it’s great to see the plants flourish and flower.
Next week, we’ll complete our evaluations following this observation over time.
Well done to all the Year 4 plant monitors who have nurtured, watered, measured, turned, observed and noted down information on  daily recording sheets.


Posted on Saturday 17 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Recently, some Year 4 and 6 pupils took part in the Leeds Primary School Games Orienteering Competition at Nunroyd Park.

Despite a pretty muddy course, our Year 6 team completed the course in 33:26, finishing in 2nd place, just one minute behind the first placed team.  A great team effort and they have now qualified for the West Yorkshire finals.

Our Year 4 team show great resilience and perseverance to finish the course and should feel very proud of their success in the first event of this kind.

Thank you to those parents who helped with transport to make this event possible.

West Yorkshire Cross Country Championship

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This week, Grace, one of our Year 6 pupils, took part in the West Yorkshire Cross Country Championships, competing against pupils from Calderdale, Bradford, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield.

Grace qualified for the finals by coming 14th in the Leeds championships.

She faced the finest runners in the county and out of a field of nearly 150 runners, Grace came a fantastic 32nd place – the 12th Leeds finisher.

Well done to Grace on her great performance!


Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Mrs Freeman

With an upcoming skipping competition in a few months, Year 4 have been continuing practising for this event. Today, it was very evident, from the amount of progress, that lots of children have been skipping at home too – well done!

Moortown play park consultation

Posted on Thursday 15 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

  • Would you like to find out more about the proposed play park on the land at the rear of school?
  • Would you like to comment on the proposed play equipment suggested in the design?
  • Maybe you’ve seen equipment in other parks that you’d like to recommend.

Helen Forman, a design officer from Leeds City Council, will be visiting school tomorrow to consult with our School Council.  After that, all children will have chance to see the proposals in an assembly.  Helen is keen to hear their views as the future users!

From 3pm, there will be chance for parents and carers to see and comment on the proposed designs.

We hope to see you there.



Living and Learning- body image

Posted on Thursday 15 March 2018 by Mrs Freeman

Body image is the focus of this half term’s Living and Learning lessons.

Boys’ Biggest Conversation

Today, we began our sessions by reading a newspaper report encouraging boys to talk about body image and the effect that it can have on thier mental health and well being.

There is growing evidence that boys do care deeply about how they look, and it can be something that makes them feel bad about themselves.

As a class, we discussed factors that may influence how a person feels about their body. Advertisements, media,  wanting to ‘fit in’, peer pressure, inclusion and popularity were just some ideas we came up with.

The children were very mature throughout this lesson and asked some interesting questions.

We thought about the parts of our bodies that we couldn’t change and why some people feel they need to alter thier image.

What’s the same and what is different about these two children?
Is it ok to be different?

Seven tips for improving your body image. Embrace diversity, be positive, appreciate yourself, set a new attitude,  be kind to others,  be smart about media and GET HELP if you need it!

Image result for being yourself

Girls golf rocks

Posted on Tuesday 13 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Girls Golf Rocks is a partnership project aimed at addressing the disparity between girls’ and boys’ participation in golf.

The county-wide recruitment drive targets girls aged 5-18 years of age, providing the opportunity for them to access free taster sessions, followed by a five week coaching, Par 3 event & a 7 iron golf club – all for £14.

There are eight centres across Yorkshire running the programme, delivering girls only sessions with an emphasis placed on fun, social and friendship aspects of golf rather than just the coaching and playing side of the game.

Homework – What I like about reading!

Posted on Saturday 10 March 2018 by Mrs Freeman

Once again, some super, creative homework this week. The children were asked to think about what they like about reading.

A bar chart to show the popularity of certain books along with questions.
A comic strip
Inspired by The Tree House series.
Homemade leaflet
Using money

In September, we noticed that some children were reluctant to read. To encourage more love of reading, we regularly update our reading area, ensuring that we have a variety of texts and an inviting area in which to relax and read. Aside from the sheer joy of exercising the imagination, research shows reading for pleasure improves literacy, social skills, health and learning outcomes.

The children are encouraged each week to bring something to read from home. This doesn’t have to just be a book. It could be reading material such as:

  • newspapers
  • leaflets
  • maps
  • instructions
  • top trumps cards
  • comics
  • wordsearches
  • recipies
  • stories written by themselves
  • letters
  • biographies
  • poems
  • and, of course, non-fiction and fiction books

Over the year, so far, we’ve noticed a much improved enthusiasm for reading.

Keep it up, Year 4!