Our Living and Learning theme this half-term is Identity. Pupils will learn about their rights and responsibilities, what makes themselves and others special, valuing the similarities and differences between themselves and others and what is meant by community. This will be taught through our Living and Learning sessions and also two focused weeks – Anti-bullying week (13 November) and Who do you think you are? (20 November).
Our full Living and Learning long term plan is now available on the health pages and you can keep up to date with our weekly Living and Learning statements on the parent noticeboard in the playground and also on the school calendar.
Our new school council
Congratulations to our new school councillors!
We had a record number of candidates this year and there were some very close votes but here are our winning candidates.
Their first meeting will be on Wednesday 08 November.
Well done to all children who prepared a speech. We hope they don’t feel too despondent and are resilient to have another go next time.
Final school council project
Back in July, our Year 5 and 6 school councillors attended the Leeds Youth Voice event at Leeds Civic Hall. They were very keen to share their experience back in school with the school council and also in a whole school assembly. The one idea they wanted to implement back at school was to have a friendship stop.
With the support of the rest of the school council, this is now in place!
This was a great project for the school council to work on as they came to the end of their time as school councillors. Representatives spoke to the whole school in assembly to explain how the friendship stop works.
Ask your child if they have seen the new sign and what they would do if they saw someone at the friendship stop.
Here is a note from Grace who was one of the school councillors that wanted to make this happen.
The friendship bus stop, which is new to our school, is a great chance to make new friends. It encourages people of all age groups to make sure that everyone has someone to play with. The bus stop is located above the bench closest to the entrance to the middle playground. We hope that this idea goes well and that every child uses this correctly. Your child should definitely know what the friendship stop is and how to use it in the right way because it has been discussed during our Friday assembly.
An apple a day…
…keeps the doctor away!
This week, Mrs Pearson had an abundance of apples falling from her tree in the garden. Rather than waste this delicious, fresh fruit, we decided to put it to good use.

The children set to work washing, peeling and slicing the apples. It was lovely to see great team work. Reading the recipe as they worked, Year 4 were able to measure and weigh ingredients accurately.
After everything was put into the mixture and the pastry rolled and filled, it was time to put our creations into the oven.
Spicy aromas filled the air and after just fifteen minutes our apple turnovers were ready! Delicious
The children really enjoyed their own mini ‘Bake Off’.
Exciting Explorations
Today, we visited The Forbidden Corner in the Yorkshire Dales. Around the gardens, we discovered a unique labyrinth of tunnels, chambers, follies and surprises. A great place to explore!
We had to work our way through the temple of the underworld, the eye of the needle, a huge pyramid made of translucent glass, paths and passages that lead nowhere, steep spiral staircases and narrow corridors. Around each corner, we found extraordinary statues. At every turn, there were decisions to make and tricks to avoid. This was a day out with a difference that challenged and delighted the adults and children alike.
Year 4 were an absolute pleasure to take out for the day and thoroughly enjoyed their day of exploration.
Take a look at a few snapshots from our adventures.
School Council elections
Our School Council elections will take place tomorrow, Thursday, 19 October. All children have the opportunity to vote at our polling station using the following instructions.
Before voting, please read the following:
- Vote once for one person.
- Place one X only on this ballot paper beside the name of the candidate you have chosen.
- Do not write or mark anything else on the ballot paper; if you do, your paper will be invalid and your vote will not be counted.
- When you have marked the ballot paper, fold the paper and place it in the box provided.
Votes will be counted tomorrow and our new School Council will be announced at the end of the day. This will be made up of two children from each class with the highest number of votes.
Good luck to all our candidates.
City of Leeds basketball
City of Leeds basketball club recently led a PE session for Year 5 and delivered our basketball after-school club in the summer term.
Here are details of their sessions available locally.
There is also a new girls-only session at Allerton High School on Monday evenings, 6pm – 7.30pm, ages 7 – 14 years. The first two sessions are free and then it is £5 pay to play.
Bonfire themed menu
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Friday 03 November. Please contact the office, before Wednesday 18 October, if your child would like a school dinner on this day.
- Posh dogs in finger rolls or Vegetarian meatballs in finger rolls
- Curly fries
- BBQ baked beans
- Rocket lolly
- Fresh fruit and yogurt
Golden sand glistened in the sunlight, while waves gently danced upon the shore. High in the sky, seabirds drift on a warm, salty breeze.
Sounds perfect – doesn’t it?
All is not as it seems!
Seating beneath a towering, palm tree, Mr Owen wonders how on earth he is ever going to get off this solitary, desert island.
Bright and bold, the piercing fire ball blazes down on his sore, aching back. It blinds him, making him feel weak and weary. As the marooned, skeletal man clambers to his feet, a familiar scent of the salty sea catches his nose, reminding him of home. The endless fish and chip suppers he would enjoy with his treasured family, just a memory away.
Surrounded by water but not a drop to drink, Mr Owen decided to take action. He HAD to escape this unforgiving paradise!
Year 4 to the rescue!
Your task is to build a raft that is stable, secure and can float. You must ensure you choose your natural materials carefully and use your expertise to bind the sections together. Not only that, you will need to ensure that your raft will float. Test it when complete and use five marbles as cargo.
Time is running out! You HAVE to rescue Mr Owen!
After planning a raft, Year 4 selected their materials and set to work.
The children were able to secure their models using techniques such as winding, weaving, knotting and sealing.

Next, it was time to see whether the rafts would float and be able to take a certain weight. To make this a fair test we all used five marbles. We checked for balance, floating and sinking. It was a very windy day yesterday, which meant that we could also test the sails on the rafts. Mr Owen may encounter a storm or two on his journey home.

Mr Owen is homeward bound!
School council elections
Our school council elections will take place next Thursday 19 October.
In an assembly this week, our current school councillors told us what characteristics are needed to be an effective school councillor.
These included:
- use all the 8 Rs for learning
- be respectful
- help others
- be a good speaker and listener (to members of your class and in the meetings)
- tell the truth
- be confident with your ideas
- accept the views of others even if you don’t agree
- be friendly and approachable
- make good choices in class and around school
Watch out for the whole school homework this week all about the election and democracy.