Year 4 Class News

This is Year 4 Class News

Our new SEAL theme – Getting On

Posted on Saturday 18 February 2017 by Mrs Taylor

For this half term, our SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) theme Getting On covers four main aspects:

  • developing the social skills of friendship
  • working well together in a group
  • managing anger
  • resolving conflict

A key resource for children to refer to during this theme, and at other times, is Peaceful Problem Solving.  This encourages children to sort out their own problems.  You may wish to talk through this with your child(ren).


When group work takes place in school, some questions for children to consider are:

  • Did everyone take turns?
  • Did everyone listen to what other people thought?
  • Did each person have chance to tell the group what they thought?
  • If people had different ideas could the group reach a compromise?

The key areas of learning throughout this theme are empathy, managing feelings and social skills.

We start our weekly SEAL statements with a focus on manners, I don’t interrupt (with my mouth or with my hand).

Meet our new School Council

Posted on Friday 17 February 2017 by Mrs Taylor

Congratulations to our new school councillors who were elected by their class in our whole school elections.  Their first meeting will be held after half term.



Healthy muffins

Posted on Saturday 11 February 2017 by Mrs Freeman

During the week, Year 4 have enjoyed a bit of baking. The children used skills such as chopping, grating, mixing, measuring and peeling. To make our muffins healthy lunchbox snacks, we added carrot, apple and cinnamon. Lots of fun was had by all and there were no arguments as to who was doing the washing up!

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Tag rugby at Allerton Grange

Posted on Wednesday 08 February 2017 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our PE links with Allerton Grange, Year 4 children have been invited to take part in some after-school tag rugby training leading to a local school’s competition.

If you haven’t already returned the permission form, please hand it in at the office or ask for another copy if needed.



School Council election

Posted on Wednesday 08 February 2017 by Mrs Taylor

In an assembly this week, our current school councillors told us what characteristics are needed to be an effective school councillor. These included being responsive, fair, confident, resilient, a good listener, have good suggestions and accept the views of others.

Following in-class election speeches this week, our School Council elections will take place tomorrow, Thursday, 09 February. All children have the opportunity to vote at our polling station using the following instructions.


Before voting, please read the following:

  • Vote once for one person.
  • Place one X only on this ballot paper beside the name of the candidate you have chosen.
  • Do not write or mark anything else on the ballot paper; if you do, your paper will be invalid and your vote will not be counted.
  • When you have marked the ballot paper, fold the paper and place it in the box provided.


Votes will be counted tomorrow and our new School Council will be announced at the end of the day. This will be made up of two children from each class with the highest number of votes.

Good luck to all our candidates.

Viking homework

Posted on Saturday 04 February 2017 by Mrs Freeman

Year 4 has been invaded!

Following a creative homework, I can research the Vikings, the children have once again shown that they can come up with some fabulous ideas. From life-like longboats to quizzical quizzes, Year 4 have shown they have the lot! We even had a Viking tune played by one of the children. Here are just some of the examples which are on display in the classroom:IMG_0803IMG_0802IMG_0804 IMG_0805IMG_0806IMG_0807IMG_0808

Upcoming elections

Posted on Sunday 29 January 2017 by Mrs Taylor

Our current school councillors recently held their final meeting as we prepare to elect our new School Council.

This year’s election date is Thursday 09 February.

Children from every class, including Reception, are encouraged to prepare a speech to present to their class as part of the election process.  Our whole school homework before the election date (03 February) will give children the chance to plan their speech.

Thank you to our existing school council who have been involved with many decisions and discussions throughout the year.

They are welcome to stand again at the elections.

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Reading for pleasure

Posted on Sunday 29 January 2017 by Mrs Freeman

In Year 4 we are promoting reading for pleasure. The children are given the opportunity to bring in books from home for themselves and others to enjoy.

In the classroom we have a wide variety of reading materials for the children to enjoy, such as newspapers, comics, atlases, dictionaries, thesauruses, historical, geographical, scientific, religious and many more.

The calm, relaxing atmosphere during these sessions shows that the children are engaging in reading and enjoying the variety of texts.

Group reading with an adult also happens during this time. Each group read and are questioned by the adult. Target pages are set weekly.

Here are a few snapshots of one of our sessions.IMG_0799Even reading in a Tardis!





Spring/Summer term menu

Posted on Sunday 29 January 2017 by Mrs Taylor

The new school dinner menu, from our school meals provider, Catering Leeds, will be introduced after half term and this will continue for the rest of the school year.

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As well as on our website, the three week cyclical menu is also displayed on our dining room window for you to discuss with your child/children. Have a look for the weeks ahead to make your child aware of what the daily meals are.  If you would like a printed copy, please ask at the office.

School meals continue to be free for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. If your child is in Key Stage 2, please check for eligibility for free school meals. (It’s important to check for eligibility for younger children, too, because school receives additional funding for each child who is eligible for a free meal, even when they’re free in Reception and Year 1 and Year 2!)

If your child would like to start having school dinners, please inform the office. A combination of packed lunches and school dinners is also available.

Children are consulted on school meals through our regular School Council meetings.  Feedback may also be given by speaking to an adult in school or completing a suggestions/comments slip and posting it in their class SEAL box.

Thank you to parents who also raise questions and give feedback.  We can then ensure this is passed on to the kitchen staff.


Champion chariots

Posted on Thursday 26 January 2017 by Mrs Freeman

IMG_0787As we move through the different periods of time in our topic work, this week has seen us pay a visit to the Romans. Roman transport was our focus, especially chariots.

After designing, planning and resourcing, work began on making our very own chariots. Skills included measuring and sawing an axel to the correct size, adding wheels, shaping the front of the chariot and finally attaching it all.

Take a look at us in action.

The finished chariots look great!

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