Year 4 Class News

This is Year 4 Class News

Rocket seeds

Posted on Friday 06 May 2016 by Mr Roundtree

A quick update on our rocket seeds…

They’re growing! We’ve been watering them and turning them each day so that they all receive the same amount of sunlight.

We can’t see any difference between the red and the blue yet but there is a noticeable difference according to which windowsill they’re on. We’ve concluded that one of the windowsills doesn’t receive as much sunlight as the others because those seeds are growing at a much slower rate.

Today, we’ll be calculating the percentage of seeds that have grown in each seed tray and noting it on our record sheet.


Posted on Thursday 05 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

To launch our Money Matters themed week, on 23 May, we will hold a Hotshots fundraising event, led by TSC sports and dance coaching limited, to raise money for our two school charities: Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Mind.  During the day, each class will be able to take part in the Hotshots event, with every child having three chances to score a goal and their fastest time recorded.  All children will receive a certificate with their fastest shot and medals will be awarded for the fastest boy and girl in each class.  Sponsor forms will be sent home and children are encouraged to raise money for this event.  These should be returned, with any money raised, on the day.

hotshotshotshots sponsor form

Money Matters

Posted on Thursday 05 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Our next whole school themed week Money Matters, based around money and financial education, will be taking place from Monday 23 May 2016.  A variety of events and visitors are planned to help us deliver this key aspect of education.

During the week, we will look at questions including:

  • What is money?
  • Where does money come from?
  • How do we spend money?
  • How do we manage money?

If your job involves an aspect of finance and/or money and you can support our themed week by coming into school, please contact the office.

pound sign

Moortown PE kit

Posted on Thursday 21 April 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Has your child recently taken part in a sporting event wearing one of our Moortown polo tops?

If so, please could you ensure it is returned to the office asap to ensure we have all tops available for our next sporting events.

polo shirt

Rocket seeds

Posted on Wednesday 20 April 2016 by Mr Roundtree

You may have seen on Newsround recently that many schools have received some seeds from outer space; we are one of those schools! Today, Year 5 were set the very important challenge of planting our schools ‘red’ and ‘blue’ seeds.

Each school has received two sets of seeds (red and blue); one lot is from space and the other are plain old Earth seeds. We don’t know which one is which but we’ve planted both and so begins our experiment to find out: will seeds grow if they’ve been cultivated in space?


This is a six week experiment through which we’re required to observe, record, measure and question – all essential scientific skills. Although Year 5 have planted them, children from across the school will be involved in looking after and monitoring them throughout the project. We’ll keep you updated as the seeds grow and let you know which ones we think are from space.

Which do you think?

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Free tennis

Posted on Saturday 16 April 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Tennis For Kids is a free 6-week coaching course packed full of action packed games and activities designed as the perfect introduction to tennis for kids aged 5-8.

Courses are available locally at Roundhay Park tennis courts and Alwoodley tennis club.


In addition, free family open days will be running locally, at David Lloyd and Roundhay Park, over the next few

KS2 Tuesday tuck shop

Posted on Saturday 16 April 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Our weekly fruit tuck shop returns on Tuesday 26 April.

As an incentive for selecting the pre-pay option, we continue to offer you one week free. Therefore, for the Summer term, the cost for one portion of fruit from 26 April to 12 July 2016 inclusive (11 weeks) is £2.00 (10 x 20p) and the cost for two portions is £4.00 (10 x 40p). Please note that if you choose to pay in advance, your payment is non-refundable and must be made in cash with the exact money.

If you prefer your child to continue paying in cash on a weekly basis, that’s fine – we’ll continue to operate this system.  Each portion costs 20p.

If you would like to pay in advance for your child to visit the tuck shop, please provide money to the office as soon as possible.

KS2 fruit tuck shop takes place every Tuesday morning playtime.


New SEAL theme

Posted on Sunday 03 April 2016 by Mrs Taylor

At Moortown Primary, we’re dedicated to the value of SEAL in promoting a happy and healthy place to learn.  However, we’re always thinking about other ways to meet our children’s needs and interests.  That’s one of the reasons we choose to sometimes break away from the national SEAL themes to do something different.

This half term, we’ll think about our rights and responsibilities and, importantly, that if we have rights, we also have responsibilities. Children will consider their rights and responsibilities at home, at school and in other places.  These may include:

Their right to eat food, their responsibility to eat healthily.

Their right to a good education, their responsibility to listen to the teacher.

Their right to use the internet, their responsibility to go on appropriate websites.

Each week this half-term, we’ll concentrate on a different area:

  • Week beginning 18 April: learning
  • Week beginning 25 April: playing
  • Week beginning 02 May: expressing an opinion
  • Week beginning 09 May: staying safe
  • Week beginning 16 May: being healthy 
  • Week beginning 23 May: general

Perhaps you can support your child’s learning by discussing and promoting rights and responsibilities at home, too.

Matheletics has changed…

Posted on Friday 01 April 2016 by Mr Roundtree

…to Spellodrome!

Two years ago, we entered into a three year contract for the whole school. We’ve incorporated Mathletics sessions into the weekly routine in school, and classes have sometimes been given Mathletics Practice Makes Perfect homework. Of course, we also hoped that you would encourage your child to log-in regularly at home, too.

As a school, we’ve been really happy with Matheletics. However, with one year left in our current contract, we thought it was time for a change. Spellodrome is created by the same people, so we’ve decided to swap to this for the final year.


Well, put simply, our children’s spellings need to be better. Despite being one of the top performing schools in the country in the phonics screening check which Year 1 children do (we received a letter from the Department of Education congratulating us for having 100% of children pass in 2015), our children’s spelling accuracy isn’t good enough.

We’re finding many children use their phonics knowledge to spell words which are phonetically readable, but not accurate. By this we mean, for example, Moortown might be Moretown, English might be Inglish, phonics might be fonicks. (I’ll include a couple of other examples below.) All these words can be read, but there are so many ways to make sounds in our language, and children are choosing the wrong ways (not weighs!).

Also, many children aren’t applying some common spelling rules which would really help – and which teachers practise a lot with their classes:

  • double up for a short vowel sound (think of the difference between hoping and hoppingable and apple; diner and dinner)
  • drop the ‘e’ for ‘ing’ (take becomes taking – no ‘e’; like becomes liking; accommodate becomes accommodating)
  • drop the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ (so try becomes tries; party becomes parties; quality becomes qualities)

So, for the next year at least, the whole school is using Spellodrome. Please, please make sure (not shoor!) your child is regularly logging in.

Also, and probably more importantly, they should be reading. Reading will help to familiarise children with correct spellings in the correct contexts – and has so many other benefits, too (studies have found that children who read fiction for pleasure have increased empathy and better mental health in years to come).

Netball after-school club

Posted on Wednesday 30 March 2016 by Mrs Taylor

High 5 netball club will move to a Tuesday evening after the Easter holiday for four more sessions, until our main Summer term after-school programme starts (week commencing 16 May).

Children who currently attend the club on a Thursday, and also any new members, are welcome to attend. Please return the permission slip sent home this week.

This continues to be a free club subsidised by part of our PE Premium.
