Guided Reading Week 2
Here are the target pages for this week’s guided reading. These need to be read by Friday 14th March.
Extra Time: up to chapter 18/page 80.
Flood and Fang: up to chapter 8/page 112.
Rooftoppers: up to chapter 8/page 73.
The Girl of Ink and Stars: up to chapter 11/page 96.
Kensuke’s Kingdom: up to chapter 4/page 45.
World Book Day!
Yesterday was World Book Day! World Book Day is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. Our day was filled with lots of opportunities to read and talk about books.
We started the day with a whole school World Book day assembly. We thought about what books we like to read and where we like to read. Help at home: talk about the best environment to read in. Where is a good place to read? Is it better to read on your own or with someone? What time is a good time to read?
We had a busy morning. It was jam-packed with loads of reading and enjoying books. Year 5 did some paired reading with Year 2. The children were absolutely fantastic. The Year 2 and Year 5 children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their books from home and reading to each other.
Help at home: Read everyday with your child.
West Yorkshire cross country final
We were very proud of our five Key Stage 2 children who took part in the West Yorkshire Cross Country Final at Temple Newsam today in the glorious sunshine.
In tough, competitive conditions, with the best runners from across West Yorkshire, they all put in 100% effort in their races and were a great support for each other. The children should feel proud of competing at this level. We even had a top 10 finisher out of 146 runners and our Year 3 girls team came 6th place our of 21 schools. What an amazing team effort!
Thank you to parents who helped with transport and supported at the event.
Living and Learning: Fire Safety
Year 5 had some firefighters come in to talk to us about fire safety. We discussed how to keep safe before and if there is an event of a fire:
- keep the doors closed for all rooms before you go to bed at night
- do not charge electrical devices overnight or on a soft surface
- keep your keys for the front door in a safe place between the bedroom and door (in case you need to leave quickly)
- turn electrical items off at the switch not just on standby
if there is a fire
- ring 999 and ask for the fire service
- if stuck in your room, shout for your adults or help from out the window
- do not jump out a window unless absolutely necessary
We were then able to go and take a look at the fire engine and even squirt some water from the hose!
Help at home: Discuss the safe route out of your house in case there is a fire. Check your smoke alarms regularly.
Leeds Rhinos healthy lifestyle assembly and ticket offer
This week, we welcomed Luke from Leeds Rhinos to deliver a healthy lifestyle assembly.
We thought about different aspects of keeping a healthy lifestyle including food and nutrition, sleep, exercise, hydration and hygiene.
Luke also spoke about the ticket offer available for families for one of the upcoming Leeds Rhinos home games.
As part of our partnership, and as a reward for all the great work that the children have been doing this year, Leeds Rhinos would like to offer children and their families an amazing opportunity to attend a match at AMT Headingley Stadium (LS6 3BR) at a special discounted schools rate.
Date – Saturday 22nd March 2025
Kick off – 5:30pm
Opposition – Wigan Warriors
Standing tickets can be booked now through the school via School Gateway. Please note that tickets will be on sale until 10am on Tuesday 18th March.
Guided Reading Week 1
Here are the target pages for this week’s guided reading. These need to be read by Friday 7th March.
Extra Time: up to chapter 5/page 20.
Flood and Fang: up to chapter 4/page 57.
Rooftoppers: up to chapter 4/page 28.
The Girl of Ink and Stars: up to chapter 6/page 45.
Kensuke’s Kingdom: up to chapter 2/page 17.
Guided Reading Information
Year 5 have been given their guided reading books.
The class have been divided into groups and each group has been given a book to read at home. This will last for this half term.
During our Book Club sessions each Friday, each group will discuss what they have read so far and share their reading record activities related to their book. This will be a fantastic opportunity for the children to explore characters and storylines more than they might do normally!
Every Friday during Book Club, each group will be given a new page to read to for the next Friday. This information will be posted every week on our class news.
What to remember:
- Your child has a book that they need to read every week (up to a chosen point marked with a post-it note).
- The reading record activity needs to be completed using their new book.
- A comment from a grown up needs to be written in their reading record.
- Group reading books and reading records need to be brought in every Friday.
Help at home: listen to your child read their new book and ask questions about the book to help prepare them for class discussions.
I look forward to hearing the children’s discussions next week!
North East Youth Summit 2025
Today, the Year 5 and 6 junior leaders visited the Leeds Civic Hall to attend the North East Youth Summit. It was a great day where the children had the opportunity to meet and hear from councillors, ask questions and give their say when thinking about things we would like to change and improve about our local area.
We suggested our ideas for activities that we would love to see in our locality. Here were our choices.
We were in a room with lots of other junior leaders from around our locality so it was great to meet them as well!
We discussed climate change in the official chambers where the MPs and Leeds’ Mayor meet to discuss their plans.
Maths: Division
In Maths this week, we have been looking at short division. We have been using the bus stop method to do this.
To start off we learnt how to divide with no exchanges.
We then moved on to learn how to divide 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number which contained exchanges.
The next step was 4-digit numbers with exchanges.
And the final one was 4-digit numbers divided by a 1-digit number, that not only had exchanges but also a remainder.
Help at home: Have a discussion with your child about the problem below.
PE: Rugby
This half term, our PE unit is rugby. We will be practising lots of different skills: catching, passing/throwing, evading a defender, tackling an attacker and kicking.
We learnt in our first lesson this week how to pass with accuracy. You need to see the target, pass and then point. The pointing helps to direct the ball towards the target more easily.
Help at home: What do you already know about rugby? Is there any specific words to help us with our learning?